"Fox, crow, Godzilla,"

After writing these options on the paper, Qiu Riyu touched his chin.

Crows are the easiest, and there are a lot of crows in Tokyo. Just catch any one and you can use it as a psychic beast.

Akira Yu is planning to find a 'destined bird' and give him magical powers to act as a psychic beast, although most of the time, he will use a crow clone to go out.

Foxes must also be raised. After all, foxes are the envoys of the Inari God "Osuijin": because foxes will prey on rats that are harmful to agricultural production. In front of other shrines, there are statues of Komon dogs; as for Inari God's shrine, there is a stone fox at the door.

However, in order to achieve the idea of ​​a 'divine messenger' in Yuu Akira's mind, new abilities need to be developed.

That is: Wood Escape!

As we all know, Mu Dun and Senju Zhujian are two different concepts.

The strongest one is never Wood Release, but Senju Hashirama: negative examples include Yamato who is often defeated, and the third generation grandson Konohamaru's little friend 'Fuji Moehuang': she also has the limit of Wood Release Blood Succession, but she can only Use it to camouflage some vegetation, stretch your hips, and reach the sky!

It's better to call it 'Grass Escape' than Wood Escape.

"Earth and water have both reached C level. Theoretically, you can try to merge them into 'Wood Release'."

The so-called blood inheritance limit is the product of the fusion of two kinds of mana, such as earth + water fused to form wood escape, water + fire fused to form boiling escape, water + wind fused to form ice escape, fire + wind fused to form scorching escape, etc.

If you are a ninja from the World of Fire, you must be at the elite jounin level to be eligible to try to fuse the blood successor boundary.

For example, Kakashi, who lost Obito Sharingan, later developed his own 'Purple Thunder'. If passed on to future generations, it would be a new 'blood inheritance limit'.

Akihi Yuu is equivalent to the 'Datong Wood', so of course there is no need for such harsh conditions: only two 'chuunin' level escape techniques are needed to try to merge into the Blood Successor Limit. Of course, the power of the fused Blood Succession Limit is only at the 'normal' level. It is naturally stronger than the ordinary Five Elements Escape Technique, but it is also only too strong.

Strength is not a problem. In fact, no matter what kind of spell it is, as long as the magic power is enough, it can make big bricks fly.

The ability to make dead trees grow into spring is worthy of the title of the God of Fertility.

As for Godzilla.

The pen in his hand clicked on the notebook in front of him, and Akira Yu couldn't help but shake his head.

Unless such a huge psychic beast can withstand nuclear bombs, it will appear in this technological world and enter the laboratory in a matter of minutes: and to resist nuclear bombs, it must be at least the tailed beast level.

Too far away~~

"Yu-kun, what are you thinking about?"

Monitor Nao's voice came from behind, and Qiuhi Yuu turned around and stroked his notebook with his palm.

"I'm just in a daze, what's the matter?"

When he turned around, the notebook was completely clean.

"Tiannu classmate has transferred to another school."

As the monitor of the class, Iai Nao is also a member of the student union. She can easily find out the facts about Tiannu Ying's transfer from other members.


"Is it just 'hmm', Yu-kun, aren't you curious?"

"Why are you curious? My classmate Tiannou's identity as the 'eldest lady' has been exposed. She is definitely not suitable to stay in this school."

The two of them had witnessed Tiannu Ying dressed up in fine clothes and surrounded by a group of big shots.

So Qiu Riyu's explanation is very reasonable, although changing schools was not Tiannu Ying's original intention.

Today's Tiannuying is the "godly son" of Inari God. She has healing powers and is accompanied by "Earthquake Catfish".

If you continue to stay in this public school - if a few blind gangsters come, you are not worried about Tiannu Ying getting hurt, but you are worried about the "earthquake catfish" killing people!

Forget about killing people,

It's just that if the noise is big, it will be very troublesome for the government to cover up the traces.

"Qiong sent me a text message. Tiannu-san has transferred to their school and is in the same class as Nagisa-san."

