I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 188: Evil Spirits Become Normal


"As the cracks in Huangquan are sealed one after another,"

"The peak period of this 'dragon-level' extraordinary disaster has passed."

Across the entire island nation: except for fringe areas like Okinawa and Hokkaido, almost all cities, towns, and villages are echoing with the sound of radio.

Thanks to the "rich" experience in natural disasters and the fact that everyone has a mobile phone, the information on the radio can reach everyone's ears in an instant.

Primary schools, gymnasiums, parks. In these shelters, a large number of ordinary people gathered while listening to the radio and checking their mobile phones: According to the government's propaganda, the dragon-level extraordinary disaster called "Underworld Crack" has come to an end, but the disaster called "Evil Crack" has come to an end. Super large 'dog-level' supernatural disasters still threaten the lives of ordinary people.

Although the cracks in the underworld have been sealed, a large number of evil spirits have already spread in all directions.

The number is hard to count!

In addition, it ignores the characteristics of buildings and terrain. When it drills into the earth and deep mountains, not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary extraordinary people are stunned.

"The government reminds the general public not to be alone or out of sight of others for more than ten minutes."

“As soon as you see an evil spirit, please shout for help immediately.”

"Don't run away, confront him bravely."

"People who hear calls for help, please confirm that there are more than three people traveling with you before rushing to rescue."

The broadcast kept repeating, and people began to walk out of the refuge facilities, spreading out in groups of families and addresses in twos and threes: most of their faces were filled with confusion and helplessness.

Although the island nation has long been accustomed to various 'natural disasters', it still finds it difficult to adapt to the long-term extraordinary disaster of 'evil ghost parade'. Moreover:

"How can it be repaired?"

A young man stood blankly at the door of the gymnasium where the crowds of people were spreading out.

He was alone in society and his parents were in his hometown. He was used to being alone, but now——

To be alone is to seek death!

Soon, only a large number of young men and women were left in the gymnasium, staring with wide eyes.

The society is afraid of the society, and the toes are on the villa.


"Is there anyone living in xxx apartment?"

A thin young man wearing glasses spoke first, breaking the awkward atmosphere.


Someone raised his hand timidly,

"Me too"

"And I also live in XXX apartment."

As several people spoke up, the man with thin eyes coughed again and spoke with wandering eyes.

"Since we all live in the same place, we should move around more and take care of each other."

"Go back together?"

As the leader continued to speak, the rest of the crowd gradually formed small groups. Under the threat of the 'evil spirit', the problem of 'young people's social interaction' that has been a headache for the island government has been solved. It is gratifying and gratifying~~

That’s weird!



Gojo City,

In a military base conference room.

"Everyone, this is far from over."

Yu glanced at the three people in front of him with a serious face: Director Zhuya, General Kafka, and Monk Zhixiong.

They represent the island country's government, self-defense forces, and Buddhism respectively. Together with Yuu himself as an 'onmyoji', it is equivalent to an extraordinary closed-door meeting of the island country's top leaders.

The content of the discussion was the information Yuu obtained after talking to Bai, the ghost of the 'underworld', through the cracks in the underworld.

"As I just said, the man behind the 'Underworld Crack' disaster is exactly——"

"Yama no Orochi!"

After hearing Yu's words, the three people present were silent.

That's Yamata no Orochi!

Even the most warlike god in the island nation: Susanoo. The big demon who needs to be killed by trickery is not on the same level as the ordinary extraordinary ones. If we insist on classifying him, he should be classified as a 'god', which is the S level!

There is still a huge question mark as to whether the 'Inari God' Mitsuzu can defeat the Yamata no Orochi.

Of course, no one would say this.

"What's the other party's intention of releasing the evil spirit of Hell?"

Director Zhuya pushed up his glasses. No matter how corrupt the situation was, he, the boss of the ‘Extraordinary Countermeasures Section’, could only try to resist it.

"Create panic, fear, and death."

Yuu’s ‘serious face’ explanation,

"As we all know, the eight heads of Yamata no Orochi represent the eight concepts of soul, ghost, evil, demon, demon, slaughter, spirit and death."

Regardless of whether the legend is true or not, now that Yamata no Orochi has caused extraordinary disasters such as the ‘Yellow Spring Crack’, then he is real; at the same time, it is natural for him to have these conceptual rights.

“His power increases whenever anyone fears Him.”

As a born great demon, Yamata-no-Orochi originally looked down upon the 'power' of humans: even if he wanted to sacrifice his teeth, he would still be eating the descendants of gods.

