Outside the synagogue, not far from the mouth of the bluestone alley.

On the old bluestone road, an old-fashioned Minsheng brand car is parked.

Professor Qin Lao closed his eyes slightly and sat in the car.

Due to family issues related to him.

On the side of the synagogue, it was inconvenient for him to go there.

Can only wait outside.

The "Bright Star" radio was playing current affairs news.

In his wrinkled hands, he held a cup of hot tea.


Professor Qin Lao picked up the hot tea and took a sip.

He tilted his head slightly, did not open his eyes, and looked as if he was listening attentively to the news on the radio.

But only the hand holding the enamel cup.

The green tendons are exposed.

It shows his nervousness.


The old man sighed heavily, he didn't want to be nervous, and he couldn't do it.

Comrade Chen Qingxuan has been in the hall for two hours.

None have come out yet.

On the contrary, it was the group of furry bear experts who had just left in the embassy car.

"Could it be that Comrade Chen Xiao and his party didn't have a smooth conversation with the brick family?"

Old Professor Qin frowned tightly.

He sat up straight and muttered under his breath.

He is not looking down on Comrade Chen Qingxuan.

Instead, he was interested in this young man with a unique and sharp scientific insight.

It can be said that it is very important!

Because of this, he was extremely nervous about the result.

Sitting in the hall is his future closed disciple!

That's not the slightest mistake.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from not far away.

Old Professor Qin opened his eyes suddenly.

saw that Chen Qingxuan was followed by Wu Jun and Li Xiuyuan.


His old bones finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He hurriedly opened the car door and asked expectantly, "What is the result of the negotiation?" "


Li Xiuyuan and Wu Jun looked at each other.

Sighing ashamedly.


Qin Shouge's eyebrows twisted.

Is there a trouble?

Subconsciously looked in the direction of Chen Qingxuan.

I was thinking about how to protect him, a closed disciple.

"Old Qin. Shame on the two of us! "

At this moment, Li Xiuyuan finally spoke bitterly.

Chen Qingxuan, a hot-blooded young man at the age of eighteen.

He stood alone in the synagogue, in high spirits.

He furiously stunned the woolly bear and the experts until they were speechless.

He succeeded in awakening the pride of everyone present.

He also worked out a reasonable nuclear bomb and rocket base at his fingertips.

"yes. Compared to Comrade Chen, the two of us are really ashamed! "

Wu Jun also nodded heavily.

Before you know it.

They have begun to trust Comrade Chen Qingxuan wholeheartedly.

Even some rely on Comrade Chen Qingxuan!

But the young man in front of him.

He's just a junior in high school.

"Comrade Chen Xiao, he is really young and promising."

"It gave us a lot of ideas and insights!"

"As for the hairy bear, it's already in the past."

"We are a big country, and we must independently research and develop next!"

Wu Jun's voice was full of pride!

Speaking of this, Li Xiuyuan and Wu Jun glanced at each other again.

It's like deciding something big.

He nodded solemnly.

Wu Jun took two steps forward and grabbed Professor Qin's thin hand with his big hand.

"Comrade Qin Shouge!"


Old Professor Qin, who was originally a little hunchbacked, heard this.

Eyebrows twitched fiercely.

His expression suddenly became solemn.

Straighten your back!

"People like us are destined to be a thing of the past."

"And Comrade Xiao Chen will be the rising sun in a big country!"

"Today in front of the synagogue."

"I represent the big country and the R&D team."

"I solemnly entrust Comrade Chen to you."

"Entrust to Qinghua!"

"I hope he can get the best training at Qinghua University."

"Heroes are not young!"

(Thinking slowly, writing slowly, sitting in front of the computer from morning to night and typing all day, after writing this point.) )

(Ten chapters are over, good night everyone.) )

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