33 – 6. Miracle!

Users gathering in groups and chatting to celebrate the service end date is a time-honored tradition that is implemented in games hundreds of years later.

Of course, the world will not actually end, but the scene of people gathering at the market and exchanging expensive items was well implemented.

“I sell it cheap before I leave. “This is your last chance!”

“Look, I’m looking into a carriage.”

“How long have you been looking into it? “Nowadays, a lot of people are looking for it, so it’s a bit expensive.”

The merchants were ready to leave in the blink of an eye, and those who had a lot to lose took a club with them in case of an unexpected situation.

Everyone was in a state of confusion. And I knew what to do this time.

This is something I have done a lot anyway. Success means being chosen by lords, so popularity, which best explains a knight’s own value, is an essential element of success.

That’s why every article should basically prepare at least one of them.

I started promoting myself.

“I will save Villach!”

“This glow-in-the-dark sword Raven! Definitely from those wicked and corrupt thieves!”

Life 3rd time, Raven appears.

The reason why it is the 3rd episode is because Raven, who had taken care of the mediocre morality of the 2nd episode of his life, died and was reborn as a truly righteous knight of this era.

A nickname is a guarantee or a certification mark.

If the nickname wasn’t something like a bloody murderous maniac, it meant that he had at least minimal skills and had built up a reputation. So, emphasize this point and calm the confusion.

I could see the bride slowly approaching the crowd through the crowd.

He was so tired, as if he had been hit by five years of hard work in a few hours without seeing anyone, and rolled his eyes as he looked at me and the people of the city with an expression full of questions about what was going on.

So this is kind of… It is a gesture of reconciliation.

It means forgetting what happened a little while ago and making a fresh start. Even if the words were reversed, there was no need for the bride to refuse.

And when asking for help, it would have been a better development to have said yes right away.

The picture of awkwardly shaking hands and making up in front of everyone in the classroom while talking about how the other person is actually fine rather than just going and forgetting about what happened before is a bit… Doesn’t it look strange?

It doesn’t matter because other people don’t know about the conversation between me and the priest anyway.

The priest, one of the leading intellectuals of this era, must have understood the meaning well, and he skillfully hid the embarrassment that had just appeared on his face.

And I said that I would have drawn a reasonable amount of aggro, and since I was running out of things to say, I took over the microphone and told everyone in the city to take it easy.

“Now, such courageous warriors are gathering from all over to punish the ruthless people who rebel against the peace that God wants! “Everyone, please rest assured!”

“… ….”

But didn’t that peace disappear when someone poked the beehive?

“You just pray. May this crusade end in victory and prove that justice still exists in this land!”

“… Father.”

“Cough! “Why, why are you doing that?”

“Shouldn’t we talk about something a little different?”

“Ah, that’s right. Of course, the story won’t change.”

After Jo Oh-geum cuts off the conscienceless story that becomes difficult to listen to.

After the bride calmed down the commotion in the city and I accumulated reputation points, we couldn’t avoid talking about compensation.

Detailed matters would have to be agreed upon with the bishop later, but the mayor of the city also intervened, saying that the money issue could not be left out, and after arguing for a while, they decided on an approximate amount and resigned from the position.

And I was able to realize something new.

“Status window.”

Pararak. I opened the rolled up pledge.

The oath was not just a passport. It could even function as a portfolio for articles!

The goal of the knight is to ultimately receive land from the lords. In short, he can be said to be a private businessman aiming to hire full-time employees.

For that, you need to appeal to the fullest how prepared you are as a talent.

From Noble mtl dot com

And in a world where there are no certifications or computerized records, the only way to let people know how great of a person I am is by how much people talk about me.

However, not only is it difficult to accurately hear stories from distant places, but popularity also cools down as quickly as it burns.

No matter how many stories of heroism bloom in all kinds of battlefields, if they are widely spread and there is no one to keep talking about them, they are nothing but sandfish.

But this oath is different.

