I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 271 Funeral and Joy


"So many things happened while I was in coma?"

After passing through the modern urban buildings full of cracks, he came to settle down in a building in Katsushika District. After reading the messages on his phone, Takashi felt dizzy.

He had just slept, and the whole world had been turned upside down.

"What to drink?"

"Milk, juice, beer?"

The Ten Snake Ghost King opened the refrigerator and asked without looking back,

The place where they are located is an office of Nogi Trading Company: As for the staff? He had already gone to seek refuge.

The Great Onmyoji Abe Seimei gave the island government several hours of evacuation and preparation time: although the intensity of the battle was still far beyond everyone's imagination.

The damage caused was shocking: most of Bunkyo District, part of the Divine Tree District, Chiyoda, and many places in Chuo District were in ruins.

The whole world was so shocked that it didn't dare to say a word.

"Just juice,"

Takashi answered while browsing the messages on his phone.

The boss who hired him, Miss Jiukongyaoai, was actually the cause of all these disasters?

Her power comes from the 'Great Onmyoji' Abe Seimei; and the Great Onmyoji only used her to reveal that Yamata-no-Orochi was the 'mastermind' behind the Huangquan Crack, and at the same time, he also caused panic, confusion and despair. spread throughout the island country.

Immediately afterwards, Abe Seimei threatened to destroy the sacred tree.

Slowly drifting all the way to the sacred tree area, he easily took down all the ghost-level experts in the island country.

Until I met that person——

"If it weren't for this Yuu-kun, the island country would be over, right?"

Although I didn't witness it with my own eyes, the blurry video on my phone and the traces of the battlefield taken by bloggers who rushed to the scene still shocked Xiao.

This is people.

No, is this something a transcendent can do?

Especially the 'river' that starts from Bunkyo District, passes through Chiyoda and Chuo District, and connects directly to Tokyo Bay. It is simply a sword mark that can be cut by a god!

In comparison, with the help of his decapitating sword, he could swing a flying slash of more than ten meters, which was simply the difference between an ant and a big tree.

"It's shocking, isn't it?"

Putting a glass of juice in front of Takashi, the man named 'Ten Snake Ghost Ouma' sat opposite with a beer.

"Speaking of which, this Yuya and I are old acquaintances."

While Xiao picked up the juice and sniffed it out of habit before drinking it awkwardly, Ten Snake Ghost King Ma stabbed the beer can from below with a light finger.


He raised his head and drank the beer in his hand.

The man recalled the time when extraordinary powers first appeared.

"At that time, I was still an ordinary person and wanted to challenge the extraordinary in the ring."

"I was knocked off the stage by Yujun's 'body fixation technique'. I was very dissatisfied, so I developed a technique called 'Shen Shen', hoping to avenge my shame."

After saying that, the man couldn't help but laugh.

"Now it seems that my practice is not enough."

"No, Mr. Ten Snake Ghosts are already very strong."

Although Takashi fainted because he was 'violently fired' by his boss, based on his understanding of Kukora Ai, there was only one possibility for the Ten Snake Ghost King Ma in front of him to be safe and sound: he repelled Kukong Ai.

Jiukong shakes love, but it is tiger level!

"Mr. Ten Snake Ghosts, is there anything I can do for you?"

After all, Takashi has been living in the "big dye vat" in Tokyo for a while, and he is no longer the innocent high school student he once was.

The man in front of him saved him twice, so he was definitely a good person; but bringing him here was certainly not as simple as reminiscing about old times: under normal circumstances, it would have been like the first time, just leaving him in the hospital.

If he coveted the ‘Decapitating Sword’, there was no reason to give it back to him.


The Ten Snake Ghost King Ma did not show any pretense and stated his purpose.

"I want to accept you as my apprentice."



Bunkyo District,

"Dear viewers, I am"

"Everyone, please look, in the distance is where today's battle will take place."

A group of video bloggers rushed to the outskirts of the battlefield. In the crumbling dilapidated building, they raised their devices and started live broadcasting.

"Back off, back off!"

"The front is a restricted military area, stop!"

"Don't worry, these buildings will collapse again at any time!"

The heavily armed Lu Zi soldiers have surrounded the entire Wenjing District; even various armored vehicles have come over to guard the dilapidated street intersections. Judging from their cold faces, it is entirely possible to shoot and kill directly. of.

