"I'm going to send a paper on these gears internationally."

Chen Qingxuan said without thinking.

Qin Jinsong's eyes darkened.

Chen Qingxuan said: "However, as for the specific data, I do not plan to publish it in foreign paper magazines. "

"I'm going to start domestic production first."

"Our nuclear bomb and rocket bases can also be used."

"However, even in China, I will not share unconditionally."

"The drawings and production data are all from my side, and I don't contact any other middlemen. Professor Qin, you understand what I mean, right? "

Chen Qingxuan said lightly.

He made the decision for a reason.

Gears are the most basic components of machinery.

These new gears, even if Chen Qingxuan does not propose them now, will be discovered by foreign research in a few years and manufactured in large quantities.

Therefore, it is better for him to be the first to publish it in international journals.

"I see, you're going to take the data in your own hands, and if someone wants to use it, they're going to pay you for specific models and data, right?"

Qin Jinsong was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded excitedly.

"Don't worry, you, Professor Qin, are not old and stubborn."

"You will not be forced to pay anything for the great powers."

"Since you invented these gears, you should have the right to use them."

"Besides, being able to earn money from the people on the Eagle and Mao Bear side is also the ability of our big country!"


Chen Qingxuan nodded and smiled slightly.

He is not some kind of virgin.

At this time, there was no patent, so he could only hold the specific data and production methods in his own hands.

Ask the woolly bear and the eagle for a price and make a profit!

That's all small money, though.

The Woolly Bear and Eagles will only buy data once.

This paper is just a study he made.

The task with regard to the development of the system is to solve a major technical problem in the study of nuclear bombs: synchronous focusing technology.

In other words, when a nuclear bomb explodes, it is necessary to ensure that the explosion is synchronized and the explosion energy is focused at the same time.

Only in this way can the power of the nuclear bomb be fully guaranteed.


Chen Qingxuan exhaled.

Don't look at the Eagle and the Woolly Bear, they have already developed a nuclear bomb, but even they have not mastered the principle of synchronous focusing.

The nuclear bomb of a great power.

If you want to do it, you have to do the most advanced.

It is not easy to break through this technology.

At least now, although Chen Qingxuan has reached the level of proficiency in every course, he still can't break through this technique.

If it were that easy, the eagle and the woolly bear would have studied it a long time ago.

"Comrade Qingxuan, I have already read the opening report of the paper, and there is no problem at all!"

"You're now at a level that surpasses my most proud student back then."

"I believe that your future achievements will be limitless."

"You can now start writing your dissertation."

"If you encounter difficulties, just come to me, I will definitely find a way to solve it for you."

Qin Jinsong was upright and said.

"Thank you, Professor Qin."

Chen Qingxuan came back to his senses and nodded slightly.

Qin Jinsong is well-intentioned.

Although this paper was a piece of cake for him.

You don't need help at all.

In Qin Jinsong's enthusiastic various exhortations and suggestions.

Chen Qingxuan returned to the class.

By this time, the English class was already halfway through.


Chen Qingxuan pushed open the door.

Suddenly, everyone in the class looked at him in unison.

There was adoration in his eyes, and shock in his eyes.

"Role models are just different."

"I skipped the first English class."

"Anyway, he got a perfect score, so he should be able to do it all."

Li Xiaoran was also stunned and muttered.

"Now let's learn derived adverbs, slowly..."

Lu Shiwan, an English teacher, is writing English words on the blackboard.

Turning his head, he saw Chen Qingxuan standing at the door, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

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