I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 103: Thousand Years of Hatred

"Emergency notice, emergency notice!"

"An extraordinary disaster has broken out in Shizuoka Prefecture, Iwata City, and Longyang Ocean Park. The disaster level is tentatively set as: Tiger!"

"All transportation routes to Iwata City are temporarily closed. This train will be diverted. Please understand the inconvenience caused by this. Repeat."

The announcement in the carriage made a group of people look up.

"Extraordinary disaster?"

"The level is 'Tiger'. Tooth white, can people still live a good life?"

However, despite complaints, people took out their mobile phones and started watching the news or calling their relatives to inform them of the train diversion.

The island country has frequent natural disasters, and every year it has to undergo various 'natural disaster avoidance training'. Now it's just an additional 'extraordinary disaster'.

As long as it doesn't appear in front of you, for most people, it's just


Amid the explosion,

Accompanied by the crashing glass falling down, everyone turned their heads.


A teenager wearing a ball cap pulled the brim of his hat.

"I'm getting off here."

After saying that, the boy jumped up and left through the window hole.

Ah? ? ?

Supernormal is actually next to me.

"Notify the train staff,"

"Don't get close to the window hole, be careful of danger!"

Not to mention the train passengers who were in a mess, Saitosuke, who jumped out of the window, rolled rapidly in the air to unload the force, and finally landed lightly with a snap.

Without stopping, he kicked his feet, his legs ran out of a shadow, his hands naturally moved back, and the whole person flew southwest at a speed not inferior to the train.

Sea Country Supernormal

If these two supernormals fight in the city, it will definitely cause huge casualties!

He must stop the other party. This is not a question of whether he can win; but if even a supernormal like him does not stand up, what should ordinary people do?


In addition to Saitosuke, a figure with flashing lightning on his body is also flying on the high-voltage line.

Yamagami Toru!

"Two extraordinary generals of the Sea Country are fighting,"

While speeding, he looked down at the live broadcast on his phone.

The man frowned, what the hell is this?

The island country is not small, nor is it big. Tokyo is only separated from Shizuoka Prefecture, where the extraordinary disaster broke out, by Kanagawa Prefecture. For ordinary people, it takes an hour and a half by train, and three hours by car.

But for extraordinary beings who walk in a straight line, and armed helicopters flying in the sky, they can get there in half an hour.

No matter what grudges the two extraordinary generals have, they can't turn a blind eye.



Another huge wave hit the shore, causing the blogger 'KYG' who was hiding behind the building to live broadcast to squat down quickly.

"How long will this fight last?"

Although it was live broadcast, the speed of the two on the battlefield had already exceeded the limit of human eye capture: all you can see is the huge waves surging and then suddenly being cut open; shadows spreading everywhere, and the beach is constantly torn apart. It looks lively, but it's just watching the excitement.

Unless the other party stops to talk, the two extraordinary beings cannot be seen on the screen of the live broadcast room.

Of course, even so, the number of people in the live broadcast room is still soaring towards the million level!

What is there to complain about being able to watch the extraordinary battle?

As for being affected, the blogger will die~~

The dense barrage, mixed with the rewards that are like swiping the screen, are afraid that the blogger will be scared.

"It's still early,"


At this time, a childish voice sounded.

"Sister Hainin and Uncle Kujira fought a thousand years ago. It is impossible to determine the winner in a short time."

? !

As the blogger looked up, the camera in his hand also pointed to the past professionally:

Above the safe house where he was hiding, there was a little girl sitting.

The pink princess hairstyle, two crimson twisted shells formed a decoration like a 'ponytail', there was a peach heart birthmark on the little face, the pink kimono on the body was decorated with water patterns like sea waves, and bells were hung on the ankles.

[So cute~~]

[Oh, so cool! So cool!!]

[It's a super loli, mom, I'm in love!]

[I'll just call her my wife!]

The live broadcast room was filled with bullet comments again, and countless Heisei and Reiwa men and women jumped up excitedly;

This kind of well-behaved little loli is simply their destiny, cough cough, if they continue to talk, they will be treated to pork chop rice by the police uncle.

[It's Crab Princess!]

Someone who knows the inside story directly revealed the other party's identity, and then:

[Blogger, come forward and chat with her!]

[This Crab Princess is also a general of the Sea Country, and she has a good personality, come on——]

The so-called "informed" person is actually Director Takeya who rushed here by helicopter!


Sweeping the bullet comments of special colors in the live broadcast room, blogger 'KYG' boldly came forward to chat with her.

