I, Pirate Shichibukai

Chapter 218 Reiju 【Subscription, flowers】

"King Judge, your princess doesn't seem to be in good health!"

Crocodile looked worried, and seemed genuinely concerned about Sora's health.

Of course Judge knew how his wife's problems came about, and the reason was because of his own ambitions, but of course he couldn't tell Crocodile this kind of thing.

"The root of the disease caused by having a baby a few days ago can't be dealt with right now. It makes you laugh!" Judge smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say. "I've looked for countless famous doctors, but the effect is not good at all, and now it's dragged like this.

Looking at the pale Sora, Crocodile's mouth suddenly evoked an unknown arc.

"Goo ha ha ha, Judge, maybe you don't know, I'm actually still a doctor, maybe I can cure - the princess's disease. 35

Crocodile's medical skills are just joking, how could he know such a thing, he is just happy to see that this frail young woman makes someone's body restless and wants to do something wrong.

However, Judge believed it and thought that Crocodile really knew how to heal.


"Of course, how could I possibly lie to you about this!" Crocodile could not wait to open his heart to show the stupid King Judge.

Because Sora was always in Crocodile's arms, and someone didn't intend to hand him over, the two maids next to him seemed a little embarrassed, wondering if they should come forward and take Sola over.

After hesitating for a while, Judge finally decided to use the dead horse as a living horse doctor, maybe Sora's life could be saved.

According to the scientists in the Vinsmoke family, Sora's lifespan is only a few months.

The warm sunlight fell on the ground through the white floor-to-ceiling windows, leaving a faint shadow of Madara. Even though Sora was in a coma, her brows were still furrowed, as if she was enduring some kind of pain.

"Mr. Crocodile, Sora thought that the after-effects of taking the banned drugs were left behind..."

Barbara, Judge said a bunch of things, but Crocodile didn't care at all, his eyes just stopped in some unknown place from time to time.

"Okay, I understand, now please go out, I'm going to start treatment!

Crocodile said with a somewhat inhumane expression on his face.

Hearing this, the white coat was stunned for a moment. What's going on? Could it be that you didn't let us watch you during your treatment?

Judge was also a little surprised, and glanced at Crocodile curiously, thinking he had heard it wrong.

However, Crocodile did not give a positive answer, but slowly extended his right hand, and then a golden light burst out.


Seeing this, Judge couldn't help taking a deep breath. Although he believed in the power of science, he still felt extremely powerful power from that golden light.

"Why, I want to cast a secret technique, you all have to watch it, if this is the case, I don't think I need to continue!"

Crocodile looked unhappy and said coldly.

"Mr. Crocodile, this, this is a little inappropriate, after all, a man and a widow are in the same room..."

Judge hesitantly said, if it were someone else, maybe he would not be so suspicious, but who is the person in front of him, this guy is a terrifying existence that has forced Marine Rear Admiral Momousagi to the ground several times. Really listened to his words, Sora really won't be disturbed unexpectedly?

"Guhahahaha, are you doubting my character?""

Judge really wanted to say yes, but after hesitating for a while, he shook his head, and walked out listlessly with a group of people, but the moment the door closed, the suspicion in his eyes grew stronger.

Crocodile gave Judge a reassuring look when I was there.

It is because of your existence that I am not at ease!

Seeing everyone walking out, Crocodile calmly locked the door.

When Judge outside the door heard the sound, his heart tightened, and he felt a little regretful, but he also knew that he would probably leave a bad impression on Crocodile at this time, and he might bring disaster to himself. You must know this lunatic. But it has always been out of line.


··0 Flowers...  

In the end, Judge let out a long sigh, turned helplessly and left.

Crocodile sat down beside the unconscious Sora, smiling.

"Tsk tsk tsk, she is really an exquisite beauty. Among my prey, the only one who seems to have a similar personality to you is Rouge. 39

After speaking, Crocodile's palm quietly placed on Sora's delicate face.

"I really feel pity, I have to admit, you are a great woman, I can see maternal love from you, but can you let me feel it too?

The quilt was rudely opened by Crocodile, and what came into view was a frail body in blue and white sick clothes.


Just when Crocodile was about to start "treatment", he suddenly discovered a very interesting thing.

At this moment, Reiju, who was hiding under Hiroki, bit her lip and tried her best not to make a sound. She originally came to visit her mother, but her relationship with her father Judge has not been very good, and she did not want her to find out that she was different from many brothers. place, so I just hid.

Originally thought Judge would leave after just a few words, but it was true, but by accident, Crocodile, who was highly respected by his father, actually stayed.

"He shouldn't find himself, um, yes, he is so secretive, he must not find himself!"

Reiju is very precocious, and of course she knows how terrifying Crocodile is. Now she regrets why she didn't go out with Judge at that time. Although it will cause her father's dissatisfaction, it is better than staying here and being frightened.

After waiting for a long time, Reiju didn't hear anything else, and he was relieved.

However, just when she raised her head to wipe the sweat from her forehead, her neck felt like it was stuck and she couldn't breathe.

"Guhahahaha, little baby, so you are hiding here, are you playing hide-and-seek with your uncle?

Crocodile had a smile on his face, but in Reiju's eyes it was no less than a demon's smile.


Reiju let out an exclamation and then lost consciousness.


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