"Grey mist...is dead..."

A voice with no discernible emotion sounded, a little low and a little hoarse.

"His body of gray mist was shattered, and his true body entrusted in the way of heaven also disappeared."

"Who did it? Could it be the remnants of the Heavenly Pattern Kingdom?"

"How many years has it passed before someone could actually do this?"

Voices sounded one after another, and neither anger nor sadness could be heard.

It was as if the death of Ying Daoyi, the Lord of Gray Mist, was just a trivial matter to them.

"The top priority is that Gray Mist is dead and there is a vacancy in the authority of Heaven. We should take it down."


The eighteen Taoist ancestors of the strange source whispered that their power began to expand, and the vacancy in heaven left by the death of the Lord of Gray Mist naturally became the target of their struggle!

But just before that, a figure with divine light all over his body suddenly came over, and Peiran Moyu's divine thoughts suddenly spread, and he got ahead of them and placed himself in the vacancy of heaven!

"Who is it?! Get him!"

Eighteen strange Taoist ancestors were furious.

There are actually people in front of them... taking advantage of the situation and picking the fruits?

"Weird cubs, come and bite your grandpa!"

The figure laughed.

Chapter 1204

"This guy……"

"He's really a complete jerk!"

Feng Xia and others were stunned.

When the powerful man transformed by Dao Jin Yulian spoke, they had not yet reacted...

What method does this person plan to use to verify the life and death of the Lord of Gray Mist?

But the next moment they had the answer.

This mysterious powerful man soared into the sky, showing a majestic spiritual thought that was no less than that of Holy Emperor Ning Zhen. Taking advantage of the fact that the Lord of Gray Mist was dead and no one controlled the power of Heaven, he entrusted his great path to Heaven. Among them, he successfully seized the power of heaven!

However, what was different from Feng Xia's initial encounter was that the moment he succeeded, eighteen terrifying wills descended upon him!

"Those guys are here!"

Everyone in the group was on the highest level of vigilance.

Killing the Lord of Gray Mist may be just the beginning.

If all eighteen strange Taoist ancestors arrive, they will definitely face a tough battle and even a fatal situation!

"Did you do this to Gray Fog?"

For the first time, a series of magnificent wills locked the mysterious strong man.

Above the sky, more black thunder condensed out, full of boundless killing, only born to destroy everything in the world!

The mysterious strong man was immediately blocked, his figure kept sinking, and the divine light outside his body kept exploding. It was obvious that he had suffered an extremely terrible impact.

Even the Five Emperors, who were far away from the battlefield, felt like a disaster was coming at this moment!

"What is this? A catastrophe?!"

"It's not like a catastrophe! Although the catastrophe is terrifying, there is a glimmer of hope after all, and this black thunder..."

"Destruction... This kind of thunder only exists for destruction!"

At this point, they had no idea of ​​continuing to fight.

Even if they can win, the final outcome still depends on the outcome of the battle on Feng Xia's side.

"Fellow Taoist, lend me the Ten Thousand Tribulations Reincarnation Lotus!"

At this moment, the god transformed into Dao Jin Yulian raised his hand, and the Samsara Lotus beneath Feng Xia trembled, then flew through the air and fell into the hands of this mysterious powerhouse.

In his hands, the leaves of the Myriad Tribulation Samsara Lotus expanded, cutting through one space-time plane after another, showing even more shocking power than when it was in Feng Xia's hands. The disappeared Great Path of Samsara was revived again. And from the planes of time and space one after another, countless gods and men were shrouded in light, walked out of the planes of time and space, and worked together to unleash a shocking blow toward the sky!


At this moment, the sky exploded, and the space seemed to have a big hole, spreading in all directions like a tide.

In the large cave, mist of various colors surged and fell, and there was a faint roar.

"You guy-"

"What a courage!"

"Do you think we can't find you if you mess up the secret of heaven?"

