I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 162 Extraordinary Shuffle


Racing in pursuit,

The 'mummy ninja' who was in hot pursuit suddenly drew his sword, and a dim light popped out from his waist.

The dagger was like lightning, soaring towards the extraordinary SWAT police in front, and struck the opponent's shield with a large number of 'blocks' bulges.

boom! !

The triggered 'explosive counterattack' exploded with a bang, bouncing the two away.

Compared to the 'Super Special Police' who had heavy armor and a large shield, the 'Mummy Ninja' who only had a common man's short sword flew out uncontrollably under the blast of air.

Brush, brush, brush,

The next second, three round objects were thrown by the extraordinary SWAT police and flew towards the 'Mummy Ninja'.

Facing this flying 'ninja tool', the simple and intelligent 'mummy ninja' slashed with his sword without hesitation. The result:

boom! boom! boom!

After three violent explosions, a short knife fell.

The twisted 'Mummy Ninja' stumbled and finally couldn't bear the explosion, turning into wreckage and scattering.

Tap tap tap tap,

Just after repelling the 'Mummy Ninja', the sound of horse hooves came again.

Not far away, two 'ghost warriors' riding skeletal war horses, wearing simple armor, wearing evil ghost masks, with arrows and broken knives stuck in their bodies, rode towards them.


This made the extraordinary SWAT officer couldn't help but curse,

"Where did such war horses come from in the island country a thousand years ago?!"

About 75% of the island country is located in mountainous and hilly areas, with only small-scale intermountain basins and plains scattered around, where residential buildings, farming, and economic activities are concentrated. That is where the three major metropolitan areas are located. This kind of terrain naturally cannot develop the existence of 'cavalry'.

What's more, the native horses of the island country are very short and are nicknamed "big mice" for no reason.

After the Meiji Restoration, a large number of improved horse genes from other countries were introduced. so:

Facing the tall horse in front of him, the ghost warrior charged forward.

The extraordinary SWAT really wants to go back and beat up the history teacher so that he can see what this is!


Just as the extraordinary SWAT police were retreating while raising their shields in defense, a familiar whistling sound came from behind.

The two armor-piercing bullets dragged long tail flames and flew towards the 'Ghost Warrior'.


Faced with this attack, the two clones, which only had 'simple intelligence', immediately rode their horses to dodge and began to accelerate at the same time.

Da da da da,

Amidst the gunfire that was as dense as fried beans, a dozen Self-Defense Force soldiers walked around the hillside and opened fire from a high position.

"Lieutenant, we are here to help you!"


The extraordinary SWAT officer perked up and took the opportunity to pull out the large-caliber firearm from his waist.

All the official extraordinary beings of the island country have the lowest military rank of 'lieutenant'; with the help of these fully armed soldiers, it is not impossible to kill these two 'ghost warriors'.

After all, a fully armed soldier is the official standard for "dog-level" evaluation.

What's more, these Self-Defense Forces brought a lot of rocket launchers.

Can win!



Unlike other extraordinary special police officers who are only targeted by 'ordinary' ghost warriors and mummy ninjas.

Toru Yamayama and Saitosuke were chased by several "skeleton onmyoji" and a flying shikigami, and finally had to turn back to fight to the death. The result is:

Both sides suffer!

The battlefield they were on should once have been a large temple, but now only the broken eaves and broken walls remain.

There are traces of the onmyoji's rampage everywhere, with all kinds of twisted wreckage scattered around, and some traces of the 'monster' can be barely discerned from the appearance.

Whether it is a 'skeleton onmyoji' or a 'flying shikigami', they are essentially clones created by fusion with the demon using the technique of 'Oni Meiluo' and the transformation technique. After destroying, it will also kill.

"Brother Saito, are you still alive?"

Shan Tetsu, who was chewed to pieces by 'parasitic insects' all over his body,

Staggering towards Saitosuke, who was nailed to the wall by a pile of thick and sharp 'soil spikes'.


Saitosuke, who was nailed to the dilapidated courtyard wall, smiled bitterly.

"Still alive for now"

It's only temporary.

Although he barely avoided the vital part, such a severe penetrating injury would not allow him to survive unless he received immediate treatment. No, ordinary treatment would be difficult for him to survive, that is to say:

"Say sorry to 'Little Huan' for me."

I can't respond to her feelings.


The palm that had been chewed to reveal the knuckles fell on Saitosuke's shoulder.

"If you have anything to say, you can say it yourself."

"Saito, your ability can be combined with the supernatural and used for healing, right?"

To Toru Yamama's question, Saitosuke, who was nailed to the wall by a thick rock pillar, responded subconsciously.


As soon as he said this, the boy-looking Saitosuke's pupils shrank sharply.

"Mr. Shanshan, you——"

"Well, after absorbing me, you should still be able to fight your way out."

Although they killed these pursuers, in their "cognition", as traitors, "Xue Hakama" would definitely not let them go easily.

It's impossible for two people to escape together, a choice must be made.

However, in fact, these are the last pursuers.

It's a pity they don't know.

? ? ?