"But it's different now. After all, Yamata no Orochi has been killed by Susano'o for thousands of years."

"If he wants to return from hell, he must have enough power."

At this point, the other three people also understood.

"Use countless evil spirits to create panic, kill, gather strength, and get rid of the control of Huangquan!"

At this point, Kafka frowned.

This is the real big monster!

All living beings in the world, billions of people, are just pawns in His hands.


Master Zhixiong proclaimed the name of Buddha in a low voice and asked,

"Donor You means that this Yamata no Orochi will come back again in the future"

"That's right,"

"He will continue to create new cracks in the underworld!"

You answered with a positive look. This is a normal deduction: Although they stopped him this time, will it have any effect on the Yamata no Orochi in the underworld?


He can still create more cracks and release more evil spirits until-

"accumulate enough power,"

"get rid of the shackles of the underworld and reappear in the world."

For You's deduction, although the other three did not want to admit it, they also understood that it was a fact.

"So, just know this information."

You "instructed" the three people present.

"If the public knows it, it will only make Yamata no Orochi gain power faster."

Any terror, hatred, and death directed at Yamata no Orochi.

will only enhance His power!

"Can we humans..."

"Just sit and wait for death?"

Director Takeya rubbed his eyebrows. Nine-tailed, Yamata. These big demons, each more terrifying than the other, are wantonly stirring up trouble in the island country. But they are helpless: the legendary great Onmyoji, not only is he nowhere to be seen, but he is also likely to be involved.

As for the gods

"I understand what Lord Inari once said."

Director Takeya sighed. When he first met Lord Inari, the Lord once said, 'Wait until half of the humans die before the gods will take action.'

Director Takeya was once curious about what kind of disaster would cause more than half of the humans to die: after all, at that time, there were only a few "supernatural" people in the island country, and none of them dared to appear in public.

Now I understand that

the gods have long known the plans of Nine-tailed Tamamonomae and Yamata no Orochi

"Gods, gods!"

Chewing on this word, as the pillar of the island government, the director closed his eyes helplessly.

Perhaps in the eyes of the gods, they will take action after more than half of the dead and injured, which can not only show the majesty of the gods, but also make the remaining people grateful.

"But. I am very unwilling."

That's 50 million people!

General Kafka and Monk Zhixiong were silent.


"Everyone, don't be so pessimistic."

You coughed to encourage the three people.

"General Kafka Lu will be able to use the power of the great demon 'Ibaraki', and Master Zhixiong has the 'Buddhist' heritage. They are all masters who can defend a place."

"And Director Takeya, if the 'radiation curse' on you is used properly, it may be a fighting force."

The so-called 'radiation curse' is of course fake,

but the radiation chakra is real.

This ability comes from the 'Star Ninja Village' in the Bear Country.

The leader of this village is called 'Star Shadow', but it's just a title: the five major countries will not recognize it.

Even a 'demigod' level strongman like Hanzo of the Salamander does not have the title of 'Shadow'. The reason why the Star Ninja Village can call itself 'Star Shadow' is that on the one hand, they have a good geographical location, located on a peninsula, and no powerful country covets it.

On the other hand, it is related to their ninjutsu.

Two hundred years ago, a meteorite fell in the country of bears and was picked up by the first generation of Star Shadow, so it was named "Star Ninja Village".

This meteorite emits strong radiation. The people of Star Ninja Village use radiation to cultivate the unique "Peacock Magic", which can make chakra change into various shapes to attack and even fly.

Meteorite cultivation has side effects that have adverse effects on the human body; but at the same time, it will also make the practitioner's chakra have certain radioactivity.

The big country thinks that the cost of beating them is too high: it's like "a mop with shit", not that they can't beat them, but that they are disgusting.

Relying on this "disgusting" ninjutsu, this small village survived.

And You gave the "Peacock Magic" to the island country's extraordinary special police in the form of "radiation evil spirits" for the following reasons:

"Since it is a radiation curse, there are two ways I can think of to become stronger."

The first is naturally to guard the Yellow Springs cracks in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and kill the "radiation evil spirits" that emerge from the cracks.

The second is:

"Use nuclear reactors to exercise!"

? ? ?

In the "you're kidding me" expressions of the three people, You talked freely.

"It doesn't hurt to try,"

"The training of spiritual power will be affected by the environment,"

"If you can absorb nuclear radiation, it is not a way to become stronger quickly."

