I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 464: An alternative cheating method, fraudster Ding Xuan!

Director team, backstage!

After seeing the large-scale surveillance of the inspection team, the cold sweat on Li Haoran's forehead instantly flowed down!

All the staff looked at their director with pity, and their eyes were full of sighs!

Back then, the fear of being dominated by Brother Hao came again!


Li Haoran opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say, so he was embarrassed!

He wants to say that the reason why he has such great power is because of his looks. Controlling the surveillance of a city is not a trivial matter, and he needs to apply!

However, Qin Hao directly saved this step and operated it himself.

It's against the rules!

More importantly, if the above is to blame, then it must not be Qin Hao, but him......

"Block the surveillance in Hezhou City that the audience can see!"

After thinking about it, Li Haoran said slowly, this is the remedy he can think of.

They are a show, but don't make some real criminals because of the show.


The staff began to operate.

"Hey, every time I get to this guy, it makes me terrified, can't I be honest?"

However, there is no way for his mother to refute, because this is his own strength!

Normally, if the situation is urgent, this operation is allowed. After all, Qin Hao's monitoring did not affect the monitoring operation of other departments!

Li Haoran felt tired!

Is this an alternative way of cheating?

But when he glanced at the number of people online from the corner of his eyes, he was instantly in pain and happy!

The number of people online has reached 100 million!


"From now on, let's pick one person to arrest and fight each other, and then whether we fail or succeed, everyone will sum up their experience!"

Qin Hao looked at the monitor, his eyes flashed quickly, he was looking for suspicious targets!

"The ready-made eyes have been put in front of you. Whether you can find the person you catch first depends on your ability!"

After all, Qin Hao ignored the four team leaders and picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Second Captain Chen, now take his subordinates to Lanqi Street, remember, don't sound the whistle, don't sound the whistle, and report the situation when you arrive!"

"Good leader!"

Chen Er's voice came.

The other team leaders also began to quickly find their own goals.

Because of the monitoring of the entire Hezhou City, it is relatively easy to find the target.


Broadcasting room.

"It seems that Brother Hao already has a target. I don't know what type of criminal his target is?"

Jin Ping and Jin Mei sat opposite each other, watching the big screen.

"In order to make it clear to everyone, we invited a special guest in this season's program, who is also an old friend of everyone."

"I have Director Zheng Jun please!"

The crowd froze for a moment, then began to applaud.

Zheng Jun, wearing a police uniform, strode up and greeted him.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zheng Jun, I'll analyze the show next!"

"Director Zheng, I don't know about Brother Hao's criminal statement, do you agree?"

Jin Mei invited Zheng Jun to sit down and asked with a smile.

"Agreed, very much. It can be said that his choice was very clever. As we all know, the inspectors in their hands are not very strong. The initial weapon is only an electric baton. !"

Zheng Jun nodded with admiration on his face, and continued: "Even, it may cause heavy casualties to the inspection team, so it will be difficult for the next arrest plan to proceed!"

"Yes, although it is said that it is better to die than to live, but the death row prisoners are different from life imprisonment. They themselves have not much hope, and no one knows what they will do!"

Jin Mei nodded and then asked: "Everyone must be very curious, what criminal will Brother Hao choose as the first target?"

The live broadcast room became lively in an instant, and everything was said.

Arsonists, child traffickers, fraudsters, thieves, etc., all kinds of tricks.

"I think the probability of fraudsters is the greatest!"

Zheng Jun pondered for a moment and said slowly.

"Why? Are you so sure?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned and a little curious.

"Hehe, you will know when you look at it!"

A mysterious smile appeared on Zheng Jun's face.


Ding Xuan, a retired inspector, plays a criminal who is an online fraudster.

According to his profile, the amount he defrauded was probably more than 250,000 points. Of course, on the other hand, he wore a silver bracelet and was sentenced to three years in prison!

At this time, Ding Xuan was wearing a large trench coat obtained from an old alley, wearing a hat, and staring at the surrounding situation vigilantly.

His whole body is in a state of preparation, and if something goes wrong, he will run away without hesitation!

"I'm a scammer, so should the first thing I do after breaking out is to go home or find a place to hide?"

"But the money I have is not enough for me to run away!"

Ding Xuan was sitting on a chair on the street, smelling the aroma of food in the air, watching the people coming and going, and fell into thinking.

"The risk of going home is too great. Even if my family doesn't report me, it may be reported by the neighbors. It seems that I can only hang around outside!"

Ding Xuan stood up, no one could see, a smile appeared on his face.

"I have to say, Qin Hao told us a quick way to get money, and it's very safe!"


At this moment, his stomach growled, Ding Xuan hesitated for a while, and came to a place selling Chaos. This is a snack street with all kinds of snacks.

Then the audience discovered a strange phenomenon!

All the criminals seem to have negotiated, they don't care at all that they only have one hundred yuan in their hands, and they don't know how to save money!

"??? No, I don't understand this operation, don't they have one hundred yuan in their hands?"

"Could it be that they want to learn Brother Hao's routine? To steal money?"

"I wipe, you said that, Brother Hao just opened a new door for them!"

Just as the audience was discussing, Ding Xuan had already eaten and spent fifty-two!

It can be said that it is half of his worth, but he does not feel distressed at all!

Instead, after looking around for four weeks, he lowered his hat a little bit, and spent three yuan to get on the bus to the countryside.

"There are many people in the city, and there are many surveillance cameras, which is not good for me. The most important thing is that after Qin Hao's theft method, many people began to guard against it."

Ding Xuan's eyes flickered with confidence on his face.

"However, the countryside is different. Most of the customers are familiar, and even if many people in rural supermarkets know about it, they will feel that it can be prevented, but it is not necessary!"

"So, the countryside is my paradise!"

Four more, I can't stand it anymore!

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