"Mrs. Hoshino Tanimura,"

Professor Ohsumi, who was summoned, touched his silver beard and explained to the girl in front of him again.

"We can only extract the serum with extraordinary power from the extraordinary body, and then inject it into the living body to allow this power to replicate and operate on its own."

"During this period, a large amount of physical energy and spiritual energy of the creature will be consumed: if human consciousness can be quantified"

"To put it simply, you must have a strong body and an unyielding will."

After speaking, the old professor shut up and said nothing more.

The implication is, girl, you are not qualified.

"I know, Professor."

The girl and Tanimura Wataru didn't get along for long, but the other party hid almost nothing from her, so Yagi, no, Tanimura Hoshino knew the inside story about the 'artificial supernatural'.

"I'm sorry to cause you any trouble, but -"

"I must become extraordinary as soon as possible!"

Despite Director Zhuya's promise, Hoshino will not trust others casually. Only by having the power and authority himself can he protect Du's body.

She has even secretly given orders to the two extraordinary dogs. If she does not show up after three hours, let them:

A killing spree!

Enemies are everywhere, and we will fight until death!

Now that the last chance is lost, what happens to this world has nothing to do with her.

The island government’s ‘collar’ plan is indeed perfect, but unfortunately the collar also has thorns, especially for girls who are now being severely stimulated.

It obviously slipped from one extreme to another.

"Please begin,"

"I will inherit everything Du."

"Ms. Tanimura said so, so what are you waiting for?"

Professor Honjo on the other side was very interested. He had been using extraordinary dogs for experiments before, and he was already impatient when he finally encountered someone who could use an 'extraordinary person' for research.

"After the death of an organism, the various enzymes inside the cells will not lose their activity instantly, and some energy substances such as ATP will be preserved in the cells. As long as there is an energy supply and the enzymes remain active, the cells can survive for a period of time. time."

"But because the oxygen supply to the cells has stopped, the cells are undergoing anaerobic metabolism at this time, and the metabolic product is lactic acid, which accumulates in the cells. After the energy substances in the cells are consumed, the enzymes lose energy support and lose their activity. This When the cell is dead.”

Professor Honjo rubbed his hands, his eyes shining with excitement.

"This process takes about half an hour, and the longest record does not exceed 4 hours."

"Even extraordinary beings will abide by basic biological rules: we don't have much time to waste!"

"All right,"

Since the 'experimental subjects' and 'colleagues' kept urging him, Professor Ohsumi no longer hesitated and started to work.

"I hope you won't regret it."



The body of the girl who was fixed on the operating table was struggling violently. There were countless "earthworms" under the skin that were constantly undulating and beating, as if every muscle had its own consciousness and was about to burst out of the body. The scene was extremely horrifying.

"Quick, hang up two more bottles of nutrient solution!"

"Adrenaline, inject one, two units!"

"The heart rate continues to rise and has exceeded 300; the body temperature is also"

A group of biology professors were busy around her, constantly trying to stabilize the girl's condition: although it was just a method of 'treating the head for a headache, and the feet for a sore foot', judging from previous experience, it was indeed possible to create an 'artificial extraordinary'. leftover:

"It depends on your own will, girl."

Professor Ohsumi, who was wearing a mask, hat, and surgical gown, glanced at the girl who was struggling and screaming, and secretly cheered her on.

People will always risk their lives for something in their lives.

Well, it turned out to be...?

At a level that they were not aware of, Qiu Riyu's surprised gaze fell on the operating room through the paper crow.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't that Akira Yuu suddenly turned on super-visual bloodstains such as 'White Eyes' and 'Red Eyes', but this experiment fed him new techniques.

The secret technique of the mountain clan!

The reason why such a technique is reported back is because:

At a level that only Akira Yuu could see, a faint figure stood in front of the operating table.

Tanimura ferry!

Or should I say, the reverberation mixed with Tanimura Wataru's soul and mana.

"No, the experimental subject has organ failure!"

"It's a sign of failure."

"Do you want to terminate the trial and start rescue?"

After all, the girl is just an ordinary person. She does not have the body and willpower that Iori Kazuka and Fuji Seiko have who are on the front line of the police and have been trained with iron and blood.

Soon, her extraordinary experiment showed signs of failure, although this was a normal situation.