Among the people present, only the Lord of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Samsara Lotus looked dull.

How come someone is better at using the Samsara Lotus than him?

He activated the Ten Thousand Tribulations Samsara Lotus, but failed to achieve any effective results for a long time. As a result, Feng Xia completely wiped out a strange Tao Ancestor with one move. The mysterious powerful man transformed from the Tao Jin Jade Lotus even defeated the Eighteen Dao Ancestors with one blow. Ancestor!

With the previous blow, the Lotus of Samsara cut through ten thousand planes of time and space.

From those planes of time and space, there are tens of thousands of him in the past and future, and the power of a combined blow is equivalent to ten thousand times that of his peak!

But before that, he had never known that the Samsara Lotus... could have such a use!

Of course, the backlash caused by a force of ten thousand times is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear.

While defeating the combined forces of the Eighteen Dao Ancestors, he was almost shocked to death on the spot. The divine light all over his body collapsed. In an instant, he was knocked back to the prototype of Dao Jin Yulian!

And on this Dao Golden Jade Lotus, there are dazzling cracks everywhere, like a piece of dilapidated porcelain, which can be easily shattered with just a little more strength.


Feng Xia and others heard a weak voice ringing in their ears.

"let's go!"

Feng Xia reacted immediately and jumped onto the Ancestral Dragon Ship. With a burst of mana, he dragged the Golden Jade Lotus to the deck. The Lord of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Samsara Lotus hesitated for a moment, and then boarded the ship with the spiritual roots of heaven and earth!

The next moment, the terrible fog spread from the end of the sky, spreading all over the sky and the earth. Wherever it passed, everything turned into scorched earth!

However, at that moment, the Ancestral Dragon Ship broke through the void and disappeared.

"They confused the secrets of heaven and tried to escape from our sight, but the heavens and the world, where the way of heaven is... are what we can see!"

"Under the law of heaven, no one can escape!"

"Find them, erase them, eliminate all variables!"

In the mist, one voice after another sounded.

The next moment, the mist spread in all directions.

But soon, a surprised voice came from the mist pool: "Their fate track...is broken? No!"

There was a hint of surprise in that voice: "They actually ran into the chaos!"

Needless to say, chaos has been dangerous since ancient times.

Even if an emperor-level being enters the Sea of ​​Chaos, he will still be crushed to death by the weight of the Sea of ​​Chaos. Throughout the ages, there have only been a few exceptions.

The god king of the Shebi Corpse God Clan, his body is a corpse floating from chaos. Even if he dies, he is still in the chaos and cannot be hurt at all.

In addition, the hibiscus tree, the spiritual root of heaven and earth, can also connect to chaos!

"Thousand-winged Ancestral Dragon Ship..."

A low voice muttered to himself: "One of the Taoist weapons refined by the Heavenly Pattern Kingdom back then, I thought that with the resurrection of the Ancestral Dragon, this Ancestral Dragon Ship would become history, but I didn't expect... it is still in the world! "

The thousand-winged ancestral dragon ship also has the ability to travel through the void and travel through chaos!

But when one enters chaos and is not under the laws of heaven in the universe, the thread of fate is naturally cut off.

"They have entered the chaos, and it will be difficult for Heaven to pursue them. However, there is no time in the chaos, it is difficult to discern the direction, and they cannot get any supplements. They cannot hold on for long..."

"In that case, just send people to hunt them down!"

"After all, someone has to pay the price for Gray Mist's death!"


At the same time, the Ancestral Dragon Ship suddenly jumped onto the Sea of ​​Chaos!

"This...is outside the world, above chaos?"

Feng Xia blinked. He stood on the deck of the Zulong Ship and looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

Time and space seem to have completely lost their meaning.

Chaos and vastness, I don’t know the year.

The boundaries between light and darkness also become extremely blurred here.

"Chaos and chaos... This is the first time I have seen the real sea of ​​chaos..."

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