30 – 6. Miracle!

‘… Life.’

The bride wanted to hit everyone.

Of course, there were thieves right in front of us, and a den of well-armed thieves had been created overnight.

But the more fundamental reason was that the Count of Villach came to see if a rebellion had broken out because a fool was not good enough to guard his own house, and then realized that the fool was himself.

The bishop said he was coming to deliver some good news, so I agreed, and the news that came back to the count was that the city had fallen.

“Maybe it’s because I’m old, but I hear all this nonsense. Okay, say that again. “What about Villach?”

“That…” In the hands of excommunicated knights and mercenaries-“

“That! “Now!”

“The bishop will not spare any support in the recapture…” ….”

“Meanwhile, the bishop escaped? “aaa!!”

And then, as expected, only the furniture broke.

From Noble mtl dot com

The reason why the Vatican had to pay attention to the count was because there were many intertwined interests.

If you choose one of the pope, emperor, or prince as the cause of the strange things that have happened on this continent, the answer is most likely the correct answer.

As expected, the origins of Villach’s uproar can be traced back to the conspiracy between the Pope and the Emperor.

The Church and the Pope called for a break with the world.

This is because we have not seen many good results from being involved with secular monarchs. That is why they wanted inviolability in the Middle Ages and government affairs.

Didn’t the previous emperor change the Pope every year like an air conditioner filter until it suited his taste?

Don’t the heretics periodically spawn as a group somewhere, as if they had promised?

Moreover, when the emperor remained silent, the feudal lords rose up and plundered.

I didn’t expect much.

The Pope just wanted to live quietly.

“Therefore, I excommunicate Emperor Henry!”

“Your Holiness…….”

First, just regain the right to appoint clergy.

The archbishop, who was watching from the side, tilted his head as if this was a line that someone who said he didn’t want to fight would say. Rather, isn’t it the appearance of a gambler who wants to play just one more game?

Pillach, a city that straddles the border of the Papal States but boasts a considerable size, was a thorn in the Pope’s eyes.

First of all, I excommunicated the emperor, but what if the empire invades that place as a bridgehead? And what if they plunder the Holy See? Just as violently as in the book I read before!

The Pope spent the night suffering from chronic paranoia.

In the days when I was looking for a solution, I suddenly came up with a good idea.

“I will make the Count of Villach my vassal.”

“How is that possible?”

Bongsin is a nobleman who receives territory. But the Count of Villach was already serving the emperor.

The Pope answered the archbishop’s question.

“I will give you a piece of my land and village near the border of Villach.”

It was a simple solution. A subject does not attack his lord.

Then, if I give up the land, won’t I become my subject and no longer be attacked?

It was worth it as long as a little bit of land could guarantee the safety and quality of sleep.

As a result, Villach was able to play the role of a buffer zone while remaining a unique subject of the emperor and the pope.

The Pope, who was extremely satisfied, boasted to the clergy of the Vatican, saying, ‘My intelligence is so great that if you listen carefully, you will be able to hear thoughts rolling around in my head.’

To drive a wedge here, he sent a bishop to make the knights there also swear an oath, in an attempt to remove the emperor’s influence from Villach.

And the emperor immediately responded to the Pope’s cute provocation.

“It’s not enough to just excommunicate you, you’re coming out so openly. However, the earl, who accepted the offer of land more than the Pope, is also annoyed…….”

“What would you like to do?”

“The Count said that nearby mercenaries had turned into bandits and asked for help, right?”


“Yes, we need to warn the Count too. “Do not send reinforcements.”

The snowball rolled and failed to catch the thieves, and the city fell into their hands.

At the same time, the Pope had to take responsibility for sending a bishop to vent the knights’ discontent.

The bishop who was questioned by the count, and the priest who was urged by the bishop.

Below, the believers came to the church and chattered about their anxiety, while from above, they sent messengers for no reason and scolded him to work harder.

It was the sorrow of middle management.


“The bishop raised a lot of money. “There are also relics and good weapons.”

“I see. And I have a little boy that I take with me.”

“Children can be protected by the church. There is a large church in a city further south, and if you stay there until you finish…….”

I looked at the bride in silence. Where is the guarantee that it is safe? A city has already exploded…… ?

The priest seemed to have sensed what that meant and quietly averted his gaze.

He may have judged that since he was faithful enough to make an oath, he would help us.

I just needed a passport.