At the same time, the shadow next to the operating table made a "lower head" motion, looked at the girl on the operating table who was suffering from severe fusion pain, seemed to sigh, and finally slowly stroked the girl's head with both hands.

? !


The girl on the operating table suddenly stopped struggling.

Warm power circulated within her, and the familiar breath made tears of blood flow from the corners of her eyes.

At the same time, on the high-tech instruments around her, the girl's body indicators were rapidly approaching normal.


"This is unscientific"

"Very good, continue delivering the nutrient solution"

The situation suddenly changed 180 degrees, catching a group of biology professors off guard.


The girl on the operating table suddenly stood up, and the tools that bound her exploded one after another!

The professors around were so scared that they retreated one after another.


She pulled out the electrodes and infusion tubes on her body.

She turned over and got off the operating table. The girl with a changed temperament walked to the side of the operating room.

The body of Wataru Tanimura was lying there. His face had been tidied up, as if he had just fallen asleep.


For a girl who has become extraordinary, holding the body of her lover in a "princess hug" is as easy as eating and drinking water.

"Let's go home."

"Wait! Mrs. Tanimura, let's do a check-up first--"

Holding the excited Professor Honjo,

Professor Osumi spoke helplessly to dissuade this old friend who had known him for many years.

"Read the air, don't disturb others."

Read the air?

Professor Honjo was stunned. As a Nobel Prize winner, he has reached a level where he doesn't need to care about other people's emotions.

But--that is only limited to ordinary people.

"I was reckless,"

After all, he is a top smart person, and Professor Honjo reacted quickly.

At this time, I rushed over to check something, but was slapped in the face by the other party: the high-end cemetery that was reserved can be used.

"What a pity, according to the experimental data just now, that corpse. The remains are enough to create dozens of extraordinary people."

Let the other party take it back, as time goes by, the cell activity will inevitably approach zero.

By then, it will just be a corpse!

If it weren't for this reason,

why would the Public Security Committee Chairman try to take the body away in a hurry?

"You think too beautifully,"

Professor Osumi has a different opinion on this.

"Just now the experiment was on the verge of failure, but this Mrs. Tanimura turned around out of thin air. Do you think this is normal?"

"What do you mean?"

Professor Honjo turned his head,

"The folklore team has proved the existence of the 'soul',"

"Since it is extraordinary, the soul is naturally more magical: maybe that Tanimura Wataru helped her, who knows?"

It must be said that the professor's speculation touched the truth.

"It's actually a 'Guardian Spirit'?"

In Qiu Riyou's eyes, a shadow floated behind the girl who left the operating room.

This kind of treatment is only available to 'Gaara' in the World of Fire: relying on the magic power left by his mother, Gaara, who was drawn by 'Shukaku', can even fight with Madara with 'Masanohu'.

No, the prince also has it

That's right,

Gaara and the prince both died because of their mothers' dystocia, leaving their magic power in their bodies.

And the magic power in this girl's body originally came from Tanimura Wataru, and it was natural for Tanimura Wataru's soul, which had not yet dissipated, to attach to her.


Like Gaara, this girl could not detect the existence of 'Tanimura Wataru'.


Two limping dogs came up, and Director Takeya and Iori Ichika, who were waiting outside, saw the girl holding the body and showed a relieved expression.

The 'collar' project was organized by Iori Ichika, but she is not a villain by nature. She feels guilty about the death of 'Tanimura Wataru'.

As for Director Takeya, it was of course because he had gained another great fighting force!

"Good, very good, success is good!"

Hundreds of demons are scattered on the island country, and there will definitely be frequent battles in the future: at this time, we must seize every opportunity to expand our strength.

In the cabinet, many people advocated using the remains of Tanimura Wataru as raw materials to make extraordinary serum, and even imprisoned the other two extraordinary dogs as raw materials!

But it was rejected by Director Takeya and others.

Not to mention that this 'draining the pond to catch fish' method will chill the people under the Metropolitan Police Department. Once the news leaks out, there will be no more extraordinary people to join; just the power of the two extraordinary dogs, under the leadership of Tanimura Wataru, is enough to make people look sideways!

Such combat power is simply a waste of resources if it is only used as extraordinary raw materials.

"Director, I want to take Du back home. Can you help me prepare it?"

"It's been prepared a long time ago."

Director Takeya smiled and pressed the headset. Someone immediately pushed an ice coffin next to him.

