Wakayama Prefecture, Shingu City.

This is a small city by the sea, with several famous shrines and temples around it.

But it is obvious that in the face of the impact of the "demon tide", these shrines and temples without extraordinary power have been deserted, and even more than 100,000 people in Shingu City have fled.

In the clear sky and white day, in the empty city, a white fog covers half of the urban area; such an abnormal scene is undoubtedly the work of the extraordinary.

"I don't want to waste time with you,"

In the fog, Jun Kishida, holding an umbrella, frowned at the person who blocked the road.

"I'm going to deal with the monster. As a "running dog" of the government, you don't deal with the monster, why are you blocking here?"


"Woof woof!"

Two giant dogs as high as three meters roared softly,

Even in this thick fog, they can lock each other's position.

"Watari was killed by you,"

In the middle of the two giant dogs, there was a girl with a cold face.

"So, you are here for revenge?"

Facing the words of the 'Rain Girl' in the mist that were disturbed by the rushing water, Tanimura Hoshino shook her head slightly.


Even if the 'Rain Girl' is killed, Du cannot be resurrected.

"I want to see 'Demon Envoy Bai'."

"As a messenger of the underworld, he has the ability to resurrect people."

"That's why you work for him, isn't it? I can do that too."

As long as he can resurrect Tanimura Du, it doesn't matter to 'Tanimura Hoshino' whether he works for the government, the underworld, or fights for other existences.

Kishida Jun, who was holding an umbrella, had actually guessed what this 'big sister' with two extraordinary giant dogs wanted.


"I don't have the means to contact Lord Demon Envoy Bai."

"In that case——"


The next second,

The mist was suddenly pushed away violently.

A giant dog with three heads pounced towards the direction where Kishida Jun was!


The dragon-shaped streams of water rushed towards the three-headed giant dog with claws and fangs.

Two beings who are considered "strong" among many extraordinary beings began to fight fiercely in the fog! The claws swung past, tearing the steel and concrete into traces of more than ten meters; the water dragon roared and rolled, breaking and sweeping away everything in front of it.



Just when the two were fighting, the "Ghost Envoy Bai" they mentioned was actually in this area.

Floating over an abandoned village, "Ghost Envoy Bai" looked at the corpses falling to the ground below: they all held their necks tightly with both hands, and from the twisted body shape, they died of suffocation.

The reason is simple, a thermobaric bomb exploded over this village.

Many people think that thermobaric bombs will burn violently, exhaust the air and suffocate people to death. This statement is both right and wrong.

Yes, it was because those who died in the village below did die of suffocation; no, it was because they did not die of exhaustion of air: no matter how powerful the thermobaric bomb was, it could not continue to burn for long, and the consumed air would surge in from other areas in a short time to fill the gap here.

What was really fatal was the scorching air at the center that was as high as 2500 degrees and spread outward!

When a creature breathes such high-temperature air, the nasal cavity, respiratory tract, and lungs will be burned and stuck together.

People who have not died for a while will scratch their necks subconsciously, and then die of "suffocation": not because there is no air, but because there is no way to breathe.

But these don't matter. What really makes "Ghost Envoy Bai" or You care is that only he can see the light points hovering at his fingertips:

"This world has souls,"

Tani Murata and Onoda have already proved the existence of souls.

And what You is experimenting with now is how to preserve souls.


How to open up a space for the soul to survive!

Pure Land,

The Six Paths Sage used the ‘Pure Land’ to preserve the souls of all the ninjas in the ninja world. Together with the ‘White Zetsu’ army, it would be a fierce undead army: regardless of whether this conjecture is correct or not, at least the Pure Land is indeed the Six Paths Sage’s back garden, where you can come and go as you please.

If you can simulate and open up the ‘Pure Land’, in a sense, you are the real ‘God’!

After all, if you can even control the soul, what else can’t you do?

“Unfortunately, I don’t have any clues.”

The souls of a group of ordinary people spun like quicksand at his fingertips,

‘Ghost Envoy Bai’, the messenger of the underworld in the eyes of the world, is worried about how to open up the ‘underworld’.