"No, cough cough cough~~"

In a moment of excitement, injuries to internal organs were involved. The blood that Saitosuke coughed up was mixed with fragments of internal organs.

"Mr. Shanshan, you don't have to be like this."

"You have helped me a lot, and you are better than me and you can do it yourself."

"Who said that only the strong can survive?"

He raised his hand to interrupt Saitosuke's words. Yamatoru, who was injured all over, smiled faintly, with a somewhat free and heroic tone in his tone.

"I am a weakling,"

"I can't control my own life,"

"I once thought about dying and even drank kerosene to commit suicide."

This ‘No. 1 male gunman in the island country’ is not as legendary and strong as outsiders imagine. In essence, he is just an ordinary person who has been scarred by life.

My father died young, my mother was trapped in a cult, my eldest brother committed suicide because of his eye disease and did not want to be a drag on the family. He himself was unable to go to college due to financial problems. At the age of forty, he was still alone; he was the kind of person who even if he disappeared, no one would go to him. Care about the 'marginal people' of society.

"Saito, when you are alive, you have to do something."

"I don't regret assassinating the former prime minister, and I don't regret sending those cults to hell. The same-"

"I don't regret saving you either."

"No, Mr. Yama."

"You can still start a new life."

After hearing Saitosuke's sincere dissuasion, Yamatoru smiled and shook his head.

"No need."

"The Unification Church was buried by my own hands,"

"In this era of great power from the gods, the government has begun to vigorously crack down on cults."

At least in the island country, it is no longer possible for any cult to appear: of course it is not because the government suddenly "discovered its conscience", it is just because it is afraid of offending the righteous god.

For Toru Yamayama, who has lived for "half his life", he has looked down upon everything in the world and only has his kind heart to help others.

"I have no regrets in my life. But you are different, you still have a girl waiting for you to go back; so -"

Toru Yamayama stretched out his hand in front of Saitosuke:

"Come on, you're welcome."

"Mr. Mountain, have a good trip."

Facing the smiling middle-aged man, Saitosuke bit his palm with tears in his eyes for the last time.



Different from other extraordinary beings who fight life and death, the Ikariya siblings are in another scene:

"With your little strength, don't mess around."

On the outskirts of Mount Koya, the sea ninja stopped and turned around to look at two children who were injured but had stubborn faces.

"Let's go."

“We will be back!”

My sister, Dai Igo, clenched her fists firmly, looking like a passionate boy.

"When the day comes when we are strong enough, we will definitely take back our master!"

"That's right,"

Even his younger brother Kaoru Igaya, who was usually 'soft and weak', nodded heavily.

"One day, we will not be a burden to the master."

"Okay, I'll wait for the day to come."

For these two high-spirited children, Kai Nin patted their heads.

Although the proficiency in seals has little effect on Yuu, an 'Otsutsuki', but as the saying goes: many arts are not overwhelming.



Facing the two little fingers stretched out, Kai Nin almost couldn't maintain his cold image.

Finally, he stretched out his hand and hooked his three little fingers together.

"He who breaks his oath shall swallow a thousand needles."

? ?

"Let's go."

One in each hand, he picked up the two children and threw them away. At the same time, the unbearable 'sea ninja' sank directly into the shadows.



On another battlefield, a group of advancing self-defense forces raised their guns and aimed at the speeding figure.

"Put the gun down, it's me—"

Ichika Yori, who was carrying Fuji Seiko, flew up to the Self-Defense Forces and took over the command unceremoniously.

"Stop advancing and organize defense on the spot!"

"Give me the communicator!"

Because he was fighting against the extraordinary, there was no need for 'electronic silence'. He grabbed the communicator of a noncommissioned officer and yelled at it.

"I am Yiori Ichika, forward the signal to Director Zhuya!"

There was a burst of noise from the communicator, and soon:

"It's me, Yihua."

Amidst the buzzing sound of electricity, the boss's familiar voice sounded.

"Director, send someone to me quickly."

"The situation of the Holy Son is a bit bad!"

Putting Seiko Fuji on the stretcher of the Self-Defense Force, Iori Kazuka continued to report.

"Everyone else has fled, and I don't know how many are still alive. Contact Tokyo and ask Inari God to take action."

Although this is a human war, there is nothing we can do and we can only turn to ‘gods’ for help.

"No need,"


Director Zhuya's calm voice came from the communicator,

"The situation has changed."

"Just now, General Kafka, who returned to the battlefield, ambushed the 'Blood Hakama' midway."

The character of "Blood Hakama" is a ghost-level onmyoji. He is wily and savvy in controlling demons, and he has all kinds of "onmyoji" at his fingertips. However, he was ambushed and attacked by Kafka, who was covered in "numerical values", and suffered a minor blow. A small loss.

"The blood hakama has retreated, and with the addition of Toneri who is chasing the American fleet, we"

It's safe for now.

? !

Ah this

Yi Zhi Yihua was surprised,

I didn't expect it to turn around in such a short time.

"In fact, news has come from Inari Shrine."

