I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 469: The reason for the failure, the next goal!

"Failure is not terrible, the terrible thing is that I don't know where the failure is!"

Qin Hao looked at a few people and said something with a smile.

Several people turned their heads and looked over curiously. Even Gao Lin, who was good at analysis, frowned and looked thoughtful.

"You said, where did these three team leaders fail?"

"Yes, they are all according to the list provided by Brother Hao. They are not murderers, not felons and death row prisoners. How can they fail?"

Audiences are also curious.

"Do you know why you failed?"

The three looked at each other blankly and shook their heads in unison.

"It's very simple, because you chose the wrong target!"

Qin Hao said leisurely: "Of course, or in other words, you don't have enough manpower and your arrangement is not comprehensive enough!!"

"I understand!"

At this moment, Gao Lin's eyes flashed, and he slapped his thigh with a look of excitement.

"What do you think!"

"Brother Hao, don't you think so? The reason why thieves are thieves is because they are fast and they know the terrain better!"

Gao Lin looked at Qin Hao expectantly.

"is this correct?"


Qin Hao nodded in agreement, looked at the three team leaders, and said with a smile: "You don't fully understand what a thief is, and you don't understand the physical strength and speed of your teammates."

"Thiefs, they have a very good understanding of the city's many dead ends and the terrain of the dark corners, because they need to consider how to escape once they are discovered. The best and most efficient escape route has almost been printed in their minds! "

"The most important thing is that the thief is very fast!"

"At this point, as an inspector of an ordinary person, no matter in terms of speed or terrain, it is far inferior to a thief, and it is normal to fail!"

As soon as these words came out, not only the three team leaders understood, but the audience also suddenly realized!

It turns out that catching different criminals requires completely different policies and strategies!

It doesn't mean that you can succeed without catching death row felons!

This can only guarantee that the inspection will not have such a high probability of casualties, that's all!

"The reason why Brother Hao and I were able to successfully arrest the criminal is an online fraudster. He is not good at terrain and is not suitable for escaping. At least his identity is not suitable for running!"

Gao Lin was excited and made his final conclusion. He finally understood why he was able to succeed!

If you think divergently, then following this step is absolutely no problem!

"I see Qin Hao like this, I guessed it long ago? Why didn't he say it earlier?"

"??? Misty grass, what kind of bull and horse is that in front? You can say something like Madd? You idiot?"

"Indeed, there is something wrong with the brother in front of him. Let's not say that although they are inspectors, they are also competitors. That is real money. Moreover, Brother Hao has already pointed so much in front of him, isn't that enough? You are Brother Hao? Where's your nanny?"

"To put it mildly, even if Brother Hao doesn't say anything, what can you do? At least I will tell you the reason for the failure, otherwise, you may not be able to react by the end of the show!"

In the live broadcast room, because of the voice of an audience member, he directly opened up.

Most people's three views are actually quite correct. There are always one or two people who like to show off their burst IQ.

"Thank you Brother Hao for your pointer!"

Sun Yan, He Le, and Yun Kexin didn't think about it that much. They knew very well that it was a competitive relationship. If they could say so much, they had already done their best.

In other words, if Qin Hao didn't show them the monitoring of Hezhou City, what could they do?

The convenience is already great, and it's a bit of a mystery to ask for this and that.

Qin Hao nodded slightly. The temperaments of these people are still good. Sure enough, the people selected by the show team are generally not too bad.

At the very least, he didn't take his own help for granted.

If this is the case, then he will not care about anything next, and the person who arrests him will be finished.

"Everyone, keep going!"

Qin Hao said something and looked down at the criminal information in his hand. He was ready to start picking the next criminal.

Even, in his heart, he had already arranged a monster fighting mode for his subordinates.

Ordinary, easy, difficult, hell!

Progressing from low to high, it can also effectively help subordinates to adapt.

Soon, Qin Hao's eyes turned to a type of criminal, a strong female criminal!

"Strong woman prisoner: Dazhu (pseudonym) Time: 2019, March 15, 3-40pm. Location: Xiahe Village. Crime: Compulsory crime against Zhang!"


Qin Hao looked at the criminal's profile and slowly narrowed his eyes. From the profile, we could see that there was not just one strong woman, but several!

Moreover, the behavior in the middle is extremely bad, and he was sentenced to life imprisonment!

There is also a line of small characters below: Because what he is playing is a retired inspector, using the inspector's real name is an insult, and using the criminal's real name is inconvenient, so use a pseudonym instead!

Seeing this line of small characters, Qin Hao's heart warmed, details!

Although it is fake, the detailed operation of the program team is still very comfortable, considering all aspects!

Because often some first impressions are scary!

For example, when someone mentions who is who, you may not know it at all, but when you mention Xiaoyanzi cough...wearing flower clothes, then you can think of who it is almost instantly!

For example, is this melon guaranteed to be ripe?

Once you get this strong first impression, it's hard to pick it off.

Obviously, the program team did not want a retired inspector to go out in the future and be considered a strong female prisoner, even if it was fake.

Qin Hao touched his chin and fell into contemplation, he was a little hesitant.

In fact, he felt that if the next person was a blackmailer, it might be safer.

But Qin Hao still chose strong female offenders.

Nothing else, just hit his subordinates a little bit.

In other words, let them quickly break away from the joy of being the first successful capture, lest they become arrogant.

"Hey, a leader like me who worries about his subordinates, where can you find it!"

Qin Hao sighed slightly, then controlled the monitor and started looking for the target.

Of course, he did not deliberately search for Dazhu. Among the hundred criminals, there are several strong women, and it is enough to find one!

"I don't know, have you put on makeup?"

Qin Hao seemed to think of something, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his eyes became sharp.

With the entire monitoring power of Hezhou City, he doesn't have to struggle to find his target!

As long as you start searching from the starting point of the prison, and follow the clues a little bit, you can find everyone!

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