It seems that more practice of the Yamanaka family secrets is needed to extend the soul ninjutsu.

By the way, find something for the little octopus’ church to do.


New York,

Clinton District.

It sounds like just an ordinary area, but if it is called by another name, many foreigners will suddenly realize it.

Hell’s Kitchen!

That’s right, this is not a ‘fictional’ area in a movie, but a real place.

Half a century ago, this place was famous for its slums and many criminals or gangsters; but due to its geographical location close to the business district of Midtown Manhattan, it has brought rapid development under the continuous investment of real estate developers, and the value of real estate and rent have also grown significantly, even exceeding the average of the Manhattan area.

Today, this is no longer an area where ordinary people can live;

All the people who come in and out are the "elites" of America. The name Hell's Kitchen has not been mentioned for many years.

But it does not mean that evil has nothing to do with it. When night falls, a large number of men and women of all colors take to the streets to release their energy that has nowhere to vent, which also brings a lot of public security problems. Even if the New York City government has invested a lot of police force, it cannot stop those black people who make trouble.

By the way, the mayor of New York City is also a black man.

As a city known as the most "diverse", a large number of races and forces are intertwined, and the complexity is very terrifying, especially in this era of extraordinary advent.

"This is America,"

A red-haired girl walked on the street,

her eyes swept over the black people who were setting up stalls next to her.

These black people were holding a rope, which was connected to the four corners of the canvas stalls in front of them: as long as the rope was pulled, the canvas stalls in front of them could be packed up and put away, and then they could carry them and run!

However, all the goods sold on these stalls are top luxury goods: Chanel cosmetics, Boucheron jewelry, Estee Lauder shoes, Louis Vuitton bags

This is not A-grade goods, but genuine goods. The black man selling the goods can pat his chest and assure you that he bought the goods from XXXX store.

Hearing this, the source of the goods is self-evident.

Traditional zero-yuan shopping

"What a country without grace,"

The red-haired girl quickened her pace and hurriedly left the street.

She has a pair of green eyes like a lake, three-dimensional facial features, fair skin, and long burgundy hair, which is braided by the girl and hangs on her right chest: this is not a dyed hair color, but because the girl's hair color is like this.

Because she is a Scottish, or Celtic.

This is because the climate conditions in the Gland region, coupled with the combined effect of genetic mutations, lead to the red hair hereditary phenomenon of the residents there.

Redheads have whiter skin and are more sensitive to ultraviolet rays. With the increase in global exchanges, racial mixing has become common, greatly reducing the probability of red hair inheritance. Perhaps in a few decades, there will be no more redheads.

But in this era where you can dye your hair at will, who cares about these things?

"Although I left a letter, my mother will definitely be angry."

The girl said to herself that her parents divorced when she was very young: her father yearned for freedom and went to America alone to adventure; while her mother was rational and calm and inherited the family business.

As she grew up, the "adventure" gene in the girl's bones gradually rose, and finally she chose the same path as her father.

"I don't know if there is any information about extraordinary powers this time."

The time when extraordinary powers appeared is not short,

but unlike the island countries that are fighting "hotly", other countries don't even have a single "extraordinary hair".

Under the joint blockade of the island country and America, it seems that the extraordinary has become their forbidden food; at the United Nations General Assembly, there are quarrels every day, and other countries are about to unite to force America to "share" extraordinary information and resources!

Forget about the island country, which is surrounded by the sea and there is almost no possibility of smuggling.

To enter the island country, you need to queue up for several years!

But America is different.

America does not have traffic control, and with the character of Americans, they will definitely move back home when they have good things.

Therefore, there are not a few people like the girl who come to this city to "try their luck".

Arriving in front of a bar on a back street, the girl knocked on the door.

Dong Dong Dong,

Dong Dong,

Then she waited quietly, and a few seconds later, the door opened outwards, revealing a face covered by a hood.

The other party glanced at the girl under the hood and stepped aside.

As the girl entered the house, the door closed silently.


This is an ordinary bar.

Both the furnishings and the lighting are the kind of bars that can be seen everywhere: except that there are no strippers and no guests who whistle while drinking.