"Of course - absorbing nuclear radiation is definitely accompanied by huge risks. It depends on whether you are willing to cooperate in a scientific way."

As for the effect, what are the sequelae? It doesn't hurt to try, anyway, it's not You who will practice.

Director Takeya agreed to You's proposal without thinking.

"The relevant facilities and personnel are already being prepared."

"For the island country, for mankind-"

What's the point of this hundred pounds of meat?


Since suffering from the "radiation curse", countless angry and hateful voices have repeatedly echoed in their minds.

These voices are like noises in their ears, although they have not yet affected their minds.

But think with your toes, if you want to eliminate these voices--

The only way is to fight America!


Tokyo, Prime Minister's Office

The American people were rushing in.

"Sir, please stop!"

The armed guards stepped forward and stopped several American diplomats.

"Get out of the way, I want to see your Prime Minister!"

"The Prime Minister is meeting with envoys from other countries and cannot spare the time. Please wait patiently."

Hearing the guard's answer,

The faces of several American diplomats were extremely ugly.

When have they ever been turned away in the island country?

Rebellion! It's just a dog, how dare it-


The door at the end of the corridor opened, and several Russians in military uniforms came out chatting and laughing with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Cabinet of the island country.

? !

This. This.

Although they had vaguely heard the news, seeing the admiral of the big Russian appear in their own territory, these American diplomats were still furious, as if they were the victims who were bullied on the spot!

How dare,

How dare these island monkeys? !

"Mr. Kamikawa, do you have guests today?"

The leading Russian was wearing a military uniform with medals on his chest. He glanced at the American diplomats whose faces kept changing.

"No, no~~"

The man who had kowtowed to America explained to the Russian admiral next to him with a smile.

"Maybe it's a civil dispute? I don't know."

? ? ? ?

In an instant,

Blood rushed into the American diplomat's head, making his eyes go black.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!!


Yokota Military Base.


As the arm swept violently, everything on the desk:

Documents, pens, phones, and beloved medals flew to the side and fell to the ground.

"Hoo hoo hoo~~"

Behind the desk, the white lieutenant general walked around angrily.

He seemed to want to find something to vent, but found that he could only be "impotent and furious".

"Calm down, Your Excellency."

Brigadier General Thomas picked up the phone on the ground with a calm face.

"Isn't this situation within our expectations?"

This time, the A-level extraordinary disaster named 'Yellow Spring Crack' swept across the island nation, but America stood by and watched: If the island nation was destroyed, there would be nothing to consider; but if the island nation survived, it would definitely not allow America to continue to participate in extraordinary affairs as it did before.

America occupies the longest and all coastal areas of Koyasan's 'defense line'.

Getting a large amount of extraordinary potions every day, making a lot of money is not right, it should be said that it is simply countless 'money printing machines' running at the same time!

This is an extraordinary potion, one bottle can make people break through the limits of human beings! Although there is a risk of failure, although you have to experience severe pain. But in the face of the extraordinary, these costs are worth it!

It can even be said that the whole world is flocking to it.

In the 1990s, America and a certain red alliance tried to break through the upper limit of the human body and conducted a large number of 'superpower' experiments.

What telekinesis that bends spoons, what time reversal that exceeds the speed of light

Other countries saw it and thought, well, both hegemons are trying to develop superpowers.

That must be something, let's do it together!

Now, the real supernatural power is right in front of us. As long as we swallow a bottle of medicine, we will no longer be ordinary people.

How can other countries not envy?

That is, the island country and America joined forces to

block all sea areas, otherwise they would have been landed by the "multinational coalition" long ago.

"Now, the island country government "officially" invites the bear to fight against the "world of the dead" together and fight for the living. We-"

Commodore Thomas put the phone back on the desk and continued calmly.

"What reason and ability do you have to stop it?"


The white lieutenant general moved his lips several times, but couldn't speak.


How to fight!

The island country's supernatural power is not bad, and no matter how weak the Self-Defense Forces are, it is still a modern army; if they really fight, America may not be able to gain any advantage in conventional wars.

As for the all-out war that would overturn the table, wasn't the island nation dragging the bear into the game just to prevent this situation?

With the size of the bear, even if it is weaker, it is enough to drag America into the quagmire.

Besides, do the gentlemen on Capitol Hill have the determination to fight to the death?

Obviously not, so all he can do is -

"Protest to the island nation's government"

Finally, a weak and aggrieved word squeezed out from the teeth of the white lieutenant general.

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