I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 493: No one can escape the true fragrance law!

"I'm playing a murderer in this show, hehe, I didn't expect that I, Jianghan, who was a second-class meritorious recipient, would become a criminal one day!"

On the street, a handsome young man with a flat head threw a dollar in his hand and muttered with a smile.

His eyes looked at the park from time to time.

I saw some old aunts and aunts in there. Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that the aunts are accompanied by some little girls and young people.

Obviously, this is the legendary blind date battlefield!

That's right, it's the battlefield, one by one just like fighting a war.

"Little Wang, what do you think of my daughter? If we meet, let's discuss the issue of the bride price."

"As for my family, the requirements are not high. We are all ordinary people, so we don't play those bells and whistles."

"The betrothal gift is 100,000 yuan, not counting the three golds, and then there is a building of more than 100 square meters. Our family will provide you with a commuter car. That's all you need."

Listening to the words of the aunts in the distance, Jiang Han nodded secretly, what should be said or not, this is not too demanding, even benevolent.

This looks like a real life.

"Fucao, my God, where can I find such a mother-in-law?"

"Damn it, is it too late for me to return it now?"

"Hehe, you fools are still discussing here, I've already been on my way, everyone. See you at the wedding hall!"

In the live broadcast room, when the audience heard the voices of those aunts, oh no, that was the voice of the mother-in-law, they were all excited.

Especially the watery little girls around them are even more excited!

Those little girls, should I say or not, are very good!

The most important thing is that this kind of good girl, coupled with that good dowry. It's just a man's dream, is there any wood?

However, compared to the excited audience in the live broadcast room, Jiang Han was expressionless.

He doesn't envy this kind of thing.

Even, he has no idea about his wife, even though he is in his twenties now, he is still a simple bachelor.

Of course, to be precise, it's not that he doesn't want to look for it, but that he thinks it will drag others down!

He is different from those retired inspectors. Now he is still an inspector, and he is an inspector of the serious crime team!

His career is too dangerous!

Many girls may marry him because of his sacred profession, but the consequences are very serious!

Can you imagine a husband who doesn't necessarily come home several times a month?

Can you accept a husband who can't get it right and lose his life?

Can you accept that your husband, including yourself and your own children, and even your family, may be in danger?

This is the norm for criminal police and serious crime teams!

Therefore, Jiang Han has no idea about finding a wife.

"Love is really enviable!"

Jiang Han sighed softly and stood up. The time to sigh is always short, and soon he got rid of these messes.

"More than 1,000 yuan should not be enough for me to run away, but it shouldn't be a problem to live in the countryside and get some money by the way!"

"The countryside is good. You can attack and retreat and defend. If you can't do it, I will run into the mountains. It will be very difficult to catch me!"

Jiang Han thought while walking.

Suddenly, he felt a figure appear in front of him, and he didn't care, and avoided it subconsciously.

However, what he didn't expect was that the man actually spoke.

"Hello sir, I am from Click Company, do you want to know? The rate of return is very high!"

Jiang Han frowned unconsciously when he heard this.

He felt that the voice and words were very awkward!

"Not interested in!"

Jiang Han glanced up. If he was still an inspector, he would definitely be very interested to hear this.

Then check the other's eighteen generations of ancestors.

Ma Dan, the liar has deceived the inspector, what is the reason for heaven?

That's right, the moment the other party opened his mouth, he directly identified them as a liar!

"Sir, you will be interested, the investment is 10,000 yuan, and the return is unlimited, and I know what Mr. is worried about. We can show you the information of our company!"

This man is Yan Jun, he is smiling, not panic at all!

Moreover, he believes that the other party has this attitude now, but ten minutes later, he will be as happy as winning the lottery!

"Do you know who I am?"

Jiang Han stopped, looking helpless.

"Sir, I don't need to know who you are, and I don't want to know, I just want to know that you will be one of my clients, and you will be loyal to the end!"

Yan Jun smiled and took out a document and put it in front of Jiang Han.

"Sir, if you still want to leave after reading this material, then I won't have any nonsense, what do you think?"


Jiang Han thought for a while and nodded. He pondered, he also has a live broadcast room, and presumably real-life inspectors will also pay attention.

As long as you look at it casually, then this liar is basically unable to escape!


"Wow hoo hoo!"

The sound of flipping the information sounded, and Jiang Han's face became more and more solemn.

Time passed by minute by minute, and after five minutes, Jiang Han put down the information in his hand with a shocked expression.

"This...how is this possible?"

"Hahaha, the law of truth?"

"I'm sure Jiang Han will immediately find a way to make money!"

"Then, he suddenly found out that all the money he got was given to the inspection team, hahaha, I want to laugh when I think of this!"

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at Jiang Han's shocked expression, and they couldn't laugh one by one!

"Sir, how do you feel now?"

Yan Jun was not surprised and asked with a smile.

"Uh, okay, but I don't have so much money, I need to wait a few days!"

Jiang Han was a little embarrassed. He wanted to get a grade of 100,000, but he had no money!

Don't say 100,000 yuan, now he can't even get 10,000 yuan!

This made him a little anxious!

"It's okay sir, after you have enough money, go directly to the commercial street in the city center, and you can see our company, then you can pay!"

Yan Jun patiently explained that even if the other party wanted to pay now, he would not accept it!

Of course, the reason why he is looking for these criminals is that these guys can't get so much money.

Some people are going to ask here, why didn't Yan Jun take the shot directly?

Well, it's very simple, but you can't beat it.

Someone has to ask again, hey, since we can determine the location of these criminals, why not directly stud and the army will press the border?

It is also very simple, doing so will cause damage to the audit!

Wouldn't it be delicious to wait for them to come to the door by themselves?

Looking at Jiang Han's back hurriedly leaving, Yan Jun smiled: "Brother Hao, the second one has been completed, just waiting to sprout!"

"Okay, let's go next!"

Qin Hao's face also showed a smile, he was not worried at all, whether these people would take the bait!

Again, no one can live with money!

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