I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 711: The defendant and the plaintiff are present, civilized people, smile

"Fucao, this young man is amazing, one step at a time!"

"Don't talk about it, I remembered it. It did happen before. I heard that a dozen netizens besieged a girl who privately messaged a girl, which caused the girl's psychological tolerance to be too bad, and then jumped off the building!"

"Do you know what the funniest thing is? The punishment for those few people is just a one-year suspension of their accounts. Yes, there is no doubt that they are indirect killers, but their punishment is just that!"

At this time, the audience who were watching Bingbing's live broadcast immediately started talking.

Some people feel more or less that Qin Hao's performance this time is too strong, and the strength is suffocating.

Just the remarks of some people directly send people to court!

But now, they suddenly came to a realization.

These people, **** it!

Sometimes, a person's words can really kill people!


Just then, the sound of the brakes sounded.

Bingbing was stunned for a moment, and when she looked up, she saw some young people in fairly clean clothes getting out of the taxi, but their faces were not good-looking, and they seemed to be dripping gloomy water.

"Hey, it's a bit strange, the defendants are all together?"

Bingbing muttered in surprise, she had seen the information of these people.

After hesitating for a while, he stepped forward.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, have you ever thought about the day when you will be sued in court when you publish your remarks on the Internet? Or, have you admitted that you have done something wrong?"

Maybe it was the first impression the young man had given her, so her words brought some aggression.

Hearing this, the footsteps of these people paused, and they glanced at Bingbing. The head was the fat man, and his face was gloomy.

"We just expressed our personal opinions, and we didn't feel that we did anything wrong. As for Qin Hao taking us to court, do we think we can still be convicted by words in this era?"

"Don't we want to say something without the consent of others?"

It can be seen that the fat man is a little confident, maybe he has consulted something.

"Okay, it seems that you are very confident."

Bingbing obviously didn't expect these people to be so tough.

In the live broadcast room, it was already scolded.

"We can see that all 800 netizens have arrived, and many of them have brought their family members!"

Bingbing's sharp eyes saw that among these young people, men were the majority, women were also many, and there were even people leading the elderly at home.

Also don't know what that means.

"There are only those from the 108 media companies and click companies who haven't been there yet. Do you think Qin Hao will be there in person?"

Bingbing mobilized the emotions of the audience in the live broadcast room.

"It's impossible for Brother Hao to be there in person!"

"Yes, his status is a bit special. Once he arrives in person, will it be possible to sit next to the court?"

"Hahaha, after all, it's just a group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps. Does Brother Hao need to be present in person?"

Just as the audience was discussing, another convoy appeared.

These cars are all commercial vehicles, and even have the names of media companies on them.

I saw that these people were dressed in neat suits and were quite imposing, but their faces were also not very good-looking.

Even Bingbing saw some peers that were often seen before.

Media companies are also similar to the existence of news reporters, and naturally there are a large number of reporters.

For a time, everyone was a little embarrassed.

On the other hand, Bingbing felt a little tighter in her heart. It seemed that she had to be more careful next, otherwise, Qin Hao might be sent to court if she said something wrong.

What other people dare not do, that guy really dares!

To tell the truth, no matter how big a celebrity or how big Wan'er is, as long as you are in the entertainment industry, there is nothing that reporters dare not do.

Paparazzi, tracking, exposure, etc., are their favorite things to do.

Maybe it's a habit of being domineering, and Qin Hao's activity is too high, causing many reporters and editors to subconsciously think that he is also half of the entertainment industry.

Although Qin Hao is a high-level executive, he is more like a mascot. At least many people don't know what his position is and how much power he has.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the reporter and the editor have no scruples.

Otherwise, even if they were to lend them eight courage, they would not dare to arrange high-level officials.

But now their retribution has come!


Bingbing said in a deep voice, and the next moment, the live broadcast room instantly became quiet.

"You may not know that most of these 108 media companies are small companies. I guess they didn't expect to get into the current situation, right?"

"It seems that Qin Hao's actions have put a lot of pressure on them!"

"Think about it too. Originally, these companies have always been talking about the existence of others, standing on the top of the mountain and pointing the country, but I didn't expect that someone would pull them down today!"

Bingbing said while looking at the bosses.

Usually, these bosses are ordinary people who are standing in the mountains, and even if there is no accident, it is impossible to know who they are.

But today, everyone saw it.

Haven't these people always been the ones who control public opinion?


At this time, another convoy appeared, and Bingbing was shocked to find that red flags were planted on the fronts of these vehicles!

You must know that banners like Huaxia can only be used by high-level officials, and others are not allowed!

"Could it be that Qin Hao was there in person?"

Bingbing's expression changed, and she even saw that the bosses of the media companies stopped and looked over.

However, it is a pity that walking down is a group of men in gray suits, and these men have a very obvious feature.

They all wear glasses!

"Hello everyone, we are Click Company, the legal team of the Legal Department. This time we represent Click Company, but also our boss, Mr. Qin Hao!"

In one sentence, it explains why they sit in such a car.

They represent Qin Hao!

Everyone was a little regretful that they didn't see Qin Hao in person, but it wasn't too surprising.

After all, these people are not guilty of letting Qin Hao end the game in person.

"Hello, defendants!"

Lawyer Jiang looked at the group of people with ugly faces. Although there were only a few dozen lawyers behind him, he still smiled slightly in the face of thousands of people across from him.

"We are civilized people, and we have to solve it in a civilized way. Your face makes me very embarrassed. Those who don't know it think I bullied you."

"Come, come, smile!"

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