I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 497: Oppression, race against time, President Chen wants to become a shareholder!

"Brother Hao, I'm sorry, you have a big plan here, but I don't have one, so..."

Perhaps sensing Qin Hao's gaze, Gao Lin and He Le hesitated to speak with embarrassed expressions.

In fact, they are also admirers of Qin Hao. They can't do anything about idols who surpass themselves. They can't be like Qin Hao, not arresting people for two consecutive days, right?

"It's okay, this is your duty. I'm very happy to surpass me. If you don't surpass me, then I will look down on you."

Qin Hao smiled and patted the two on the shoulders: "This shows that you have gradually adapted to your status as an inspector, which is very good!"

"Hey, this is also Brother Hao, as long as you change to a cautious leader, you won't have this attitude!"

"Yeah, but it should be said or not. These two, no, to be precise, all the team leaders are actually working very hard. Even if they surpass Brother Hao, it is based on their ability. After all, Brother Hao has not arrested anyone for two days!"

The audience in the live broadcast room watched this scene with relief.

"Huh, Brother Hao, since you said that, then we can rest assured."

Gao Lin and He Le looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

To tell the truth, they were really a little nervous, for fear that Qin Hao would be unhappy about their surpassing.

But thinking about it now, is Brother Hao such a stingy person?

"Hey, but, I can remind you that one day, my plan will be closed, you have to work hard, maybe, I will become the first!"

Qin Hao shook his head and laughed, and then walked out of the inspection team.

"This time is not an easy time for you. Once you relax your vigilance, I will catch up!"

After speaking, his figure disappeared.

"How many criminals did Brother Hao's subordinate find in total?"

Gao Lin frowned and asked subconsciously.

"Uh, I just counted, there are about fifty people."

He Le was stunned, and then said.


As soon as these words came out, Gao Lin took a deep breath and was shocked!

"Brother Hao, this is what you want, catch it all in one go?"

He looked at the other team leaders and gave a wry smile.

"Everyone, if it's correct, we may have to stay up late tonight. Once Brother Hao's plan is successful, he may directly arrest most of the criminals. At that time, there will be no place for us!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

Indeed, once Qin Hao's plan is successful, it will directly become the number one ranking, and they can't catch up even if they beat the horse!

After all, Qin Hao contracted most of the criminal quotas alone!

"So, work hard and catch criminals all night long!"

Qin Hao naturally didn't know the chickens flying outside.

Even, many criminals are a little confused, they suddenly found that tonight's inspection is like a mad dog!

As long as they find their traces, the inspectors will rush up with a loud scream!

The direct consequence of this is that many targeted criminals have not slept all night, and have been fleeing all night!


All criminals and inspectors felt a strong sense of urgency!

As if something terrifying was chasing them, once they stopped, all of them would die without a place to die!

And the existence that they regarded as the Demon King of Terror was already lying on the bed leisurely, ready to sleep!

"Hey, it's better to be an inspector. You can eat and drink every day, and you can take a bath and sleep. It's a cool batch!"

Qin Hao was lying on the bed with joy, thinking back when he was a criminal, the good guy still wanted to take a bath, and he had to be vigilant when sleeping!

It's different now, lying in the inspection building is absolutely safe!

"Damn, it's also an inspector, why is Brother Hao so leisurely?"

"This is the difference between a player with a brain and a player with strength and muscle!"

The audience watched, all shaking their heads and speechless.

Qin Hao lay down and slept here, and the entire inspection team, even many criminals, speeded up because of his plan!

One by one is very busy like a dog, and the criminals escape like a dog!


Backstage director team.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

A phone call broke the calm of the director team.

Li Haoran glanced at the phone number and found that he didn't know it, it was a completely unfamiliar number.

However, he also knew that whoever could get his own number must have something to do with it.

"Hello, I'm Li Haoran."

"Hello, I'm Lao Chen from Douyu."

The man on the opposite side was the voice of a middle-aged man.

"Shake the fish, old Chen?"

Hearing this, Li Haoran was slightly stunned, but he quickly reacted.

If he remembered correctly, did Qin Hao have shares in Douyu?

"Oh, is something wrong?"

Li Haoran glanced at the time, it was past seven o'clock now.

"That's right, we can't contact Brother Hao here, so we can only contact you. Didn't Brother Hao set up a click company? We want to take a share in Douyu!"

The heavy tone is gentle, and the attitude is neither humble nor arrogant.

"What's the matter?"

Hearing this, Li Haoran was completely dumbfounded!

Qin Hao did start a company, and it was completed in just one day.

But isn't this company a money-losing company?

He was very sure that Qin Hao's idea was to use these 10 billion to smash out most of the criminals, and then arrest them!

Moreover, the most important thing is that these contracts and so on have legal effect, and the moment the criminal signs the contract, it takes effect.

At that time, even Qin Hao would not be able to deny it. Of course, with his understanding of Qin Hao, it would be impossible to deny it.

However, such a game that seems to be throwing money, someone actually participates?

Even, someone who is still the mother wants to buy shares?

Is the world changing too fast, or is he too earthy to keep up with the rhythm?

"How much is the stake?"

Li Haoran was silent for a moment and asked curiously.

"All the shareholders on our side have all invested in shares, a total of 5 billion."

Li Haoran: "..."

At this moment, he wanted to say, grass, **** rich!

Don't look at his program group's final reward of up to 100 billion, but in fact that money has nothing to do with him, it's all given by the state!

"I can't make the decision for Brother Hao, this is too big!"

Li Haoran's face changed uncertainly, there were too many things involved.

After all, Qin Hao's identity is too special, who knows what these guys are thinking?

Five billion, is it worth it to have a deep friendship with a big boss of the National Security Bureau?

This question may be considered unworthy in the eyes of ordinary people!

After all, with 5 billion, it is not a problem to spend a lifetime.

But in the eyes of many rich people, it is different!

Great value!

Even, many people want to give away money with money, but they can't find where the door is.

The world is like this, money can never be compared with power, even if you are rich enough to rival the country!

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