On February 6, CE71, the Archangel, which had been sailing in space for more than half a month, received a long-range communication, and when it was confirmed that it was sent by the advance fleet of the Eighth Fleet of Earth, all the crew (except Lin Ziyun and others) smiled inside.

The long-awaited friendly army has finally arrived, which also shows that he and the others have almost entered the sphere of influence of the Earth Army, so at least there is no need to worry about safety, and there is no need to live a fearful life every day.

However, Lin Ziyun, who is familiar with the plot, knows that the truth is often not as good as they think, if the plot does not change, soon the Zaft warship will come, Zaft’s warship far exceeds the advance team of the Earth Fleet in terms of combat power, these passerby A troops without protagonism will soon become space junk.

Sure enough, the next day, February 7, when the Archangel and the advance force converged, the Zaft warship appeared, followed by five MS, broke into the Earth advance fleet and launched a massacre.

Only one advance fleet of 250-meter Nelson-class warships and several 130-meter Drake-class frigates, against the five Gundam piloted by the Adjuster, were quickly hung and beaten by the other side.

Originally, I planned to take advantage of the advance fleet to cover myself and go directly to the Archangel of the Eighth Main Fleet, watching the friendly troops being hung and beaten by the other side, but I couldn’t help but send Kira and Vlada to support.

On the Archangel, Lin Ziyun deliberately came to a position that was easier to watch the battle, looked at the earth fleet that was hung outside the universe, and sighed without thinking: “It’s really weak, I don’t even have the power to fight back, if it weren’t for the support of the Archangel, it is estimated that it would have been finished by now.” ”

Lin Ziyun set his sights on the fighting Gundam, gorgeous design, sensitive mobility, fire output is also okay, it is okay to take it to fight the Xingmeng road troops, but unfortunately, his future opponent is Cortana, who has a large number of Precursor ruins, so the Gundam is not of much use to himself.

It would be nice not to use it in the war against separatism.

“James, what do you think of those Gundams?” Lin Ziyun asked to James Locke next to him.

“Flashy, backward equipment, the control is still manual, even the most basic sensor control is not used. Fragile protection, can only rely on mobility to dodge attacks, thereby improving the chance of survival, but it is undeniable that their design concept is quite good, maybe we can identify and design our own combat robots. ”

Lin Ziyun nodded, agreeing with his idea, if the control is replaced by sensor control, a shield is added to it, and the armor is replaced with the ship’s A-class titanium armor, it may become an expanded version of the Spartan warrior.

But these are just thoughts, it seems that I will have to make a Gundam information in the future, let the technicians on the Endless make one to see, if it is practical, then mass production.

And the best technology of Gundam is Zaft and Aube’s Dawning Society, and Zaft’s all the information already has himself, but the Gundam one does not, only those who have served in large quantities.

After all, Zaft’s Gundam technology was developed after snatching those five and using them as prototypes, and Zaft did not snatch the Gundam when he went to steal the information.

As for the Dawning Society, it was on Earth, far away from him, and now Lin Ziyun did not plan to go to Earth for the time being.

It seems that the theft of Gundam technology is going to be delayed.

In fact, there is another way, that is, to grab the 6 ready-made outside, but after thinking about it, Lin Ziyun gave up, because it won’t be long before these will be eliminated.

It’s better to grab some equipment that’s about to become obsolete, and it’s better to wait a few months for Zaft to steal freedom and justice.

The battle continued outside, and in less than half an hour of the battle, the Earth advance fleet was left with only the 250-meter-long flagship Montgomery.

“Gone, there is nothing to see, anyway, the result can be guessed.” Lin Ziyun then looked at it for a while, and then left with a bored look.

Walking on the metal corridor, suddenly Lin Ziyun seemed to think of something, and paused in his steps, ‘It is said that there seems to be Fulei’s short-lived ghost father in that flagship, which means that Lax will be taken as a hostage when he waits. ’

Snapped, Lin Ziyun patted his head and said: “Oh, my head, I even forgot the plot.” With that, he walked towards the bridge of the Archangel.

The four people next to them looked at their captain indifferently and said something inexplicable, they have seen no wonder, since they came to this world, their captain has often been like this.

When a few people came to the bridge, Lin Ziyun saw Lax standing in the corner, and Fleur, who was kneeling on the ground and holding her head and crying. Not far outside the Archangel, the Montgomery had become space junk at this time.

“Why are you here, this is not the place you should be.” Natal, the combat commander sitting below, quickly found Lin Ziyun and the others who broke into the bridge, and asked in a bad tone.

Lin Ziyun glanced at her, then ignored her and came to Lax, “Are you hungry, go and eat with me.” ”

Lax was stunned, he didn’t expect that at this time, he actually asked himself if he was hungry, shouldn’t he care about a few rounds first?

Natal, who was ignored next to him, suddenly felt a rage in his heart, he had just been angry with Frey’s nonsense, and now this person in front of him actually broke into the bridge without permission and ignored his questioning.

Looking at Lin Ziyun, who was about to go to dinner with Lax, Natal said with a bad face: “Stop, you broke into such a military place as a bridge without permission, don’t think about leaving like this.” ”

At the same time, Ma Liu, who was sitting in the captain’s position, also looked at Lin Ziyun seriously, hoping that he could give an explanation.

Lin Ziyun looked back at Natal with disdain and asked, “Oh~ Then what are you going to do?” Send me to a military court, I am not your soldier. ”

“Trespassing into military strongholds, you will be arrested now.” After Natal finished speaking, one hand pointed towards a red button, and soon a team of guards rushed in, “Arrest them!” ”

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