I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 56 Extraordinary Live Broadcast

"Yamagami Toru?!"

"How is it possible? Shouldn't he..."

Others may not know this middle-aged man, but the Unification Church will definitely remember him!

Amid the crackling sound of chairs falling over, the 'priests' in the conference room stood up in horror, as if they had seen something strange.

This is also a matter of course: Yamagami Toru shot the former prime minister of the island country with two shots. Although many people pleaded and protested for him, he was not sentenced to death, but he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Now he suddenly appeared here. What else could it be if it wasn't a ghost?

"What are you doing here?"

Even the old woman on the golden crown chair subconsciously supported the gemstone armrests and stood up and shouted.

"Don't you want to see extraordinary power?"

"I'll satisfy you,"

? !

"Kill him--"

As a woman who followed the 'leader' to travel the world at the age of 14, the old woman was also a ruthless person. She raised her hand and pointed at Yamagami Toru and shouted loudly.

The four ‘fanatics’ who were protecting her immediately stepped forward and raised their M16A4 automatic rifles.

Dadadadadadadada! ! !



The sudden and dense gunfire made the ‘priests’ in the conference room lie down in a familiar manner, protecting their necks with their hands.

Several unlucky guys who were unable to react in time were directly swept by bullets and twitched on the spot, with blood splattering.


However, Shanshang, who was the target of the four ‘protectors of the church’, appeared next to a gunman with a flash of lightning.


The gunman didn’t even react, and the steel pipe hit him hard on the chin.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Amid the crackling of lightning, Shanshang had already passed through the four gunmen, and the steel pipe in his hand knocked over the chins of the four people like flowing water.

When he stood in front of the ‘godmother’, the four gunmen slowly fell down.


"Mrs. Hezi,"

Facing the shocked old woman in front of him, Shan Shang found that he was not as angry as he imagined.

"Your church has existed for more than 70 years, and has caused so many broken families. Don't you have the slightest guilt?"

"No, this and that are all voluntary by the believers."

Facing Shan Shang, who was flashing with lightning and killed four gunmen with his bare hands, the 'godmother' stammered in defense.

"Yes, it was voluntary."

"My mother also voluntarily donated all the inheritance left by my father to your Unification Church."

Shan Shang shook his head slightly. He didn't want to say anything more about the woman called 'mother': although his father died in a tunnel accident and his brother lost one eye due to illness, the whole family was still trying to live, but she placed her heart on the cult.

In addition to asking for money from his uncle, the rest of the woman's time was to participate in various inexplicable gatherings of the 'Unification Church'.

After the pessimistic elder brother committed suicide, this woman who was not worthy of being a "mother" lived directly in the Unification Church and became a tool for male priests to play with!

And Shan Shang, who had been admitted to an excellent university, had to start working to support his family because the woman gave all the money in the family to the church. In the gloom of life, he also tried to swallow gasoline to commit suicide. But the woman stayed in Xiba and accepted the "baptism" of the church.

"My mother is not a smart person, so--"

The steel pipe in his hand pointed at the old woman in front of him, and Shan Shang narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Is this the reason why you wantonly play with her life?"

"I me."

Just as the old woman who controlled hundreds of thousands of believers was desperately turning her brain to try to quibble, a scream rang out at the door of the conference room.


"My legs, my legs!"

"Do you know who I am--Ah!!"

Several priests who tried to escape fell to the ground with their bloody knees wailing.

In the middle of them was a boy who looked like a high school student. He held a dagger in his hand, and blood dripped from the blade.

"Sorry, you can't leave here yet."

The boy announced calmly, and with the screaming priests on the ground around him, there was an inhuman deterrence.

"Before the 'thing' is over."

? !

Another extraordinary?

The old woman's pupils trembled. She was also a person who had experienced 'big winds and waves'. In the blink of an eye, she used a dagger to knock down several strong men. This kind of thing, the so-called top 'special forces' can't do it.

Whether it is the mountain in front of her or the boy blocking the door, it is obvious that they are not ordinary people.


The old woman saw the extraordinary she had been thinking about,

but he was not a chess piece to help her get promoted, but a death god who was urging her to die!

