"What's going on? "

Chen Qingxuan's brows also furrowed.

"It's a shame to say!"

"A few days ago, we finally found a water source in Luomubo, and because of this incident... Several comrades were sacrificed. "

"They're all buried in the sand!"

"I couldn't find a single hair. "

"What a true unsung hero!".

Li Xiuyuan sighed, his voice trembling with a little choking.

If there were no such silent people, they would have been sacrificed.

There are no such unsung heroes.

There would be no great power today.

"Fortunately, we have finally found a water source and the route for transporting the food has been decided. "

"Now that we have water, food, and the most basic necessities, we have started to build the base. "

"I didn't expect the big guy to be busy for several days, and the concrete state of the base just couldn't meet the standard. "

"Others also persuaded me that it was good to be able to mix concrete in such a harsh environment. "

"But, you know that. If there is even the slightest mistake in building a nuclear bomb, it will be a thousand miles away!"

"I'm now under pressure to put the project on hold and find out why it's not up to standard. If you still can't find it, you may have to restart tomorrow. "

Li Xiuyuan's words were a little heavy.

He didn't want to investigate the reason.

But time waits for no one.

In this deserted Luomubo, as long as it is delayed for a day, it will cost huge manpower and material resources.

He Li Xiuyuan, he really can't afford to delay.


Listening to Li Xiuyuan's words, Chen Qingxuan also frowned slightly and thought about it.

In this era, many industries were relatively backward.

But concrete is the most basic building foundation, and it stands to reason that it should be fine.

How can it not be up to standard?

"Have the ingredients been carefully inspected?".

Chen Qingxuan asked.

"Comrade Qingxuan, you don't have to worry about this. We strictly control this aspect, and there will be absolutely no problems at all. "

"The great powers are far more enthusiastic and important about building nuclear bombs and rockets than you can imagine!"

Li Xiuyuan's tone was very determined.

There will be no problems with the ingredients.

Where would that be the problem?

"Alas. "

After a moment of silence, Li Xiuyuan sighed slightly on the other side of the phone.

"It's okay, it's all a little problem. "

"We can all overcome it here. "

"Comrade Qingxuan, your task is to stay in Qinghua and do a good job of study, research and further study. "

"I believe that in the future, great powers will surely soar thousands of miles because of you. "

"I'm calling you today to ask about your situation. Now that you're all right, I'm relieved. "

"If there's anything going on, I'll get back in touch with you. "

Li Xiuyuan finished speaking.

Just hang up.

"Wait a minute. "

Chen Qingxuan sat up straight from the chair and slowly opened his eyes.

"I thought about the reason why the concrete wasn't up to par. "

"Tell me about it. "

Li Xiuyuan immediately perked up and said.

Although it may not be the real reason, it is always true that one more person is one more force.

"What kind of water do you use to mix concrete?"

Chen Qingxuan pondered for a moment and asked lightly.

Li Xiuyuan was stunned for a moment, "It's the water source we found two days ago, wait, do you mean..."


After Chen Qingxuan's reminder, Li Xiuyuan quickly realized the problem.

"That's right. "

Chen Qingxuan opened his mouth lightly.

"The use of alkaline water to prepare concrete increases the alkalinity of the concrete. "

"This has the advantage of protecting the rebar inside. "

"However, the alkalinity value of the water in Rombo is too high. "

"This will cause the inside of the concrete to expand and crack, causing serious quality problems!".

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to rush immediately(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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