Demon dragon is usually a name given to those dragon descendants whose bloodline is impure or who do not respect the bloodline of true dragons.

It's just that the dragon bloodline is too powerful, and few dragonborn would give up the dragon blood, let alone break out of the shackles of the dragon bloodline.

However, the Supreme Demonic Dragon Emperor did it!

He is a demon dragon, not a divine dragon!

For Zulong, the rise of the Supreme Demonic Dragon Emperor and even the hostility of the True Dragon Clan has always been a major pain point for him!

"The consciousness of the Supreme Demonic Dragon King has arrived in my hometown."

Feng Xia's clothes were flying in the wind, and on the sea of ​​thunder, the waves were turbulent, and the thunder plasma and electric liquid tilted.

Just listen to the young man in blue say calmly:

"I suppressed him."

Chapter 0964

Although strictly speaking, when the Supreme Demon Dragon Emperor came to Xuanyuan, it was not Feng Xia who really suppressed him.

But the strange power in the ancient land abandoned by God.

That power suppressed the Chenhai ancestor for more than three thousand years, and also suppressed the revived Demon Dragon Emperor's consciousness.

Of course, these things are happening in the future, and for everyone else here, they are things that have not happened yet.

Therefore, there is no pressure when Feng Xia blows up the cowhide.

"Suppressed by you?"

Everyone was stunned again.

What kind of person is the Supreme Demonic Dragon Emperor?

At its peak, he was known as the Supreme Being and was invincible in all realms!

Even a ray of will is absolutely invincible!

"But if it were him..."

Everyone's eyes fell on Feng Xia's palm.

In the palm of his hand, the Taoist court was dazzling with a blurred light. Under the suppression of the Taoist court, Zulong's will suffered many losses.

"Since we can suppress the will of the ancestral dragon, it seems not surprising that we can suppress the will of the Supreme Demonic Dragon Emperor..."

In the Taoist court, Zulong suffered many injuries, but the look of shock could not be concealed in his golden single eye.

For the proud Ancestral Dragon, the Supreme Demon Dragon Emperor, who does not respect the dragon bloodline and takes the name of a demon, is undoubtedly a huge stain!

However, even he had to admit it.

The Demon Dragon Emperor is really powerful!

"What's more, I haven't gained anything completely from staying in the Primordial Thunder Sea these days."

Feng Xia shook Hualong's hands, with a faint smile on his face.

He pointed to the sky and the ground, and the thunder in the primordial thunder sea suddenly set off huge waves and gathered at his fingertips!

"Zulong, during this period of time, you have been secretly influencing the Thunder Sea, forming some thunder elves, trying to interfere with us from the side, right?"


"Those thunder elves are all the fault of Zulong?"

Feng Xia's words immediately made everyone look shocked.

During the time they stayed here, thunder would often turn into creatures, either in human form or as birds and beasts, and launch sneak attacks on them from the dark.

However, most of them were blocked by Feng Xia.

Only a small part of them were deliberately spared by Feng Xia and became their opponents.

Although the battle was very difficult, even sisters Chang Xi and Chang Yi had gained a lot.

"why not?"

Feng Xia smiled slightly: "This primordial thunder sea is the brain of the ancestral dragon. Although the ancestral dragon's body is silent, this ray of his will can still exert a certain influence."

Everyone suddenly nodded.

Zulong Zhi's expression gradually became serious: "You kid..."

He gradually smelled something bad.

The next moment, Feng Xia's eyes widened angrily, and he opened his mouth and spat out eight characters.

Tianlong Bayin!


The thunder sea is surging and rolling, with the power of destroying the world!

However, the next moment, all the thunderous turbulence subsided, and the pale thunder plasma electro-fluid was calm, engraved with infinite magical lines, like a bronze mirror, flowing quietly at everyone's feet.

Yu Hui and Lu Tiancheng's expressions changed.

Feng Xia looked at the twin Luna sisters: "You two girls, please lend me a helping hand."

"Help you?"

My younger sister, Chang Xi, was stunned for a moment, then her face lit up with joy: "Wait a minute, could it be that Xia Lang, you have already——"

The woman jumped up, the bright moonlight turned into a ribbon, and the gauze flew, covering her graceful figure.

She stepped through the sea of ​​thunder and came to Feng Xia.

Taotao's mana surged out from his fingertips, and the huge dragon ship suddenly shook.

"It's moving! It's really moving!"

At this moment, Feng Xia was bathed in thunder and stepped on the electric light, just like an ancient god, the ancient god Lei Ze!

After Chang Xi's mana was injected into it, the dragon ship finally shook. The bone wings shook the void, causing the huge bow to rise little by little!

"Sister, come and help!" Chang Xi shouted, "If you don't come here, the boat will capsize!"

"I see."

Chang Yi looked cold, but still jumped in.

At this moment, her consciousness merged into a vast world, allowing her to roam as she wanted.

"This is……"

Chang Yi's beautiful eyes moved slightly and glanced at Feng Xia beside her.

From that vast world, she felt the breath of Fengxia.

That seems to be Feng Xia's spiritual world!

"This guy's spiritual world is much purer than imagined."

With a whisper in his heart, Chang Yi also adjusted his mood and output his magic power.

With the support of the magic power of the two gods, the tail of the dragon boat slowly lifted up, and the hull rose higher and higher, as if it was about to escape and fly to the nine heavens!

Suddenly, bone wings cut through the void, and the ship's hull turned into a shadow, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Everyone felt their eyes blurred, and the scene in all directions suddenly changed.

A half-broken sacred mountain, with a section as smooth as a mirror, stood in the way of the dragon boat.

The sacred mountain is extremely majestic, but it is cut off halfway on the mountainside, as if it was cut off by a terrifying being!

The huge shadow was reflected on the dragon boat, and Yu Hui and Lu Tiancheng's brows shouted at the same time:

"Quick, quick, quick! It's going to hit, it's going to hit!"

"Turn! Turn! Fellow Daoist Xia, don't be in a daze——"


The bone wings of the dragon boat vibrated again, shuttled through the void, and passed by the broken sacred mountain at the critical moment.

At the same time, Feng Xia's heart moved slightly: "The section on this sacred mountain looks a little familiar..."

A butcher's knife filled with evil spirits suddenly popped into his mind.

"Yes! Someone once came here with a butcher's knife and cut off this sacred mountain with one knife!"

Feng Xia's heart was beating wildly: "So in this time and space, is the butcher's knife still on Tianwen Ancient Street?"

While he struggled to control the dragon boat, he carefully recalled the scene on the section of the sacred mountain.

With his current level of cultivation, he could not only look at things casually, but even if it was just a casual glance, he could recall every detail afterwards.

Soon, Feng Xia's memory was frozen.

The cross-section of the sacred mountain is as smooth as a mirror, but there is a tiny point where wisps of evil energy are emerging.

That wisp of evil aura was filled with a cold sword intent!

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