It was ironic that the pledge made for peace, regardless of the purpose behind it, ended up bringing about more violence.

The premise of resolving peace through violence may be wrong. Anyway, it was a bitter feeling.

I turned away from the bride. Before I knew it, Lisia was next to me.

It seemed like he followed me when I left the church.

“Are you going?”

The girl looked up at me and asked. Perhaps he also overheard the conversation with the priest.

“We have somewhere to go, so we should hurry.”

I am at the Vatican, and she is at university.

After hearing my answer, Lisia looked like she was worried for a moment.

My mouth opened when we passed through the messy streets and returned to the church where we left our luggage.

“Then the people of Villach… What happens?”

“We must pray that God saves them.”

It was bitter, but that was the correct answer. It seems possible to use something similar to a sword like my glow-in-the-dark sword, but it was a world without a sword master who could destroy an army with his own strength.

If it were the knights that appear in poems about chivalry, they might have immediately taken off and rushed to the rescue. But since it doesn’t exist in reality, isn’t it poetry and novels?

There is no way to eliminate all injustice in the world by one’s own efforts.

Because there was only one body, even the saints failed, and the church, which also took on that duty, was fortunate not to do more.

“Salvation… ….”

“Are you ready to leave? Breakfast… “Let’s skip today and have lunch in the next village.”

I packed everything I needed and put on my gear. If it had been a short distance, I would have worn more comfortable clothes, but now it was no surprise that I encountered thieves on the road.

If this is going to be the case, why did I pay the toll tax? I can’t go and get a refund.

I put my luggage on Sancho. After untying the string tied to the fence next to the church, I held out my hand to the girl.

“Come on, let’s go.”

“… “Are you planning on going to Villach?”

“I thought about going if the pay was good, but I thought it would be better not to go.”


“Because it’s too dangerous. “Maybe you more than me.”

And since I agreed to take him to college, I had to take responsibility.

It’s hard to say whether it’s overprotection… It was not once or twice that I saw people talking about how age is just a number in this world. Even if it weren’t for that, I didn’t know how rampant thieves were around here.

“Then shouldn’t we go together?”

“That would be more dangerous. “I know when and where blind magic or arrows will fly.”

If I had gone this far, I couldn’t help but notice.

Lysia seemed to want to help Pillach. So what is the cause?

“Licia, this is for your safety.”

“I know that too. “I am grateful that you care about that.”

“You don’t have to think that I lost the opportunity to make money by sending you to college. “I didn’t plan on helping much anyway.”

“I understand why the church does not respond even if it asks for help. Because putting restrictions on knights doesn’t look good. “I can roughly guess what the intention is.”

I went with Lisia for several months. Although she can’t see into his inner thoughts, she at least knows that the girl doesn’t have the same simplistic way of thinking as the church is good and should be helped.

And you know how much it means to tell her to go to the battlefield where her life could be at stake with just a moment’s mistake.

At that questioning look, the girl nodded her head slightly and, keeping her silence, took my hand and dragged me into her church.

There was no one inside the church as the nearby residents were all out on the streets talking about the news of an infestation of thieves. The girl headed straight to the room she stayed in the day before.

As soon as I entered the room, the girl slammed her door shut and then she came towards me.

Why did she do that? As she was looking at her, Licia looked around her once and then whispered softly.

“… “Please don’t tell others.”


“Just make a promise.”

Why are you taking such a long time to say something?

However, it is probably not a big secret. Even if it were a medieval fantasy world, there would be no devils or demons, so it wouldn’t be such a development, and the most surprising secret would be that it’s paganism.

… But what if they are really pagans?

“Will you promise?”


But I wondered how important the secret was, so I nodded and answered.

If you are a pagan, then go ahead and think about it.

The girl who received my answer double-checked that the door was closed and that there was no one outside her window, then she extended her hand to me.



“… Uh?”

A soft light burst from the girl’s fingertips.

It was a familiar white light. I’ve seen it many times, but I’ve never been able to reach it because my bag strap is short.

It was magic.

“Licia, no way… ….”

“This, that…” ….”

The girl who created that scene didn’t seem to think about what happened afterward, and let out an awkward, sobbing voice like ‘Oh, that, that,’ as if she didn’t know what to say.

Finally, after some time had passed, her made-up words awkwardly came out of Lisia’s mouth.

“… Glow-in-the-dark?”


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