I planted a sacred tree in Tokyo

Chapter 39: ‘First Hearing’ Extraordinary

"too slow,"

At the entrance of Huangying School,

Qiu Riqiong still has the classic tsundere starting position.

Both Akihi Yu and class monitor Einao have become accustomed to this.

"There is no way. The subway in Arakawa District is still under maintenance due to the 'terrorist attack', so we can only take a detour for a short time."

When Qiu Riyu spread her hands to explain, the delicate Qiu Ri Qiong took out her mobile phone.

"follow me,"

? X2

"The accident that happened in Arakawa Ward was not an earthquake or a terrorist attack."

The three of them were walking on the way home. Under the leadership of Qiu Riqiong, they deliberately took a detour to a deserted park: Qiong girl tied her hair into twin ponytails with a black bow and handed the pictures on her phone to In front of Yuu Akira.

Ah this

The picture shows a huge black object rising into the sky. Because it is moving so fast, there is only a blurry afterimage on the picture.

But I can still distinguish the catfish’s signature flat head and two eye-catching whiskers.

"Is this, Catfish?"

Class monitor Nao, who was leaning next to him, said hesitantly,

The thing in the picture looks like a fat and short catfish no matter how you look at it.

But compared with the surrounding buildings, this catfish is a bit too big, like... a tokusatsu drama?

That's impossible, because there are ordinary people running away on the screen, and there are even figures lying in a pool of blood: this kind of scene will never appear in a tokusatsu drama.

Because more than thirty years ago, a bad case occurred in Saitama Prefecture next to Adachi City that shocked the island nation.

Tsutomu Miyazaki incident!

What this guy did,

Its bloody and disgusting level completely exceeded the lower limit of human beings.

After his arrest, the police found more than 6,000 adult films, animations, tokusatsu dramas, etc. in his home.

for a while,

The entire island nation was in an uproar, and otakus were almost equated with 'potential criminals'.

The verbal criticism of animation and tokusatsu dramas has reached its peak. The themes have been regressed, the number has been reduced, projects have been cut, companies have gone bankrupt, and they have been discriminated against and criticized by all parties.

This is also the reason why later tokusatsu dramas are almost all "sub-gongxiang".

To this day, the ‘toxic book movement’ still exists.

Therefore, squad leader Nao was very sure that such bloody pictures were definitely not the filming scene of any tokusatsu drama.


"This is not a composite image, nor is it a movie scene."

Pointing to the broken signboard flying into the air in the picture, they were all familiar with that store.

Qiu Riqiong whispered the 'shattering' secret.

"This is what happened in Arakawa Ward,"

"The real culprit is a monster or rather an extraordinary creature."

? ? ?

Pushed up his glasses,

Yiai Nao, who was excellent in both morals and academics, fell into thinking.

"So that's how it is,"

Turning to look at Yu Akihi who was suddenly enlightened, monitor Nao couldn't help but speak.

"Yu-kun, just based on a picture."

"Since Qiong said so, of course I believe it."

Qiu Riyu had a stern look on his face, causing the delicate girl holding the phone to slightly raise the corners of her mouth.

"This is a picture of the scene obtained by members of my 'Internet Department'. Now there is no trace of it on the entire Internet."

As an aristocratic school, most of the students at Royal Sakura Girls' College participate in various club activities: unless there are special circumstances, they will go home early. Qiu Riqiong joined the ‘Network Department’. As you can tell from the name, it is a club where a group of technical geeks gather.

Therefore, Qiu Riyu came by car after school, just in time to pick up Qiong when the club activities were over.

"According to intelligence obtained by our minister,"

Qiu Riqiong continued,

"Recently, there have been several extraordinary incidents in Tokyo, causing casualties that have exceeded three digits."

In short, stay safe.

"Your minister is really amazing. You can find out so much through the Internet."

Regarding monitor Nao's emotion, Qiongmei just lightly denied it.

"What are you thinking about?"