"Sir Kanihime,"

"Do these two sea ninjas and Kujira-sama have any grudges?"

Hearing the host's words, the comments in the live broadcast room were all stagnant.

Even though they were hiding behind the screen and talking nonsense, any sober person knew that with the power of a supernatural being, it would be normal for the host to bleed to death in the next second.

The current policy of the island country is to remind the citizens again and again that if they encounter a supernatural being, they should run away!

Otherwise, death is in vain.

Do the police have to arrest extraordinary criminals?

Please, that is the business of the Extraordinary Countermeasures Department!


This 'Krab Princess' is indeed worthy of being called a 'very good character' extraordinary existence by insiders, and nodded in response.

"Sister Hainin and Uncle Kujira have known each other for a thousand years."

"At that time, they were not partners of Suzuka Mountain."

Sitting on the roof of the safe house, her two white and tender feet swayed, while watching the battle on the sea not far away, Crab Princess told a story from a thousand years ago.

"Sister Hainin is a member of the 'Shadow Ninja' clan."

"Their village has signed a contract with an Onmyoji family."

"Every Shadow Ninja will become an Onmyoji's 'Shikigami' after adulthood, and the two sides will cooperate in combat."

The Shadow Demon serves as a scout and a sword, and the Onmyoji performs a spell to command and dispatch. This is the way for the two extraordinary families to survive, if there is no accident.

"Sister Hainin was not called 'Hainin' at that time, and Kanihime didn't know her real name."

The little girl-like 'Kanihime' continued without any ulterior motives,

"I heard that in order to sign a contract with the next 'head of the family' of the Onmyoji family, she trained day and night and was determined to become the strongest shadow ninja."

With hard work and talent, Hainin's strength soon surpassed the village and became the strongest shadow ninja.

The day of signing a contract with the new head of the Onmyoji family finally came.

"An accident happened,"

"Someone tampered with the contract of the Onmyoji!"

"That day, the contracts in the left hand of the shadow ninja collectively ran wild, and all the shadow ninjas went crazy instantly!"

"The Onmyojis who were caught off guard were killed on the spot, and the new head of the family cut off Sister Hainin's left hand, allowing her to regain her sanity."

Faced with the crazy tribe members, Hainin could only fulfill her obligations as a 'Shikigami' and, together with the new head of the Onmyoji family, wielded a knife against the tribe members.

When there was no more standing shadow ninja in front of her, Hainin turned around and called the name of the head of the family, but she only saw the young boy holding a long sword, with his body pierced by kunai and shuriken.

In an instant, her world collapsed, all her efforts and goals turned into bubbles, and she fell into the pile of corpses.

"When sister Hainin wakes up again,"

"She was rescued by a group of pirates, and they asked her for help with the "life-saving grace."

Hainin, who had lost everything, agreed, and at the same time changed her name to "Hainin": Ninja on the sea.


A slash shot out, cutting a long and smooth crack on the beach, extending to the direction of Kanihime.

"Those pirates' target is Suzuka Mountain, and they actually covet the endless treasures of Suzuka Mountain. Damn it."

With the cutest expression, saying the most bleak words;

Kanihime casually waved her other hand crab claws,

Bang! !

The invisible impact stopped the slash out of thin air and turned it into countless overflowing winds.

"They underestimated Mount Suzuka, and also underestimated Sister Hainin."

"On the ship, Sister Hainin soon realized the truth: it was the leader of these pirates who distorted the Onmyoji contract and made the Shadow Ninja clan crazy!"

? ? ?

"Wait, Lady Kanihime."

Before the live broadcast room that was listening to the story quietly asked questions, blogger 'KYG' raised his hand.

"Why can those pirates affect the Onmyoji contract?"

Shouldn't the 'contract' that can serve as a link between the Onmyoji and the Shadow Ninja clan be a secret among secrets?

"It's very simple,"

"Because the pirate leader is the uncle of the new head of the Onmyoji Shishi family!"

"He has always wanted to control all the Shadow Ninjas, and he was resentful after being exiled by the Onmyoji family, so he planned this tragedy."

On the one hand, revenge on the 'blind' Onmyoji family; on the other hand, he can get a group of crazy Shadow Ninjas: even after going crazy, Shadow Ninjas can still be used as cannon fodder for his attack on Mount Suzuka.

In the end, the plan went wrong, and only the broken-armed Hainins were left.

However, the combat power of the Sea Ninja alone is not inferior to that of the entire 'Shadow Ninja Village', so it is not a loss.

