In a meteorite belt just a few hundred kilometers from the human colonization satellite PLANT, a dark green craft is flying at high speed here.

These dense meteorites did not affect its flight at all, and it could cleverly avoid approaching meteorites every time.

“The radar shows that another spacecraft fifteen kilometers ahead of us should be our target.” Violet sat in the driver’s seat and looked at the flashing red light on the radar.

That’s right, this time it was still the Osiris team that acted with Lin Ziyun, and with them, they didn’t need to worry about their own life safety.

And this time to go to PLANT, there is no need to sneak in like before, as early as when he was on the Endless, Lin Ziyun used the powerful information network of the Endless to get in touch with Lax’s father.

When Shigal Klein learned that his daughter who had been worried about him for the past few days was fine, he was really excited, because he had received information that his daughter had been abducted by the Earth Army, and he did not dare to imagine what his daughter would be treated next.

Fortunately, God treats him well, his daughter is not only fine, but also seems to know a wonderful figure, when he learned that the other party was coming here to talk to him, he immediately sent his most trusted subordinates and drove the boat to pick him up.

And this ship, which stopped in the meteorite belt, must be his.

On the other side of dozens of kilometers away, inside the bridge of a transport ship more than a hundred meters long, several men in black suits were busy.

One of the men nagged at the same time as he was a little impatient: “We have all waited for five hours, why hasn’t the guest arrived yet?” ”

Another man looked at the unresponsive radar and lost his patience a little, “Yes, if we don’t come, we can only go.” ”

“Wait, look, what is that? Piercing machine? The man who had just begun to speak suddenly pointed in a certain direction outside the bridge and said in shock.

He was indeed shocked, because the strange flying machine had flown in front of him, and the radar did not react at all, if they were enemies, then they were likely to be dead.

“Whether it’s them or not, just know the code.”

“The code is correct.” After the man finished the code, he nodded and said.

“Open the hangar, let them in, then set the course, ready to return.”

Seeing the other party open the hangar in the belly of the ship, Wei’er drove the Pelican to slow down and slowly drove towards the hangar.

A few hours later, everyone took the Klein family’s private car, and the car soon came to a large manor, and just got out of the car, a middle-aged blond man opened his arms and excitedly walked to Lax and hugged her.

“Lax! It’s great that you’re okay. ”

“Thank you Father-sama for your concern, let me introduce it to you.” Lax left her father’s embrace and said to him, “This is Lin Ziyun, who spoke to you before, that is, my lifesaver.” ”

Shigel bowed slightly towards Lin Ziyun, “Although I have said the same thing before, I still want to say it once, thank you for saving my daughter, I only have her one relative now, I can’t imagine what will happen when I lose her.” ”

“Your Excellency Sigal doesn’t have to be like this, Lax and I are also friends, and it is appropriate to save her.”

Hearing this, Shigel nodded and did not mention this topic, and said to Lin Ziyun and the others: “Please come in quickly, let’s go into the room and talk.” ”

After entering the house, Lin Ziyun couldn’t help but look left and right, although he was the commander-in-chief of a fleet, but in the end, he was only a 21st century otaku, such a luxurious large villa, he was still the first time to see it.

“It is not a loss to be one of the twelve parliamentarians, that is, there is money, in this colonial satellite like gold, there is money to build such a large villa.” Lin Ziyun thought to himself.

As soon as he sat down, Sigel couldn’t help but speak first: “Before Mr. Lin Ziyun said that he would seek cooperation with the contemptible people, I don’t know what the cooperation Mr. said?” ”

Lin Ziyun did not speak, but glanced at James standing behind him, and James nodded knowingly and took out a PDA and placed it in front of Siegel.

Shigel took the PDA and looked at it seriously, the time passed minute by minute, and soon he read all the content, his hands trembled, and the excitement could not be concealed on his face.

“Are these all true? If yes, then what should I pay? Or, what should the PLANT pay for in the future? ”

When Higal put down the PDA, several messages appeared on it:

1: UNSC provides a large number of advanced weapons for the Kleinites.

2: UNSC is willing to transfer some of its experience in building space warships.

…… Of course, none of the above is important, what is important is the last two contents.

9: UNSC fully supports Shigel Klein and supports Shigel Klein to become the national leader of PLANT.

10: UNSC is willing to transfer some weapons technology, including the chip-Tengchuan fault space transition engine technology.

Sigel did not doubt that what Lin Ziyun said was false, because when he spoke to his daughter before, he learned from his daughter’s mouth what the true identity of the man in front of him was.

Lin Ziyun is very satisfied with Shigel’s current performance, only in this way can he make more favorable demands, “I need a lot of food, construction materials and equipment, of course, these are only needed at present, I will mention other things later, of course, I will not ask too much.” ”

“Okay, I promised.” Shigel decisively spoke, afraid that he would not promise Lin Ziyun that he would repent.

“In terms of food, since we are colonizing satellites here and have strict control over food, in order not to attract the attention of others, I can only transfer to you little by little, but civilian items such as building materials and equipment are much easier.”

Lin Ziyun nodded to show understanding, “It doesn’t matter, as long as the things I want can be in place within a year.” ”

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