I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 145: Lie in the mortuary, the hidden area of ​​the hospital!

"Good guy, my **** direct good guy, the safest place in the hospital is this place?"

"Uh, theoretically, it seems to be the case, because there are no living people here, isn't it very safe? Even if a child enters here, it is the safest!"

All the audience were dumbfounded after seeing the house Qin Hao entered!

Unexpectedly, the safest place this guy said was actually!

Morgue! ! !

"Hey! Don't say it, it's quite exciting here!"

Qin Hao felt the darkness and coldness of the morgue, even with his physical fitness, he shivered abruptly!

This kind of cold is not a cold on the bright side, but a gloomy cold!

"Everyone, whether today is a horror film or a film about investigating and catching criminals depends on everyone's performance!"

Qin Hao slightly bowed his hands to the large cabinets on all sides, showing respect.

After all, you are a living person, and you still have to respect some when you enter the world of the dead.

Some things, you can disbelieve, but not disrespect!

Immediately, Qin Hao wandered in the morgue. He carefully observed up and down, but found that there was no surveillance here.

In fact, a place similar to a mortuary, also called a mortuary, is a very special place. Some hospitals install surveillance cameras, while others do not.

No, everyone who understands understands, generally speaking, some things are taboo.

Obviously, this is the hospital.

"Zhang Yan!"

"Feng Xiao!"

Qin Hao glanced at the large cabinets. There was still a lot of space in the morgue, and the names of each corpse were written on the cabinets.

Soon, Qin Hao found a cabinet without a name, smiled slightly, and opened the cabinet.

In an instant, a gust of cold air hits my face, and the icy cold air is almost visible to the naked eye!

"Okay, viewers, today's live broadcast, there will be no escape from the live broadcast. It's meaningless to always run away, so let's take everyone to experience it, a day trip to the morgue!"

After speaking, Qin Hao closed the sliding door directly!

"Fog grass, fog grass!"

"Really closed?"

"My mother, this makes my scalp tingling! I heard that the door of this cabinet cannot be opened from the inside, only from the outside!"

"I just wanted to scold you, but after thinking about it carefully, uh...it's not wrong for you to say that, because people who lie in usually can't move!"

The audience watched Qin Hao really lie in and even closed the cabinet door, and their hearts were beating wildly!

Because, at least as far as they know, even a lot of grandstanders don't dare to play so big!

Inside Qin Hao's cabinet, it only feels very cool. Of course, this coolness will gradually become bitingly cold with the passage of time.

"No, I seem to have forgotten something!"

Qin Hao frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly it sounded, everyone has a name on the outside of each cabinet, should he have a name here too?

Thinking of this, he pushed a cabinet door, but found that it couldn't be opened at all!


Feeling the resistance from his hand, Qin Hao's expression changed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the whole body suddenly exerted force!


Inside the closet, there was a loud noise.

The next moment, the cabinet door slowly opened.

"What, it scared me to death!"

Qin Hao took a breath, if he really couldn't open it, even if he was powerful, he would definitely die inside.

Immediately, I found a book, wrote a name casually, and pasted it on the cabinet door, and then I lay down again with confidence.

"good night everybody!"


You are going to sleep forever!


On the other hand, the inspectors were dumbfounded!

"The search on the first floor is complete, no!"

"The search on the second floor has been completed, and there is none!"

"The third floor..."

The news was quickly passed on, and listening to the report from the walkie-talkie, Wang Bing and Chen Quanci frowned.

Liu Bochao followed behind them, and kept his head down, his eyes flickering.

"Qin Hao can't let you see it on the surface!"

At this moment, Liu Bochao suddenly raised his head and said.


As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their heads in unison.

"It's very simple, he has now exposed all four disguise masks, that is to say, he will never appear in front of him!"

Liu Bochao said with a dignified expression: "Therefore, everyone should think about the hidden corners of the hospital, or the places where it is easier to hide!"

When everyone heard it, they nodded secretly, it was true.

At least, Qin Hao can't appear in front of them, because this guy's disguise mask has been fully exposed!

"There are seventeen floors in total, have you searched for them all?"

Chen Quanci asked.

"The search has been completed, and no trace of Qin Hao has been found, as if it disappeared out of thin air!"

Wang Bing shook his head, his face a little ugly.

"Of course!"

Liu Bochao shrugged and continued, "Master, I wonder if you have any good advice?"

"Haha, you little guy, obviously you have already thought of it?"

In the walkie-talkie, Yun Tian's laughter came.

"However, since you asked that, let me tell you. If there is anything I didn't say, please add it!"


Liu Bochao smiled and nodded.

"Generally speaking, there are hidden places in hospitals, but there are actually many of them, and in many cases, even inspectors are not easy to enter in such places!"

Yun Tian's voice came slowly: "For example, the intensive care unit, the patients in this type of ward are relatively fragile and cannot be easily disturbed, so it is inconvenient for the inspectors to enter, in one, the emergency room, the operating room, these two are even more special places. !"

"Even if it is an inspector, if there is no search warrant, he can't enter at all, because it is a sterile area. But Qin Hao is a criminal, and now he is pretending to be a doctor, he can enter these places. Of course, we do not rule out He gave up his status as a doctor!"

"Besides, pipes, passages, hospital warehouses, these places can hide people!"

All the inspectors listened quietly, but the more they listened, the more shocked they became, because when you think about it, it's just a hospital, and there are so many places to hide people!

"There is one last place..."

Speaking of this, Yun Tian's tone suddenly became solemn.

"The morgue, which is the mortuary of the hospital, would be troublesome if it were hidden here. Because this hospital is the largest hospital in the city, there may be many corpses in the morgue..."

Numerous audits: "........"

"Boy, I'm done, I wonder if you have anything to add?"

After speaking, Yun Tian asked with a smile.

"No, the old man is the old man, amazing!"

Liu Bochao immediately gave a thumbs up to the monitor. He was not flattering, but really admired it!

Because even he can only think of so much!

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