"That's it,"

Although monitor Nao still had doubts about this matter, she was smart enough not to ask any more questions.

"What happened yesterday, wouldn't Huangying School be affected?"

During the lunch break, the monitor simply chatted leisurely with Qiu Ri.

"of course not,"

"Today's Huangying School is probably safer than the Prime Minister's official residence."


Huang Ying School

"Whose are those black suits from?"

During the recess, some female students couldn't help but cast their eyes on those corners of the school, with their hands behind their backs and their sunglasses on, motionless, like statues in black suits.

"you do not know?"

This question immediately caused 'surprise' to appear on the faces of other students, and then they left with a chuckle.

The questioner was left with a confused look on his face.

It was as if she was ‘out of date’.

It is true that Huangying School is a private aristocratic school, but it does not mean that all of them are rich or noble: there are also some good girls from the middle class.

For example, in Qiu Riqiong, the two adults in Qiu Riqiong's family who were involved in a car accident are both doctors. They are considered a family with a good income, but they can only support Qiu Riqiong in private school. As for Akira Yuu, she went to a cheap public school.

Therefore, not all female students know the origin of those ‘black suits’.

Rather, even those girls from wealthy families only know that these people are the bodyguards of the 'Second Miss Nagisa'.

At the same time, their parents have already warned them: They must not provoke the 'Second Miss of the Nagisa Family', otherwise the family will take care of them! If you can make friends with the other party, you will be greatly rewarded.



"We held a welcome party for you."

“Let’s go singing, shopping, etc.~~”

"Those stores are all owned by me, and there will be no irrelevant people."

A group of wealthy ladies surrounded Tiannu Ying and sent out invitations one after another: everyone had a perfect smile and their tone was soft, enthusiastic and yet polite.


So fake!

Tiannu Ying could instinctively feel that they did not really want to make friends with her.

Half with a mission, half with perfunctory concealment: yes, there were many female classmates who were extending invitations to her in the form of a 'craftsmanship' performance.

"Thank you for your kindness,"

"But our schedule has been arranged, sorry."

Nagisa Kazuha, who is also the eldest lady, constantly helps her sister deal with these invitations, but seems to be able to handle them with ease.


"Xiao Yiye is the best,"

The crowd dispersed, Tiannu Ying hugged her sister, and Tiannu Ying, who was feeling bad, complained.

"Are all ladies so tired?"

"Have it?"

After thinking about it carefully, she didn't feel tired because socializing with people had been integrated into Nagisa Yiye's life, but:

"If you don't like it, you don't have to come to school."

"don't want,"

Hearing this, Tiannu Ying shook her head like a rattle.

"Young family. There are a lot of old men in our house that we don't know, which makes us even more uncomfortable."

"How about, Xiao Yiye, let's go to the shrine?"

Only the shrine is a peaceful paradise for Tiannu Ying.

"Let's wait until school is over."

At this moment, a blonde woman walked into the classroom.

Although he was only wearing a 'low-key' black women's suit, he couldn't hide the military competence in his every move.

In other words, she was not prepared to hide it at all: as America's lieutenant colonel, she had the capital to ignore everything.

Of course, achieving all of this would not have been possible without the support of her major general father.

"Miss Tiannu, may I ask about your divine power?"

But even she must bow respectfully to the girl in front of her.

"No problem, let's go."

Tiannu Ying stood up, and as soon as she took a few steps, a dark shadow emerged from the desk.


The black shadow flew over the girl's head,

Curled up into a ball, like a cat.

However, this is a black catfish, and there is a mini torii stuck on its back, so that anyone who knows its identity will not dare to look directly at it.

earthquake catfish,

With the power of this extraordinary creature, not to mention within ten steps, even within a hundred steps, the enemy will be wiped out!

It's a complete mobile disaster.

"Ichiyo, I'll come as soon as I go."

"be safe."

Under the leadership of the female lieutenant colonel, the two got into a dark car and drove out of the school in a low-key manner.