"I have arranged two teams of police officers to patrol around your place 24 hours a day. Don't worry about the body."

".Thank you,"

Putting her lover in the ice coffin,

The girl easily carried the equipment weighing hundreds of kilograms, and walked out of the Metropolitan Police Department surrounded by two extraordinary dogs.

"Just let her leave like this?"

"Director, I have a new respect for you."

Director Takeya pushed his plain glasses and smiled at Ichika, who was wrapped in bandages under his clothes.

"What else?"

"You underestimate my mind too much."

Becoming an extraordinary person can make you unrestrained? How is it possible!

Except for the 'Inari God', the other extraordinary beings that have appeared so far are not enough to make the state machine afraid.

Tani Mura Hoshino will definitely cooperate with the Metropolitan Police Department, because Director Takeya saw the desperate persistence in the eyes of that girl.

"Director, please stop being so aggressive. You can hardly hide your ambition."

"Yihua, I am your boss after all."

"Can't you be more respectful?"


"The Secret Technique of the Yamanaka Clan"

Qiuri You, who came to watch the show but got a set of secret techniques, is studying new techniques.

"Able to control the minds of others, invade and read the memories of the living and the dead, and have the special ability to transmit information to others, and possess powerful perception capabilities."

Very good skills, especially 'Precision Control' and 'Reading'. If Qiuji Yuu thinks about it, he can even control Commander America to launch nuclear bombs: in a sense, this world has no secrets for him.

"The ability of the mountain clan extends to the S-level 'spiritual transformation technique'. If it is that technique, it can be said to be truly invincible!"

The soul leaves the body, can travel and kill enemies regardless of distance, and can also control the opponent's body and enter the spiritual world of others. The so-called "spirit out of body" is nothing more than that.

"It's an unexpected bonus, huh~~"

The crow took one last look at the girl leaving in the police car, took note of the girl, and waved her wings to leave.


Minato-ku, Shiroganedai Town.

This area is located in the southwest of the port area. There are no high-rise buildings, luxury cars and beautiful people. But this does not mean that it is poor. On the contrary, it is known as the 'oasis' of the port area. The streets are lined with dense greenery, elegant and quiet, and there are many Western restaurants and cafes. , focusing on a low-key and luxurious style.

At the same time, there are many exquisite and unique Japanese gardens. Unlike those "Minato City residents" who live in high-rise buildings and top-end apartments, the people living here are all low-key nouveau riche.

"I'm back,"

Under the night, a girl named "Hina Hongo" stepped out of the black car and happened to meet a couple who were going out.

"Ah, it's Jina."

The middle-aged man and woman stopped and actually stepped aside.

"Father, mother."

Facing the girl's bow and salute, the two of them quickly returned the salute, with no hint of 'family' warmth on their tense faces.

"Well, Hina, the third son of the Toyota family, wants to invite us to join his laboratory."

"That idiot? He definitely has no extraordinary resources in his hands."

The girl holding a schoolbag stood at the door and calmly answered or ordered.

"He just wants to cheat us. Well, there is no need to refuse directly. Just let him hang."


The middle-aged man nodded, his attitude completely facing his boss.

Rather than my own 'daughter'.

"Jina, what about us?"

The middle-aged woman pointed to the car next to her, and the girl waved her hand.

"Have fun, Father, Mother."

When the girl entered the exquisite Japanese garden in front of her, a young man immediately came up to her, squatted down, and diligently helped her take off her shoes.

"Jina, do you like the gift I gave you?"

"Not bad, brother."

The girl answered casually while changing her shoes.

"Although that school doesn't have any traces of the extraordinary, but..."



As the girl glanced across,

The confused young man quickly lowered his head and did not dare to say any more.

"Xiao Qiong's brother?"

Pushing away to her own room, Hongo Jinai put her schoolbag on the ammunition box and pointed her finger at her lower lip.

"It's a nice unexpected bonus."

The bookcases in the room are filled with various types of firearms.

The bedside table was replaced by several oxygen bottles. The words "Human Relief" on the bottles looked suspicious.

Portable anti-tank weapons were hung on the walls. This place was more like an arsenal than a girl's boudoir!

"Find some time to get in touch with him in private."


PS: There won’t be any local supernatural beings in this book. This Jinai can only be regarded as a strong person among ‘human beings’.

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