"What about the extraordinary who disguised himself as a believer of the 'Unification Church'? Why don't you ask him to come out too?"

At this point, the old woman simply gave up struggling and asked instead.

"Mr. Onoda has his own things to do."

The enemy was right in front of him, but Yamagami didn't kill the old woman immediately because her life was still useful:


Countless papers flew in from outside the gate, and in the eyes of the terrified priests, they kept piling up to form the appearance of a girl: charming features, wearing the "kosode" of the Heian period, clothes folded from paper, a body made of paper, and a paper fan in her hand.

"Are these the sacrifices?"

"The soul strength is not bad, and the sins are deep. It will taste very delicious."

As soon as this 'paper figurine' girl opened her mouth, everyone in the 'Unification Church' in the conference room turned pale and their bodies trembled with fat.

After playing cult sacrifice all their lives, is it their turn this time? !

"grown ups,"

"I am willing to surrender, willing to surrender!"

The big man in a disheveled suit fell to his knees with a thud, and there was a violent knock.

"There are one hundred fanatic believers and five hundred ordinary believers in my factory. Do you want human souls? No problem, I will collect them for you right away -"

As long as they can save their lives, it doesn't matter how many cows and horses die.

"Sorry, I don't eat souls."

However, the paper girl floating in the air giggled and said,

"You are the sacrifices left to the 'Hundred Ghosts', and I don't have time to wait for the next batch."


At this moment, the male priest in the striped suit yelled and suddenly said:

Rush to the window next to you!

This is the fourth floor, but if you give it a try, you might still be able to survive.

If you stay here, I'm afraid even your soul will be lost——


It's a pity that he didn't even have a chance to fight for his life.

The paper girl waved her folding fan, and a large amount of paper flew out of the air. She wrapped the man one by one in front of the window and turned into a paper-wrapped puppet.

"Let's go, everyone, it's time to take the stage."

"If you have the courage to commit suicide, I can show mercy and let you end it."

When the paper girl finished speaking, the boy blocking the door moved out of the way, clearly signaling the Unification Church people to get out.

In this situation, these "priests" who used to be aloof and aloof could only move with despair on their faces: it is not difficult to choose whether to die now or die soon.

Led by the dagger boy, their destination was not outside the building, but the roof:

"Everyone, don't cry in despair."

"Come on, smile!"

On the rooftop, in front of a bunch of live broadcast tools, a handsome young man clapped his hands to everyone in the Unification Church.

"You are going to heaven soon, so you should be happy."

After saying that, the young man slapped his forehead.

"Ah, sorry"

"I wonder if you still have souls after being used as sacrifices?"


"If you do this, the government won't let you go!"

At this point, the 'godmother', who is shouting hoarsely, can only bring out the 'government' to try to intimidate the other party, but -

"Hahaha, that's better!"

“I’ll be on the front page of every newspaper, on the cover of magazines.”

The handsome man opened his arms so excitedly that he couldn't help but pull up his pants!

"I will be unknown to everyone, and the eyes of the whole world will be focused on me. Oh, I hope they can take pictures of my face from the most handsome angle."

? ?

Facing this crazy man, the top leaders of the 'Unification Church' collapsed on the rooftop.

"Master Zhiwu, can we start?"

Facing the mountain's inquiry, the girl floating in the air waved her paper fan casually.

"As you wish."

Hearing this, he walked towards a priest on the mountain.


Grab the opponent's neck and drag him to the edge of the rooftop of the building to hang in the air.

"Pray to your Heavenly Father,"

"Let him give you the wings to fly, or else."

As the priest shook his head in horror, Shan Shan let go.


"Just fall into hell."

After saying that, Shanshan turned around. Wherever he looked, the Unification Church crowd quickly dispersed and retreated with no way to escape.

"I regret, I was wrong, please"

"Money, women, power, I will give them all - ah!"

As the second priest fell freely, the mountain's calm eyes fell on the next target.

"I don't need you to repent,"

"Go to the countless innocent souls who were ruined by you—"


And all of this was clearly recorded by the handsome man next to him, Tatsu Ichihashi, with a camera.


PS: If you have time to spare, you can look up the things that the Unification Church does. If you can’t write them down~~ (revised for a long time)

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