I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 473: The perfect shot time, the criminals show their magical powers

"Fogcao, Brother Hao's analytical skills are amazing!"

"What's wrong with me, I found that Brother Hao and I have the same head, two eyes and one nose. Why is the gap so big?"

"Dude, I seriously doubt whether Brother Hao cheated, or has the show team told Brother Hao the answer?"

The audience was blown away. Although Qin Hao was only analyzing, his analysis was too accurate!

Originally, they thought that the gap between them and Qin Hao was in those skills, but now it seems that it is not only physical strength and skills, but also brains!

The most important thing is that the audience did not pay attention to other criminals until Qin Hao reminded them. After a closer look, they were all stunned by the methods of these criminals!


"If you want to escape safely, then I need some money now!"

Zhou Jun spent fifty yuan to change into a set of clothes at a street stall.

"Which way to get money faster? Fraud? Or steal?"

Zhou Jun murmured in a low voice, he suddenly realized that as the captain of the Provincial Criminal Police Brigade, there was no better way.

In the case of fraud, he needs some help, and obviously, he does not.

He doesn't even have the cost to sell health care products at least!

"Begging for a child with money? No way, I'm a man, only fifty yuan, and I don't even have the capital to hire a woman!"

Zhou Jun scratched his head in pain, don't think that asking for a son with money is just a joke, no one believes it at all, it's just that you think no one believes it!

In fact, when he was still an inspector, he could receive similar alarms every few days.

Probably the content is a small advertisement on the side of the road.

"I am XX, 312 years old, 1.7 meters tall, my husband is a big boss, and lost fertility due to special reasons. I am looking for a healthy man to fulfill my mother's dream. After I became pregnant, I would like to thank you for 5 million !"

Then the following is a contact number with a picture of a beautiful woman with a very good figure and face.

The most important thing is that there is a notarization of the law firm on it!

It's so real!

Now many people see this kind of thing, and they all smile with disdain, but in fact, there are still many people who are fooled. It can only be said that the world is full of wonders.

It is nothing more than greed. Most deceived men think that they can not only sleep with beautiful women, but also get money, why not do it?

As far as this kind of money-swindling method is concerned, according to Zhou Jun's knowledge, the highest one can defraud millions!

Even in the era when anti-fraud was not very comprehensive, the amount of fraud was as high as tens of millions!

Isn't it incredible?

But it's the truth!

"Forget it, let's steal it, Qin Hao's method of stealing money is still okay, but it's fine for a large supermarket, it's not easy to commit crimes. Find some small supermarkets, but small supermarkets can do it, and the speed must be faster, I missed today, It is easy to attract the attention of the inspection team tomorrow.”

Zhou Jun muttered and walked directly towards a target.

As a result, our former captain of the Criminal Police Brigade embarked on a road of no return.

Of course, everything is fake, and the show team gives money.


"I guess, all criminals are now committing crimes? Stealing money, or cheating money?"

Wang Lei was sitting on a chair in a park, thinking in his mind, but his eyes were looking at the uncles and aunts who were exercising not far away.

As an analyst, his analytical ability is very strong!

Moreover, he has been in contact with a lot of cases, no matter what kind of means, he has seen most of them.

Even in terms of civil fraud alone, his knowledge far exceeds that of Zhou Jun, who is a criminal police brigade!

Does that sound a little weird?

But this is the real situation!

Because, the criminal police brigade generally comes into contact with homicide cases, major cases and important cases!

Ordinary small cases, or cases that are not so serious, do not need the criminal police or the serious crime team to solve.

"If I steal money, I don't have Qin Hao's means. Even if I look for some small supermarkets, I'm actually afraid that I won't be able to steal much money. As for stealing money in the big market, I don't have that technology."

Therefore, the path of stealing money is completely isolated from him!

Wang Lei was thoughtful, and a flash of light flashed in his mind!

"Then, you can only cheat!"

"Furthermore, there is a hidden benefit of fraud, that is, ordinary people can't react, or they think it's something you want to do. How can it be called fraud?"

With a smile on his face, Wang Lei slowly stood up and quickly ran towards a small supermarket.

"Most criminals have already started, and Zhou Jun has already started stealing. I don't know what methods the former team leaders and team leaders will use?"

"I don't expect Chen Yalin anymore. Whether it's fraud or stealing money, she doesn't seem to be suitable!"

"Uh, you can play cute!"

The audience watched as the remaining group leaders and captains hadn't started, and there was a lot of discussion.

Soon, they saw that Wang Lei came out of the supermarket with a box of things.

Everyone was stunned the moment they saw that thing!

Because, that's a box of chess!

The audience suddenly looked confused, chess? What's the use of this thing?

"Hey, those guys definitely couldn't think of it. I was in contact with a case at the time. That guy made hundreds of thousands of chess in half a month with a pair of chess for tens of dollars!"

Wang Lei's slightly obscene voice came out slowly.

"In this way, those old men couldn't react at all for a while. When they recovered and went to the police, it has been a long time, and it will be of great benefit to me!"


In an instant, all the audience were full of question marks!

What to play?

A pair of chess earns hundreds of thousands in half a month?

Before they could react, Wang Lei opened the pair of chess that he bought for dozens of dollars. In fact, there are cheaper ones.

But he felt that since he was cheating, this guy should look better.

Soon, the chess was placed on the chessboard, with only a few pieces!

"Fog grass, this...is this a **** endgame?"

"Hey!! Good guy, I'm so direct, good guy, this Wang Lei is so ruthless, he's actually making a mess here?"

The audience stared wide-eyed and gasped!


All of them were shocked by Wang Lei's god-like operation!

I never dreamed that this guy would be so ruthless, and he would actually end the game in the park! !

"Twenty for the first time, pay one hundred, the second time fifty, pay two hundred, and the third time one hundred, pay five hundred!"

Soon, Wang Lei took out a piece of paper, wrote the rules, and pressed it with a few stones.

Then, the whole person sat leisurely on a small pony, as if he was not a prisoner, but a young man who came out for entertainment.

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