I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 714: Flatter rhubarb, desert island prison, talent!

General Bureau of Cantonese.

"Director Li, have you eaten yet?"

"Director Li, I have a freshly baked xiao long bao here. It's hot. Would you like to try it?"

"Director Li..."

Li Haoran carried his arms on his back and wore a Chinese tunic suit. Facing the enthusiasm of the people in the bureau, he just smiled and nodded.

He walked to the door, looked at the big yellow dog, and stopped.

He didn't speak, just looked at the big yellow dog so quietly.

If he remembered correctly, when the second season was over, he asked the big yellow dog, who used to ignore him, whether he was prosperous or not.

This guy is called Wang Wangwang!

But now he is not what he used to be! He disdains to care about a dog!

"Wan Wang Wang!"

The big yellow dog looked at Li Haoran with some doubts in his eyes, but then, as if blessed to the heart, he barked suddenly, his tongue twitched, and he couldn't get close.

Just two words, attentive!

"Hey, Rhubarb, Rhubarb, why did you say you were so snobbish in the first place, but if you were kind to me back then, I wouldn't stop bringing you a chicken leg!"

Facing Rhubarb's enthusiasm, Li Haoran sighed and shook his head.

You used to ignore me, but now you can't stand tall!

I, Li Haoran, are proud!

Step by step, enter the Guangdian General Administration.

"Wan Wang Wang!"

Rhubarb's perseverance still came from behind, as if it was making up for the mistakes it had made!

"Look who is here? Our hero!"

In the conference room, when Li Haoran arrived, everyone's faces showed smiles.

To tell the truth, just the people in this conference room, if you take it to the entertainment industry, any one of them will be shocked by stomping their feet!

No matter what big star, top star, traffic star, or top director you are, when you see them, you can only bow your head.

Because people are both decision makers and people who get stuck in your neck.

Whether a movie or a TV series can be shown or not depends on the person's face.

But at this time, they looked very amiable towards Li Haoran.

To say that Li Haoran is just a Sky Eye program, it will not let them do this, but Li Haoran is also an insider, then it is completely different!

They also have a face when they say this thing!

Li Haoran sat next to the director, very calmly took a sip from the teacup, and then he found that the tea was still hot!

"Director Li, do you have any thoughts on the next season? Now, whether it's our people in China or people from abroad, they're all staring at it, everyone is looking forward to it!"

The director smiled and asked curiously.

As soon as these words came out, everyone instantly became quiet and pricked up their ears.

"Cough, this, that!"

Hearing this, Li Haoran almost choked on the tea and hesitated, but he didn't say anything for a while.

"How about Director Li? Is there any problem?"

The director frowned, looking concerned.

Li Haoran's achievements are considered a little of their achievements, and they have to care!

"Yes, it's huge!"

Li Haoran nodded, took a deep breath, and said solemnly, "I have been thinking about this question since the end of the third season. The criminals in the fourth season are so strong, what should the inspector do?"

"In other words, what kind of audit should we invite?"

Everyone was silent for a while, and they all frowned.

Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be a very troublesome problem indeed.

The criminals in the fourth season are all strong men from all over the world. These guys are powerful and even bring some martial arts.

What about the audit?

What kind of censorship can be used to catch them?

"Does Director Li have any ideas?"

The director rubbed his brows, and found that this was indeed a problem.

"Yes, first of all, we must invite the strongest of the Huaxia Kingdom, and also let Meijian, Sakura Kingdom, Fighting Kingdom and other countries have a team leader!"

"This is a competition of inspections!"

Li Haoran's eyes flickered, and he said slowly: "They represent their own country, and everyone will use their best skills, otherwise they will embarrass their own country!"

"What about the general inspector? And the candidate for the captain?"

Someone asked curiously.

"I decided to choose the captain from the team. Only their combat power is the highest. The best effect is to use violence to control violence. If you are an ordinary inspector..."

Having said this, Li Haoran hesitated slightly.

"It's still an inspector, it's just a super inspector actor, and also, we need to change the rules!"

"For example, the electric baton at the beginning should be directly turned into a pistol. After all, they are abnormal criminals, and it is normal for the inspector to have a pistol!"

Everyone nodded secretly.

"There is one more thing, I think it is better for me to report it, that is the venue problem!"

Li Haoran seemed to remember something, and suddenly said: "A group of criminals like this, whether in reality or in the show, can't be detained in a normal prison. Generally speaking, they will be in a desert island prison."

"So, I need a desert island prison, even if it is abandoned soon!"

Everyone's expressions changed.

Desert Island Prison, many people may not have heard of it, but it does exist.

This kind of prison detains the kind of criminals with heinous crimes and very strong strength and power.

Some people may ask, why such criminals are not directly killed, but instead raise and waste food?

As I said before, in order to dig deeper!

Especially international criminals have very deep roots. If you want to dig them out completely, it will be difficult to dig them out and uproot them if you don’t have a few years or even decades!

Therefore, the desert island prison came into being!

Except for special people and high-level people, almost no one knows where these prisons are, and it is also to prevent someone from robbing them.

Does it look like a fantasy?

But for those daring criminals, prison robbery is not something they dare not imagine.

"You know, the desert island prison is of great importance. Even if it is an abandoned prison, it is a secret. I need to apply for it. But it shouldn't be a big problem, after all, it has been abandoned."

The director pondered for a moment and said slowly.

"That's fine. This is realistic. Otherwise, it would not be realistic for these powerful criminals to be held in normal prisons."

Li Haoran nodded with satisfaction.

"By the way, those old employees, don't you plan to squeeze it?"

Seeing that the problem was solved, the director relaxed and asked a question with a smile.

"The voices of the old employees on the Internet are very high. I think most of the audience are already familiar with them. It's a pity not to use them. After all, this is something to watch, right?"

"Who are you talking about?"

Li Haoran was a little confused, and subconsciously touched his eyes.

"Of course it's Zhou Jun, Wang Lei, Sun Xiao, Chen Quanci, and the others. They are talents. It's a pity not to use them!"

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