"It's a secret her brother told her."

interpersonal relationships,

Can it be considered a kind of ‘network’?

Thinking of this, a bolt of lightning flashed through Yiinao's mind.

"Could it be that Tiannu-san is the same?"

That day, they witnessed Tiannu Ying, dressed in fine clothes, appearing at the crime scene, surrounded by a group of big shots.

Since there are monsters, there are naturally corresponding forces: priests, magic monks, and people with super powers.


The autumn sky nodded slightly,

"Although there is no actual evidence, there is a saying secretly circulating in our school:"

"You must respect your classmates as you respect your father."

As female high school students who do not have jobs yet, everything the daughters of Huangying School have is based on their fathers. Facing the majestic head of the family, few dare to yell.

It also illustrates the status of ‘Tiannu Ying’ in the school.

"That's it,"

Class monitor Yiai Nao finally understood why Tiannuying transferred to another school quietly.

"Let's go. What does anything extraordinary or not have to do with us?"

Qiu Riyu waved his hand, completely without any consciousness of being the 'mastermind'.

“Now it’s time to think about: What’s for dinner tonight?”

"That's your business,"

Qiu Riqiong, who put away her phone, answered unceremoniously.

Although she is a sweet and lovely girl, she is not very good at cooking.

The pastry technique is quite good.

"Yes yes yes~~"

To this, Qiu Riyu answered casually.

He can even have enough energy left to control many clones to move around.


Toshima District, Sugamo Town.

At this time, the 'old friend' Tiannu Ying mentioned by the three people was returning to her home shrine under the escort of a motorcade.


"Wait a moment,"

As soon as Tiannuying finished speaking, the entire convoy slowed down and stopped in a smooth manner.

Lowering the window, Tiannuying greeted an old woman on the side of the road.

"Mrs. Hamasaki, what are you doing?"

"Oh, it's Xiaoying."

The old woman standing in front of her house was instructing the workers to move furniture and answered Tiannu Ying with a smile.

"The unfilial son of mine called suddenly and asked me, an old woman, to accompany him."

“Hey, I’m really annoyed by him~~”

Although she kept complaining, the smile on her face showed that she was obviously very happy.

"So I sold this old house and prepared to move."


This is only a superficial reason.

The deeper reason is——

Her son, who received a commission fee of five million, persuaded his mother to sell the old house at twice the market price.

It’s not just her, many families on the street have received generous offers!

The staff of the 'real estate club' seemed to have lost their minds. The usual tricks of being gentle and giving gifts and asking for warmth had all disappeared. All the wealthy people could only 'add money' and pretended to win the real estate one second earlier. It’s the posture of victory.

Amid the soaring housing prices, most residents are beginning to relocate.

The remaining few, smelling the danger amidst the growing impatience of the staff and the increasingly high prices, gave up one after another.

When the price reaches a certain level, many people will not continue to talk to you about the rules!

The island country's Ji Dao does not only sell milk tea as advertised.

It should be said on the other hand that the milk tea business has been tainted by the extreme.

"That's it,"

Tiannuying just felt that there were a lot of people moving on the street today, and Nagisa Yiye, who was sitting next to her, already understood.

“Someone is acquiring land on this street.”


“What is worth seeing in this old street?”

"Silly Xiaoying,"

Raising his hand and tapping the bridge of his sister's nose, Nagisa Kazuyo smiled and spoke.

"You are the greatest shame, a being that countless people look up to."

Just as Nagisa Kazuyo said, when the car they were riding in arrived at the foot of the mountain where the shrine is located, a group of big shots were already waiting here.

"The Goddess of Heaven,"

"Please forgive me for taking the liberty of visiting."

The leader, Director Zhuya, greeted with a smile, which made people feel like spring breeze. He is worthy of being a man with "spring" in his name.

Of course, if you face other people, it will be a different face; if you really become the boss of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, what kind of amiable person will you be?

"It doesn't matter,"

"Shrines are originally places for people to worship."

Naturally, Tiannu Ying would not turn away these important figures who came together to visit the shrine.

