I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 325: About to walk out of the mountain, the inspection team is tracking!

You must know that the fastest sprint speed of human beings so far is more than nine seconds, and he has now reached a terrifying time of three to four or five seconds!

You can imagine how big the gap is!

In fact, within ten seconds, every second is a huge moat, but Qin Hao has completely surpassed it inadvertently!

"Sure enough, with a system, you can do whatever you want!"

After a long while, Qin Hao gave a wry smile. He didn't feel so proud. After all, it was given by the system, not by his own training.

One is to hang up, the other is to gain from exercise, there is nothing comparable.

"However, if I turn on the suit thugs, it may be faster, then it's really a shadow!"

Qin Hao thought about it, the thugs in suits had all three-dimensional attributes increased by 60 points.

In addition to his own basic attributes, that is one hundred and ninety attributes!

It should be noted that normal human beings only have the attributes of around 60!

What kind of horror would that be? !

At least, as far as he is concerned, it is unimaginable, because at this point, every improvement is a huge gap!

The change is very obvious!

"As for intelligence, we don't need to improve for the time being. There's no need for it. With such a terrifying body, we need intelligence? That's just an insult, it's over!"

Qin Hao is very satisfied with his speed, coupled with his current strong physical fitness, at least there is no problem in maintaining that speed for about five minutes.

"Dabai Xiaobai, let's go!"

He sat on Da Bai's body again and ran away into the distance.

"Audience, if my calculations are correct, we should be back in the city tonight."

Qin Hao said with a smile: "I haven't been on a show for a long time. Do you feel lonely and cold? Don't worry, no accident, I'll show you some good shows tonight!"

"Fucao, you unconscionable, finally remembered?"

"Good guy, I almost forgot if Brother Hao didn't say it. My original intention of watching this show was to watch Miss Sister!"

"Interesting enough, I don't ask for anything else. It's not too much to get us two young ladies to sing for one night, right?"

The audience, who had just woken up in the early morning and were still a little confused, immediately became refreshed when they heard this!

Ye Qing is back!


And just two hours after Qin Hao left the place, a group of uninvited guests came here!

After chasing Wang Bing and others all night, dragging their tired bodies, they finally arrived late!

"Wang Wang Wang!"

As soon as they arrived, all the police dogs in the hands of the inspectors walked around uneasy and called out.

Seeing this scene, Wang Bing was suddenly shocked, and with a look, the inspector let go of his hand, and the police dog lay on the ground neatly, crawling forward, his nose twitched slightly, as if he was looking for something.

"Qin Hao is near here?"

Wang Bing's eyes narrowed, and his face suddenly became solemn.

To be able to make the police dogs react like this, it can only explain one situation, they have found Qin Hao!

In other words, Qin Hao once stayed here for a long time, or it was not too long since he left here!

Only in this way, the police dog will have such a big reaction!


Wang Bing thought for a while and said something in a deep voice.

Looking around with sharp eyes, basically you can see all places at a glance, whether it is on the tree or under the tree.

However, there is no Qin Hao figure!

Wang Bing frowned slightly and looked in the direction of the police dog.

I saw that they were surrounded by a big tree, barking at the top.

Looking up along the trees, Qin Hao was not found.

But he believed that the police dog would never bark for no reason, so he hurriedly glanced at the inspector beside him.

The inspector nodded and quickly climbed up the tree to examine it carefully.

"Team leader, there is obvious mud on this trunk, and the dust and leaves on the trunk are completely different from those on other trunks!"

After a long while, the sound of the inspector came, and I saw that he scratched the trunk lightly with his hand, and continued: "The most important thing is that the mud is not completely dry, and the inside is still damp!"

Immediately afterwards, he wiped the tree trunk and felt the temperature and humidity.

"With the temperature of the trunk and the humidity of the air, this person should not leave the trunk for more than four hours!"


"Fog grass? What is he talking about?"

"Can this be calculated? Can this be a person?"

"Sure enough, it can be seen from here that people's professionalism is not censorship, but Hao is too perverted!"

The audience was shocked when they heard the results calculated by the inspector!

"Okay, come down!"

Hearing this, Wang Bing was not surprised, but nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the ground.

"The forest in the morning is very humid. Let's see if there are footprints on the ground, or if there is no dew on the leaves, then it is basically the direction Qin Hao left."

Because the smell of the forest is messy, and the police dog can't smell it for a short stay, it can only be judged in this way!

The inspectors spread out and began to search, and everyone searched very carefully.

After a while, an inspector suddenly called out.

"Captain, found it!"

Hearing this, everyone walked over in unison, and saw a very obvious row of footprints on the ground, and the footprints were heading into the distance!


Seeing this, Wang Bing immediately had a happy face, waved his hand, and hurriedly walked in the direction of the footprints.

"Team leader, please confirm from this direction, where are the final destinations you can reach!"

"According to the map when we came in, it should take a day or two to get out of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. It's best to take precautions in advance!"



On the side of the inspection team, Zhou Jun replied and then looked at everyone.

"Everyone, at present, the possibility of catching up is very small, or even zero, so we can only arrange it in advance. It is best to determine where Qin Hao will reach in the end and what his goal is!"

Zhou Jun was very sure that if Qin Hao left for four hours, even if it didn't take four hours, it would be difficult to catch up with Qin Hao even if it was one hour.

Because the inspection team is too large, and Qin Hao is alone, his ability to act will be stronger.

Immediately afterwards, a big screen appeared in front of him.

Shown above is the map of Shiwanda Mountain and its surroundings.

The moment they saw the map, everyone involuntarily raised their brows.

Because, they suddenly discovered that at the end of the 100,000 mountain, several cities were actually connected!

"There is no single exit to this hundred thousand mountains. If there is a straight line in the middle, it is Sunan City, and if it is slightly offset, it is Dongtian City, and there are even other cities!"


Everyone immediately looked at each other.

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