"The Sea Ninja who discovered the truth immediately stabbed out the blade of revenge after the pirates arrived at the Suzuka Mountain Sea Area-"

The original 'helper' suddenly became a mortal enemy. The pirates who were attacked from all sides struggled desperately and finally turned into fish feed on the seabed.

"The young master knew the life experience of the Sea Ninja sister and did not embarrass her, allowing her to stay in Suzuka Mountain."

"Then, what about Lord Kujira?"

As a blogger, 'KYG' is still good at being a supporting role, and immediately asked.

"Uncle Kujira, he is also on that pirate ship."

"But he is not a pirate, he is a 'human sacrifice' sold to the pirate leader by human traffickers."

"So the young master also let him go and let him live in Suzuka Mountain as well."

If the story ends here, it is the story of the 'Sea Country' taking in two newcomers and eventually growing into generals. But how could things be so simple——

"But, Sister Hainin discovered that Uncle Kujira had a spell left by the pirate leader."

"She identified Uncle Kujira as a remnant of the pirates and wanted to kill him to avenge her people."

In the chaos, Hainin did not kill Kujira, but killed Kujira's friend: the whale demon 'Kujira'.

"That's right,"

"Uncle Kujira was not called Kujira before."

Amid the roar of the battle not far away, Kanihime raised a finger to explain.

"After Hainin accidentally killed his friend, he took his friend's remains with him and named him 'Kujira'."

Strictly speaking, the real 'Kujira' is the bone knife in his hand!

"Sister Hainin and Uncle Kujira kept fighting and fighting, attracting everyone's attention."

"Then, a strong enemy attacked Mount Suzuka."

"After a big battle, the young master fell into a deep sleep, so many companions in Mount Suzuka thought that Sister Hainin was a 'traitor'."

That's it,

After listening to the story of Kanihime, whether it was the blogger 'KYG' or the countless people in the live broadcast room, they couldn't help but sigh.

Hainin is also an unlucky guy. No, an unlucky extraordinary existence.

Even though he swore allegiance to the head of the family, he had to slaughter his own people; just after joining the pirate group, he found that the other party was the murderer; after finally settling down in Mount Suzuka, he was accused of being a 'traitor' because of chasing his enemies, which caused the 'young master' to fall asleep.

It can be said that the three times of "betrayal" were not her original intention, but she had to bear all of it.

"Is that so, they will fight to the death when they meet?"

"That's not the case,"

Crab Princess shook her head,

"The young master once stopped them, but if there is a legitimate reason, they don't mind killing each other."

"This time, Sister Hai Ren collected the "Killing Stone", maybe she is really preparing to surrender to that adult?"

"After all, Sister Hai Ren's goal is to find a master to be loyal to."

? ? ? ?

Hearing what Crab Princess said, the whole live broadcast room was boiling.

[I can do it! ]

[Get out of the way, Hai Ren is mine! ! ]

[You are dreaming, just with you idiots, you also want to become the master of Hai Ren? ! ]

[Think carefully, this Hai Ren has no curse like "hindering the master"? The head of the family died on the spot, the pirates died without a burial place, and even the "young master" fell into a deep sleep.]

[I'm not afraid! Even if I die tomorrow, it's worth being the master of the sea ninja for a day! ]

[Hehe, if you have the guts, go to the scene and shout like this, and see how miserable you will die~~]

If ordinary people are just talking nonsense, then the bigwigs who are also paying attention to this battle will have their eyes shining!

If you can get the loyalty of this "sea ninja\

,"I can't even imagine it!

You have to know that even the top chaebols now only have some artificial extraordinary people, that is, "dog" level; the higher "wolf" level is the object of scrambling for favor from all major forces; as for the "tiger" level above this, the Metropolitan Police Department is only "suspected" to have one.

And this "sea ninja" is obviously good at assassination. If she helps, what political enemy dares not to give way?

Let the other party die without knowing how!


Just think about it,

Dreams are full, and reality is skinny.

In front of such an extraordinary existence, what is the difference between ordinary people and so-called "bigwigs"?

The ones who can actually arrive at the scene are:

Da da da da,

Armed helicopters arrive at the battlefield first,

"All Metropolitan Police Department personnel listen to the order,"

"Protect the sea ninja!"

In the helicopter with the hatch opened, Director Takeya, who is on the battlefield, shouts in the strong wind:

"Mister Sea ninja, we are here to help you!"


PS: I will not join the Metropolitan Police Department, this is just an experiment and a play to continue spreading the extraordinary~~

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