There is only a group of people wearing yellow robes and hoods covering the upper half of their faces sitting quietly in the bar, which makes the girl with her hands in her pockets frown slightly.

"Where is the information I bought?"

As the girl asked cautiously, a group of people in yellow robes stood up.

"Hehe, naive girl, you want to buy information about "supernormal" with that little money?"

The person who opened the door for her turned around and looked at her with a smile under his hood.

"Are all English people so easy to deceive?"

"Sure enough, it's my fault for counting on you scum."

But apart from these scum, the girl has no other channels to contact "supernormal".

"Catch her!"

The hooded man who opened the door waved his hand, and immediately two people in yellow robes came forward with a grin.

Bang! Bang!

The next second, the two guys who rushed forward with blood gushing out of their mouths and noses fell backwards to the ground, covering their faces and curling up in pain.

? !

"Let you see it,"

As the two yellow-robed men fell, the girl had already blocked her body with both fists.

She rushed forward in front of the hooded man with a standard boxing posture, and in the other's horrified eyes, her fist went from bottom to top, a standard uppercut hit the other's chin.

"Scottish lady's fist."

It is different from the stereotype of the English people's "elegance and calmness".

Modern boxing started in England. The 18th Marquis Douglas, as a boxing champion, compiled the boxing rules. In 1891, it was recognized by the world, and boxing was truly codified in the world.

It was only later promoted by America.


The severe pain from the jaw made the hooded man fall straight down. Seeing this, the other yellow-robed men immediately rushed up.

But soon they found that they were no match for the opponent in a complex environment like a bar with random swings and grabs.

When someone reacted and prepared to grab weapons, they were shocked to find that most of their companions were lying on the ground.


As the last yellow-robed man,

was hit in the lower abdomen and slowly fell to the ground, the red-haired girl with rapid breathing let out a long breath.

"You shouldn't underestimate me."

"You are despicable!"

The yellow-robed man who fell to the ground raised his head and was greeted by the cold metal hitting his face.


"So many people are besieging a girl like me, aren't you mean?"

Perhaps she inherited her father's adventurous gene, the girl's academic performance is not excellent, but her athletic talent is very good.

Years of practice, plus the iron knuckles on her hands, are the reasons why she dares to pursue the extraordinary alone.

Another group of liars, isn't there any--


The next second, the girl trembled violently all over, and the whole person fell straight to the ground.

"Bah, damn bitch!"

Getting up from the ground, the hooded man holding the "Taser" in his hand cursed angrily.

"Do you think you are extraordinary?"

Relying on fists and feet alone is not enough in America: if it is not for capturing alive, American Iai can easily knock down any fighting champion.

Two long wires are connected to the twitching girl. The hooded man stood up and kicked her in the abdomen fiercely, then waved his hand.

"Take it away."


".Praise my Lord,"

"He sleeps on the distant stars, He pays attention to the decaying world, May the black star rise as usual, May the black star never fall"

In a daze, the red-haired girl woke up. The prayer in her ear startled her, and she subconsciously wanted to get up, but it was just a futile sound of metal collision.


The coldness of her hands and feet made her react quickly, and what made her even more desperate was:

The coldness of her skin.

Tilting her head, she could see the complex bright red magic circle on the ground and the lit candles.

Farther away, there was a group of people in yellow robes, standing with their heads bowed, and the prayers they recited together kept echoing in this room, giving rise to a strange and sacred feeling out of thin air.

"My Lord, this is the virgin blood offered by your humble believer."

Amid the footsteps, the hooded man came over, looked down at the girl in the 'altar', and took out a dagger.

Tsk, what a beauty, if

Ah, my Lord, I absolutely do not mean to blaspheme the sacrifice.

The hooded man drove away his habitual "distractions" and slashed the girl's wrist with a dagger.

As blood gushed out, the red-haired girl who tilted her head to witness all this slowly closed her eyes.


Mother, father.

Her journey ends here.


At this moment, a strange voice sounded.

No, this is not a "voice", but a consciousness: it echoed directly in her mind.

'Want to understand the meaning of life? Want to really live? '

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