The Great Onmyoji Abe Seimei was repulsed, but the pressure it brought still filled the island nation with an oppressive fear.

Especially those Lu Zi who need to go to the front line, their inner fear is mixed with anger, they are like a powder keg that can ignite at a moment's notice!

At this time, those who dare to stupidly rush up and shout "human rights" will only end up being beaten into a sieve.

Even these bloggers who want to grab traffic only dare to broadcast live on the periphery.


Haha, then you are really going to jail.

They are not the famous KYG, who are so fast that they can disdain all the extraordinary beings below the ghost level; even the island government can only pinch their noses and let him live broadcast: not to mention the island government, they often watch his live broadcast to understand the battle situation. .

As the main battlefield, the entire Bunkyo District was almost reduced to rubble.

Countless aristocratic schools and prestigious universities have become covered with bricks and stones. Those who have a few reinforced concrete frames are considered lucky.

In addition to these ruins, there are also huge plant remains, large and small 'hills', and black metal tentacles, each of which has the characteristics of 'big', 'very big' and 'terrifyingly big'. When humans step into this The battlefield is like breaking into the kingdom of giants.

Especially the 'sword mark' that leads directly to Tokyo Bay reminds everyone all the time.

It belongs to the extraordinary and the power of the ‘gods’!

In Chiyoda Ward, which was also affected,

Nagata Town,

First the official residence.

Senior officials from the island nation's cabinet gathered together.

"This loss"

"It's hard to count."


The battle of the strong is over,

They are also responsible for cleaning up the mess.

"You don't have to look so grim, I have some good news here."


When the Minister in Charge of Economic Revitalization opened his mouth, all the senior officials at the meeting looked at him sideways.

This colleague who is engaged in economics can always "make funerals happy" and can make money from unimaginable angles.

"Minister Shindo, please speak."

The Prime Minister of the island nation wanted to ask, ‘Where does happiness come from?’ but he stopped abruptly.

Anyway, he will step down soon, as long as he lasts for the last period; as for the future? After resigning, who cares about the flood!

"Extraordinary beings themselves are very precious resources."

Facing the gazes of more than a dozen other senior cabinet officials, the minister in charge of economic regeneration spoke eloquently.

"And high-level extraordinary people can even give others extraordinary powers, spells, magic weapons, etc."

Saying this, the Minister in Charge of Economic Revitalization raised his hand and pointed towards Bunkyo Ward.

"That battlefield,"

"I have already sent people to explore."

"There remain a huge amount of high-strength special metals, earth and rocks with independent attraction, and Shirozoshu-sama's 'holy wood'."

"These are extremely precious extraordinary materials."

? ?


A series of earth-shattering battles shocked the entire island nation.

But they forget that the ‘crumbs’ dropped by top extraordinary beings are not only treasures for ordinary people, but even for extraordinary beings like them, they are treasures among treasures!

"Master Bai Zangzhu's 'Holy Wood', you all know its properties very well."

The island country’s ground-effect aircraft carrier Shenmu uses such wood to form the keel.

"Those earth, stones, and metals were all produced during the battle between Yu-kun and Abe Seimei."

"Perhaps in the eyes of those two people, it is just a piece of sand thrown around, but to us, it is a unique and extraordinary material."

"As long as you have these extraordinary materials in your hands, it will be more than enough to rebuild ten Tokyos; don't worry about the losses caused by the battle at all!"

After listening to the generous words of the Minister in charge of Economic Revitalization, the originally solemn atmosphere in the office became lively.

"And those rich and powerful people who fled,"

The Chairman of the National Public Security Committee pushed up his glasses, and a cold light flashed on the lenses.

"If you abandon the island country at this critical time, they won't have to come back - the assets left behind."

All the senior officials looked at each other and saw the raised corners of each other's mouths.

They justifiably accepted it!

Looking at it this way,

Isn’t it a big win~~

"Some of the things on the battlefield belong to Yu-kun's creations."

The Prime Minister finally spoke and concluded.

"Director Zhuya,"

"Please come over and explain the situation to Yu-kun."

Taking it without telling you is theft. In the past, everything on the country's land belonged to the government.

But it's different now. That Yu-kun is already the greatest guarantee for the existence of the island country, and is the 'patron saint' of all island people; his things, even if they are just traces of battle, must be obtained before they can be moved.

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