"If a great demon slaughters civilians, Shirozoshu-sama will not sit idly by and ignore it."

According to Lord 'Hakuzo Lord', it has already 'warned' the blood hakama from the air, and this battle should come to an end soon.

"After the others are rescued, the Self-Defense Forces will stop advancing, and the battle situation will return to——"

The previous confrontation scene.

"By the way, Yihua, come here."

There was a helicopter flying in the sky, obviously coming to pick up Iori Ichika and Teng Shengzi.

"I have encountered a problem here and need your fighting power."



I just ran away from the battlefield


Waiting for the unhappy Ichika Iori in the helicopter,

When she came to the other side of the battle line, she immediately knew why Director Zhuya asked her to come over.

Because the one surrounded by several extraordinary special police officers was none other than Yuuo Yagyu!

His body was covered in blood and his clothes were torn.

But the young warrior's eyes and aura were completely different from before.

Facing the extraordinary SWAT and a large number of guns and artillery of the Self-Defense Forces, he stood there without fear, with two samurai swords stuck in his waist.

When the helicopter approached, Yiori Yihua jumped down.


Director Zhuya, who was protected by the extraordinary special police in the center, looked back at his right-hand man.

"You know why I asked you to come here, right?"


An angry Iori Ichika pulled away the Self-Defense Forces and the extraordinary special police in front of him, and walked into the encirclement.

"Yagyu Yuuo?"

"Or should I call you 'Onoda'?"

"I am Yagyu Onoda."

The young samurai's answer made Iori Ichika almost roll his eyes.

"In other words, you are still Yuuo Yagyu?"

"How do you prove-"

Speaking of this, Yiori Yihua himself felt ridiculous.

How to make a person prove that they are themselves.

"Where's Onoda?"

"And where is your father, Yagyu Harashige?"

So she changed the question,

"Both elders have become Buddhas, and I will carry on their legacy."

? ? ?

Okay, I probably understand.

Iori Kazuka glanced at the two knives on the waist of Yagyu Yuuo, or Yagyu Onoda, and already guessed what happened.

There is no doubt that Yagyu Harashige died a long time ago: according to the information collected by the Metropolitan Police, after the 'Puppet Master Incident', Yagyu Harashige frantically trained his son. Government psychologists unanimously believe that this is because the other party has not obtained the extraordinary potion to vent.

But now it seems that Yagyu Harashige had been replaced by 'Onoda' at that time.

What happened next was that Onoda, as "Yagyu Harashige", infiltrated the extraordinary team of the government and leaked the contents of the operation.

As for how Yagyu Yuao defeated Onoda who was possessed by Yagyu Harashige after everyone "ran away", it was nothing more than:

That Onoda recognized him and entrusted him with his wish to 'drive out the beautiful beasts'.

This is normal,

The ‘stepson’ culture is very popular in the island country;

If your heirs are in trouble, or you give birth to a bastard son.

It is very common to choose an outstanding ‘stepson’ to inherit one’s career and beliefs.

To put it simply, many people in the island country value the continuation of ‘will’ more than the inheritance of blood: after all, unfilial descendants can really piss people off in many cases.

The key right now is:


Yiori Yihua scratched her hair in displeasure.

You just got off the battlefield and you have to deal with this kind of thing again?

The easiest way is to have a fight. With her strength, there will definitely be no problem in forcing 'Onoda's true level.

But she doesn't want to fight at all now. Besides, she doesn't know the opponent's 'possession' mechanism. If she fully accepts the other party's experience: just like Yagyu Harashige's swordsmanship, then it's not like she wants to play the perfect 'Yayuu Yuao' question.

Or just ignore it and kill the opponent directly.

This is the behavior of a reckless man.

"Director, would you like to call Yujun?"

Seeing that his right-hand man couldn't make up his mind, Director Zhuya nodded and took out his cell phone.

".I'm really sorry for interrupting Yu-kun's class."

"Here's the thing."

"Yes, Yu-kun, can you tell the difference?"

While Director Takeya was on the phone, with guns and cannons aimed at him all around, Isamu Yagyu, who changed his name to 'Yagyu Onoda', waited quietly.

He wants to fulfill the last wishes of his two 'fathers': first, to revitalize the Yagyu family; second, to expel the beautiful beasts!

These two points, with the cooperation of the government, will achieve twice the result with half the effort.

That's why he's standing here.

"Thank you,"

After hanging up the phone, Director Takeya, who was protected by armed men, looked at Yagyu Onoda.

"Mr. Yagyu, you need to go to Tokyo's Inari Shrine."

"As long as you prove you are not possessed, the government will not hold you accountable."


The young warrior was already very satisfied with this result.

At least it didn't get to the point where they were fighting each other with swords and guns, and then they were beaten to death: if that were the case, it would be extremely difficult to fulfill the last wishes of the two 'fathers'.

"Okay, then."

Director Zhuya was startled by another voice coming from the headset.

"What's wrong?"

Amidst Iori Ichika's doubts, the Metropolitan Police Director looked bitter.

"Mrs. Tanimura Hoshino, died in battle."

What? !

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