26 – 5. Peace Movement

At the time when I was thinking about how to kill and fry the seeds of evil that had been excommunicated in Villach.

At this point, there were a few people who were slowly becoming impatient.

First of all, there was an emperor.

The oath did not just happen in Villach, but as if it had been promised, it began all over the empire wherever the church reached. This is because the solemn command came from the Pope and not from anyone else.

“Inspire the mercenaries and knights under the banner of peace. In this way, we will be able to achieve the peace that God desires.”

The intention was not a big problem, but if you look closely, it was only a measure to tie up the emperor.

The talented people who can be used as military power are tied up, and the emperor’s power is diminished. On the other hand, the church was naturally able to organize its own militia in the name of peace.

It was something that really hurt my pride.

Finally, the emperor changed his mind a little.

In short, I was able to let go of my arrogance and take the situation more seriously.

This was the reason why the emperor stayed up all night typing on his calculator to see if he could win the fight against the feudal lords and the pope who were starting to sharply prepare for rebellion.

In particular, the movements of the feudal lords were unusual, so my worries deepened. They were really going to crown a new emperor sooner or later.

And here, there was another group that became nervous due to the unintentional butterfly effect.

“They say the bishop is trying to raise an army to attack us. Is this true? “Didn’t he say nothing would happen?”

“Well, um. “It’s a bit of a complicated problem.”

“Hey, f*ck! “Isn’t this negative!!”

A person who refuses to take an oath or blatantly breaks an oath.

Among them, they were knights and mercenaries who had no idea that the Pope would draw his sword and take a strong stance.

If you actually break your oath, you will be excommunicated. Even if you didn’t do it in the first place, you will be excommunicated. Even if the intention to break the law is judged to be trivial under the circumstances, excommunication is given.

Everyone is now familiar with the church’s excommunication theory. It was so widespread that everyone from priests in the Vatican to simple-minded knights in the far northern countryside of Bolle knew about it.

So, the fact that they have not yet made or broken their vows means that they have decided to go against the church even though they are well aware of the disadvantages of not doing so.

You can criticize them for why they did such bad things, but that doesn’t mean they have no excuses.

“Then shouldn’t you have done something that would have resulted in excommunication in the first place?”

“Just do some thinking. Who would write an article if you lived like that? “If you keep a squire attached to a horse, what will be left?”

Being an engineer is a job that really, really costs a lot of money.

Unless he has his own fiefdom and can cover the costs, or he is famous only for his frugality and high reputation, like a luminous sword, and he travels without a squire on a horse, he is destined to be short of money.

So, among the knights and mercenaries, those who followed the plunder drift continued to come out.

Knights were created to subdue them, and when they disappeared, they became impoverished and once again filled the void left by the thieves, turning the wheel of destruction.

But here, someone came up with a trick and found a loophole in this seemingly unstoppable wheel.

“Wouldn’t it just be okay if we weren’t thieves?”

“What kind of bullsh*t is that? “How can you steal and not be a thief?”

“No, think about it carefully. First of all, if you plunder, but often also do work for noblemen, wouldn’t you still be considered a knight? “If it wasn’t too pretentious, everyone would turn a blind eye to it.”

They say excommunication is a declaration of deprivation of human rights, but it doesn’t have much effect if you change your occupation from knight to thief several times a day to suit your taste.

When well-armed groups were moving around, it was extremely uneconomical for the lords to find them and subdue them one by one.

And in response to voices calling for a solution, isn’t the way out by making the excuse, ‘I can’t do that because I’m not a thief in the first place’ a very attractive option?

From Noble mtl dot com

If we had to be honest, they are a gray area between knights and thieves.

And even though we knew everything we knew about each other, we could have quietly passed on a moderate amount of looting.

When the church attacked the heretics, they remained silent because they were not heretics.

When the lords attacked the thieves, they called themselves knights and laughed at them, calling them careless idiots.

When the target finally became themselves, they were finally able to face the reality that the whole world was trying to tear them to pieces.

“An army is being built to punish oath-breakers! “It’s all over now!”

“There must be a way. Yes, Emperor! If His Majesty the Emperor needed an army, he would use us with great care. “Let’s go see His Majesty.”

They went to the emperor with full of dreams and hopes, dreaming of fortune and fortune, but had to face the bitter taste of life again.

No matter how much the emperor is the Pope’s spiritual rival, it would be a little hard for him to use people who were excommunicated for corruption rather than anything else… I noticed it. Especially because his power base was largely supported by the people.

There was no person so big that he could openly ask whether he himself was also excommunicated.

If he exists, he will have long since been buried in the ground and his bones have turned white.

In the case of the church, it was natural that those who broke their oaths were not treated as human beings. Rather, it was fortunate that they were not seen as walking trophies.

After being judged as non-recyclable by both the emperor and the pope, the options given to them were naturally narrowed down to two.

They were forced to make a choice.

You can either run away to a foreign country, change your identity and live as a knight, or go as a thief. I could no longer stand half-way in the middle.

And the will of the knights and mercenaries who had the special experience of being beaten openly in the square was unusually united.

“… “If this happens, we will attack them first before they attack us!”

“f*ck, aren’t we easy because we just sit there and let it happen every time? Even the members of the church need to come to their senses now.”

“After the council is over and before the church bastards gather an army of pledged people, take advantage of the moment when you are off guard and make a surprise attack!”

Pillach was no exception.

Those who made a secret pact made plans to fight.


Even when I evaluate myself strictly, I am exceptionally religious.

It’s not because I was a devout believer from my previous life. Rather, paradoxically, it is because I come from a modern era full of reason and rationality.

Forget it, wouldn’t there be a God in a world where magic makes classical mechanics walk into the trash can?

Not to mention that I have had a supernatural experience for the second time in my life. And this also provides some peace of mind in battlefields where you have to rely somewhat on luck.

So, I tried to follow the teachings of the church as much as possible. Anyway, it wasn’t immoral even by modern standards.

Do not loot, do not steal, do not hit others without reason, etc.

These were the things that were said at the pledge ceremony, and it was a little bitter that the reason for this emphasis was that they were not being kept well.

But what is bad is people, not doctrine.

As part of that, this is my morning routine when I can’t wake up at dawn because I’m having trouble sleeping.

First of all, as soon as you wake up, praise God for being able to have a refreshing morning and chant a slogan to revitalize your body.

It may seem like regret, but it was also an action to reminisce about a past life that could not receive sympathy from anyone in the world.

At the same time, it was a task to protect my identity as a modern person’s spirit that had fallen into the Middle Ages, and to reflect on the faded values of morality and justice. Of course, girl, you often cringe at my refreshing morning slogans.

In order to create the solemnity and atmosphere expected of a knight, he poses in a solemn pose outside and pays attention to the way he speaks when he opens his mouth.

But when I was alone with the girl, I didn’t put much effort into that. Therefore, the girl was one of the few people who knew that my appearance inside and outside was different.

Lisia, who could not understand this, once asked me this.



“He who wakes up in the morning and speaks… What is a slogan? “It’s a word you haven’t heard anywhere else.”

In the first place, it was not an action I wanted to be understood by others, so the answer I gave was superficial, leaving out all information about my past life.

“It is a prayer to wake up early and prepare your mind to start the day with energy. It was also a word used in my hometown. “If it’s difficult to understand, you can just think of it as dialect.”

After saying this, about a week has passed since then. So, it was the day after I made my vows.

I woke up early, and the girl who woke up to the sound of rustling as I got up stretched out, hesitated for a moment, glanced at me, and shouted:

“Early bird wake up!”

“… ….”

I never forced you to follow me.

It seems like the child is starting to learn something strange.

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