"Please go up the mountain."

"Lord Son of God, please do as you please, don't worry about us."

A group of people waited for Tiannuying and Nagisa Yiye to step on the climbing stairs before following them.

From the positions of the crowd, you can easily tell their status: the one at the front is the calm Director Zhuya, followed by the American male and female consultants looking left and right, then senior officials from other departments, and at the end are the talents. They were a few old men dressed as priests.

This is the shrine of the 'Inari God'. Even if they are the priests of Meiji Jingu Shrine and the priests of Yushima Tenmangu Shrine, they have to lower their eyebrows and lower their heads when they wait here.

There was no other way, the Inari God gave divine power to the 'God Son', and suppressed the raging 'Earthquake Catfish' in a flash, and their god... ugh.

But they were not the most embarrassed. The most embarrassed was the Palace Secretary of Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine who had just arrived from Kyoto.

As the main shrine of the more than 30,000 Inari shrines in the entire island country, they have neither received any "oracle" nor any "miracle", but now they have to visit the place blessed by the god's own spirit. How can this not be embarrassing?

But then again, in this modern society, how many believers are there really in the shrine?

Most people just regard this as a 'job': they are more like the staff of a 'scenic spot' than a belief.

In this way, a group of people with different ideas came to the top of the mountain on the forest path.

What I saw was:

"Ah, torii."

Tiannu Ying scratched her head,

The torii gate of the shrine disappeared. No, it should be said that it was on the back of 'Blackie'.

What kind of shrine would it be without a torii gate?

"Xiao Hei,"

Taking out the shrunken 'Earthquake Catfish' from her schoolbag, Tiannu Ying asked in a low voice.

"Why don't you use it as a torii gate temporarily when you get bigger?"


Giving the girl a 'wise' look, the earthquake catfish she named 'Xiao Hei' leapt out of her palm.

After leaving the girl, this earthquake catfish grows when the wind blows!

? !

Seeing the sudden increase in the size of the earthquake catfish, the senior officials behind the girl stopped in their tracks. Fortunately, they were all big shots, but they remained calm and did not make a fool of themselves on the spot.


The huge seismic catfish landed at the entrance of the shrine, but it did not cause a loud noise of shaking the earth.

Instead, it merged into the earth silently, and then swam to the door, and its entire body sank into the ground, leaving only a torii gate restored to its original size, standing at the entrance of the shrine.

"Then, everyone."

"Please come in."

Seeing Tiannvying stepping through the torii gate, she raised her hand to signal everyone to enter the shrine, but a group of senior officials looked at each other in bewilderment.

Facing the earthquake catfish, they did not turn around and run, which was already enough to cultivate their energy; now they were asked to step on the earthquake catfish to pass through the torii gate.

Before they took a step, many people in the crowd felt weak in their legs.

It's like a person standing next to a tiger in the park. Even if they know that the other party will not attack them, they will still feel instinctive fear!

And the 'earthquake catfish' is much more terrifying than a tiger, and the defeated Self-Defense Force is proof of this.

"Then, we'll bother you."

In the end, it was Director Takeya who took the first step.

As he passed through the torii gate, the people under him gritted their teeth and stomped their feet. But they didn't dare to stomp their feet. They all held their breath and passed under the torii gate lightly.

Several people with insufficient hearts seemed to be stepping on cotton, one foot deep and one foot shallow.

"Your shrine is so elegant."

Stepping over the torii gate and looking at the small shrine in front of him, Director Takeya almost couldn't find words to praise it.


"Although this place is small, it is my home!"

After returning home, Tian Nuying also became lively and introduced everyone generously:

"I will take you."

She stopped halfway through her words, and Tian Nuying's face gradually became serious.

"Everyone, my master wants to see you."


Master? !

The senior officials were stunned at first, and then their faces changed wildly.

In this small shrine, only Tian Nuying, the "son of God", lives.

The master she mentioned naturally refers to that person:

Inari God!

God. Want to see them?

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