What kind of genius does this have to be?

Chen Qingxuan, is he still a person?

In just two hours, they completed their most difficult course.

A whole book!

This question, even she herself has not figured it out until now.

However, he easily calculated it.

The senior sister blushed.

Biting his lip and stepping forward.

"Junior brother, you..."

"What's your name?".

"Chen Qingxuan. "

Chen Qingxuan opened his mouth lightly.

He opened his eyes and sorted out the somewhat scattered books on the table, ready to return them.

"Chen Qingxuan. "

"Good name. "

The senior sister blushed and muttered silently several times.

Indicates that she remembers.

Then some of them couldn't stand the ridicule of everyone, turned their heads with a red face, and ran away.

"Comrade Qingxuan, how did you do it?"

"Oh no, I should say it's my example, how did you do it. "

Li Xiaoran came over with a shocked face.

He was in despair at this time.

"What four years to catch up with Chen Qingxuan. "

"It's just a joke. "

"I've been in four years, and it's good to be able to catch up with his results this afternoon. "

"When I met Comrade Chen Qingxuan, I really knew what it means to have people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the sky!"

Li Xiaoran sighed silently in her heart.

Chen Qingxuan spoke lightly.

"It's nothing, it's just that I have a better memory. "

"What you see at a glance, you will never forget. "

"Oh, my understanding is pretty good, too. "

"As long as you read this book, you basically understand it. "

Heard Chen Qingxuan's answer.

Li Xiaoran was in tears.

"Do you understand that?"

"You're just chewing the book and eating it in your stomach, okay? "

"Where do you put our faces for a mediocre genius like us?".

He never dreamed that there would really be someone in this world who would never forget.

And it's his roommate who claims to have scored zero on the test.

The key is to forget it.

If you read everything once, you can understand it thoroughly.

"This, this is out of the realm of genius. "

Li Xiaoran said with envy and hatred that such a memory and understanding would be good even if he could share half of it.

And Chen Qingxuan glanced at Li Xiaoran's reaction, and the corners of his mouth hooked.

After all, it is difficult for him to explain this kind of thing clearly.

And his extraordinary memory and comprehension will be discovered sooner or later.

Fortunately, Li Xiaoran has already labeled him a "peerless genius", which is much more normal now.

"It's getting late, let's go back. "

Chen Qingxuan glanced at his watch.

He and Li Xiaoran haven't eaten yet.


Li Xiaoran stood up like a wood.

His eyes were blank and his expression was glazed.

Straight to the door.

It is estimated that he is still immersed in shock.

Chen Qingxuan smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"Alright. "

"Comrade Li Xiaoran, you are not bad. "

"What do you want to eat? "

"That's fine. "

Li Xiaoran, a foodie, suddenly had a smile on his face.

The expression is not as lost as it was just now.

took Chen Qingxuan's meal ticket and bought a bunch of delicious food from Qinghua Canteen, and his face was flushed.

Li Xiaoran hiccuped.

Satisfied, he and Chen Qingxuan returned to the dormitory.

Without waiting for Chen Qingxuan to speak, he consciously lifted the teapot and said, "Learn from God's example, I'll fetch water for you." "

As he spoke, he hurried out.

It's just that Li Xiaoran didn't run a few steps.

He came back again, staring at him with a strange expression for a few seconds.

"Learn from God's example, there is a beautiful girl outside our school now, claiming to have come to you. "

The doorman wouldn't let her in and stopped her. "

"Just now the doorman found the dormitory manager and asked if you would like to go over and see him. "

"Huh?" Chen Qingxuan raised his eyebrows suspiciously when he heard this.

He put down the pen in his hand and stood up thoughtfully.

Li Xiaoran happened to see that Chen Qingxuan's manuscript paper had a line of words written on it, which should have just come up with a title.

"On the Application of Mechanics in Involute Gear Processing Technology".

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