I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 520: Inevitability, Contingency, Making the Butterfly Effect

"Necessity is the essential connection of things, determined by the internal contradictions of things, and it determines the basic direction of the development of things!"

"Accidental is the non-essential connection of things, determined by the interaction of non-essential factors or external factors of things, and can only accelerate or delay the development of things. But the two are interconnected, interdependent, and inseparable!"

"Necessity is the basis of contingency, it dominates contingency, but it must be manifested through contingency to open up a path for itself. The manifestation of contingency complements inevitability, making the development process of things more colorful!"

Qin Hao was completely caught up in crazy thinking and calculations.

"In an easy-to-understand language, inevitability is like a person's three meals a day. Normal people generally eat three meals a day, and at least two meals a day!"

"However, if you eat other foods to satisfy your hunger in the middle, you will reduce the inevitable three meals a day, or even two meals a day. This is accidental!"

"As a result, there is a high possibility that there is only one meal today, because I can't eat anything else!"

"This is the connection between chance and necessity. Necessity is the beginning, and chance is change!"

Qin Hao tried his best to analyze it with the clearest explanation!

"For example, I plan to go to bed at 11 o'clock tonight, which is inevitable. But at 10:50, I saw a movie that I was very interested in, and then went to the movie, and I saw it in the middle of the night!"

"It's chance!"

"And what's the point? The thing that decides these two things!"

"Is it the contingency and inevitability of the movie? No, but the device for watching the movie, such as mobile phones and computers, this computer or mobile phone is the key!"

If someone came into Qin Hao's room at this time, listening to him muttering these things, he might wonder if he is crazy!

Isn't this kind of thing normal?

I want to watch TV, I want to watch the computer, I don't want to eat!

What is there to calculate?

However, this is only an appearance!

Most people, no, ninety-nine percent to be exact, don't think about it that much.

Eat when you’re hungry, rest when you’re tired, watch TV, watch movies and play games when you’re bored. Has anyone ever thought about who rules these things?

"Find out the essence and you can create the butterfly effect!"

Many people know the term butterfly effect, so what exactly is the butterfly effect?

"The butterfly effect is a chaotic phenomenon, which shows that there are fixed numbers and variables in the development of anything, and the development trajectory of things in the development process has laws to follow, and there are also unmeasurable "variables".

Often it is counterproductive, a small change can affect the development of things, confirming the complexity of the development of things. "

Does it seem similar to chance and inevitability?

Fixed number, variable!

Inevitability, chance!

Next, in Qin Hao's room, the keyboard and the sounds of writing and drawing sounded.

If Liu Bochao knew that Qin Hao was ready to kill him with the butterfly effect, he might cry!

Ma Dan, it's just a show, do you need to be so scary?

However, it is a pity that he did not know all this!

Then there will be a series of events that will make him doubt his life every time he thinks about it in the days to come!

Just when Qin Hao was pondering these things, which could even be called mystical things, the inspection team also started frantic arrest methods!

The four team leaders were fully invested in their identities.

With Qin Hao's monitoring system, it is more convenient and efficient for them to find criminals.

The target will be locked in no time!

Then start the arrest!

"Tsk tsk, these team leaders are fighting chicken blood today!"

"Nonsense, don't look at it. How much pressure Brother Hao has put on them. The good guy caught more than a dozen criminals in one night and topped their record for several days. Can they not be in a hurry?"

In the live broadcast room, the audience looked at the four team leaders who seemed to be fighting chickens and started talking.

Indeed, Qin Hao brought them too much pressure!

Overnight, they were left far behind!

It should be noted that this is not just a question of ranking, but real money!

This state was maintained until the afternoon, and the four team leaders were obviously tired!

However, the effect is also very obvious!

Gao Lin directly caught two criminals. It was only one morning, and the other team leaders also had good results!

"Team leader, no, we can't stand it anymore!"

Yun Kexin's captain Feng Wei gave a wry smile, he felt like his legs were about to break!

Hearing this, Yun Kexin looked up at her list.

Yun Kexin: Ranked fifth, the number of arrests: six!

She bit her rosy lips, very unwilling!

But she also knew very well that her subordinates had reached their limit!

"When catching a criminal, you only need to catch one. I don't ask to catch up with them, don't let the pursuit go too far!"

What I have to say is that Yun Kexin can become a big boss in reality, and it is indeed a strong woman in the women's middle school.

However, she really has no talent for catching criminals.

She also wanted to imitate Gao Lin and Qin Hao, designing traps and traps to catch criminals, but she found that what she came up with was full of loopholes!

"This... ok!"

Feng Wei nodded with a wry smile, glanced at his ten tired subordinates, and said helplessly: "The team leader has spoken, and he will rest after catching a criminal, so everyone, work harder!"

Hearing this, the ten team members who were originally tense immediately relaxed a little.

"The next criminal is..."

Feng Wei took out a list, but when he saw the crimes above, his expression changed.


Everyone didn't care too much, and it wasn't the first time they had caught a murderer.

But the next sentence made everyone nervous again.

"This is a murderer who kills the whole family!"

Feng Wei's face was extremely solemn. He looked at the documents and said slowly: "According to the documents, the criminal felt that he was being green, pretended to go out, and then...... caught the **** in bed!"

"In a fit of rage, not only did he kill the man and the woman, he even killed the woman's entire family!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone took a deep breath!


This is really cruel!

"Fog grass, this is too cruel, isn't it? If you get green, you will kill the whole family?"

"Yeah, the big deal is divorce, that's good, just put yourself in it!"

The live broadcast room was instantly lively.

However, most sensible people keep silent, and do not persuade others to be kind without others' hardships.

However, once it appears on himself, no one can guarantee that he can do anything and whether he can remain sane!

Impulse is never just a word!

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