First of all, the concept of an ID card guaranteed by the Vatican implies trust. It is also difficult to forge because the stamp of the city in which it was issued is stamped on it.

On top of that, it records what the owner of the oath promised and fulfilled. The oath itself is already a guarantee that ‘the above-mentioned person has outstanding religious faith,’ and it also includes his/her career history.

So, the pledge is a portfolio for articles.

Can’t it also be called a status window in that it records the quests performed so far?

“… I.”

“Why are you doing this, Father?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

He gave me a look that said, ‘What are you doing?’

I just wanted to try it at least once. Even though there is no status window in the 3rd life, isn’t it possible to at least feel the mood?

I rolled up the pledge again and handed it to Lisia, who was watching what I was doing next to me.

And now that the basic contract had been signed, it was time to decide specifically what to do. I started talking with the priest and the mayor about reinforcements and troops that could be mobilized.


The salvation that Lisia thought was nothing special.

A life where you don’t have to hope that you can safely look to tomorrow, and be happy.

There was a debate among clergy about its definition, but wouldn’t it be true that it must be universal and easy for people to sympathize with?

The girl didn’t know what happiness was. When I was young, I didn’t have a family to receive enough love, and although I received a lot of attention at church, it was in a clumsy and shallow form, so I didn’t get to experience much.

In that sense, if you want to learn about happiness and look for examples nearby, it would be worth referring to Raven.

First of all, the reason he doesn’t seem to have any complaints is because he seems like he can live without the law.

“Early bird wake up!”

“…… ?”

I don’t know what that means, but doesn’t he look happy?

After spending some time with him, I was able to correct some of my thoughts.

First of all, he didn’t lose his head due to his own magic. Just… He was originally that kind of person. He still looks happy, so I guess that’s it.

So the girl asked Raven.

“He who wakes up in the morning and speaks… What is a slogan? “It’s a word you haven’t heard anywhere else.”

“It is a prayer to wake up early and prepare your mind to start the day with energy. It was also a word used in my hometown. “If it’s difficult to understand, you can just think of it as dialect.”

“If it is prayer, what is it for?”

“… “To not forget who I am and not to lose my humanity even in a world like this.”

Humanity. Isn’t this what everyone should do?

If I had that, would I be happy? I’m still not sure what that has to do with that obscure word, but it was worth a try.

So, Lisia’s imitation of Raven was an effort to understand him.

Of course, children’s unique habit of imitating people around them was also one of the causes.

“Early bird wake up!”

“Early bird wake up!”

“… ….”

“… “Shall we go eat?”

“… Yes.”

In the morning at the inn, he wakes up shouting like that, makes eye contact, wanders around, and then goes off to eat.

“If I had to make a statement, I think glow-in-the-dark swords are also cool.”

“Stop… ….”

“It’s better than I thought… ….”

I don’t know why, but the men at the inn are especially fond of glow-in-the-dark lights.

This was the underlying reason for the girl’s behavior.

I don’t know why, but strangely, I felt something cheerful as I imitated Raven.

The amount of time we spent together, hanging around and listening to what he said, also increased. And in the process, I felt like I could find out what happiness was.

So, I guess.

“… “Is this happiness?”

I was happy to receive attention and concerns that I had never received in my life, even from my parents, and I liked the sense of security that it was okay to not have to worry about others when eating.

Obviously, at first he was just trying to use me to drive him to college.

“If you go, study hard. “There is no place more proficient in magic than a university.”

So, when Raven mentioned the time of separation, she felt uneasy for some reason, so she, uncharacteristically, made a request that had no logic or reason.

However, this time, there is no price or reason that I have always used before or after whenever I speak since I was young.

“Even if we break up after arriving at university… ….”


“… Even after we break up, can you come back later?”

And when Raven nodded his head without any sign of hesitation, he felt relieved by that fact and smiled slightly.

He still didn’t know why he felt relieved.

But for now, he seemed happy.

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