Affiliated Hospital of Tokyo University School of Medicine

Just from the name, you can tell that this hospital belongs to Dongda University. The conditions of this hospital cannot be said to be among the best in the world, and the gap is by no means huge.

Especially within the hospital, the private areas that are not open to the public are dedicated to providing services to the powerful. The price of various advanced equipment is even more jaw-dropping.

Today, a group of experts, including Professor Ohsumi and Professor Honjo, who were hiding in the underground base in Setagaya District and studying Shiba Inu, took the time to come here: because they were about to witness a medical miracle that was not scientific.

"The treatment is over, please check it out."

The emerald green light on her palm disappeared, and like a 'traditional liar', Tiannu Ying, who just put her hand on top of the patient for more than ten seconds, announced the end of the treatment, stepped away, took off the 'little black' on her head and hugged her. Playing in arms.

A large group of experts immediately rushed to the ward. After examining him from head to toe, they all showed incredulous expressions.

“The cancer lesions were relieved”

"No normal parts were harmed. This is unscientific!"

"How did you do it?"

Not to mention other experts, even Professor Honjo, who has won the Nobel Prize in the field of cancer, has a dull expression.

"With a few more courses of treatment, maybe it can be completely cured."

"Is this the function of demon spiritual power?"

Cancer is the biggest problem in modern human health.

As for cancer in ancient times, it was not a problem because ordinary people would never survive the onset of cancer!

Even wealthy people rarely survive until cancer breaks out: and as humans age in modern times, the chance of cancer attacks naturally increases.

If it is in the early stage, you can still save your life through chemotherapy, resection and other means; but if it is in the middle and late stages of cancer, the advice given by professionals is to take good care of your body and calm down, maybe you can live a few more days.

It’s not like there aren’t wealthy people who spend tens or billions to make targeted drugs. However, people usually die before the drugs are ready.

However, the girl in front of me wearing the uniform of a high school girl,

But in an incredible way, it subverted the three views of the experts present.


After the old white man who received treatment learned the test results, he exclaimed and danced with excitement, as if he were a child in his seventies.

"Congratulations, Mr. Gore."

The blond and blue-eyed female lieutenant colonel sincerely congratulates,

This old congressman and her family are family friends. If the bloodline of the two families can be traced back, it can even be traced back to the Mayflower. He is a true 'blue blood noble', an evergreen tree in both the military and political circles.

"Hahaha, call me uncle, little Tina."

The old white man was in a very good mood. He pressed the part of the liver and turned to ask the expert beside him.

"Will this cure it?"

"Mr. Gore, nothing is 100 percent medical."

After reading the inspection report, the American experts still found it difficult to imagine the 'miracle' in front of them, but they still made a rational judgment.

"We would like to congratulate you first. If you continue this treatment a few times, there is a high probability that your cancer will be completely cured."

The facts are before our eyes. Unless everyone in the island country, from personnel to equipment, is committing fraud, otherwise:

Mr. Congressman’s cancer is about to be cured!

“And, food wise”

"OK! OK!"

The old white man was in a good mood and nodded repeatedly. The older he got, the more afraid of death he became. He no longer dared to play like he did when he was young, just to greedily see more of the world.

"This scene makes me feel that my life's research has become meaningless."

Professor Honjo, with his silver hair neatly combed back and a wry smile on his face, couldn't help but shake his head.


Surrounded by a head of white hair and beard, Professor Ohsumi spoke.

"This is a real miracle, and it is destined to only favor a few big shots."

"Our research can benefit the public."

"Isn't it?"

Professor Honjo did not answer the words of this old friend. Do you want him to say——

Do you do research on your own just for fame and money?

Seeing that the treatment was successful, Tiannu Ying hugged 'Xiao Hei' and turned around to leave. She had to continue her class.

The experts in the room wanted to tie her up here and study how she achieved such unscientific treatment. But just think about it:

With Tiannu Ying's ability, if anyone dares to touch a hair on her, the island country and America will let him know what the iron fist of the capital country is!

Such a precious healing extraordinary person is the supreme treasure of both countries!

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