“Go and arrange a room for him and take good care of him.” After Moluki left, Lax commanded to the servant standing in the doorway.

“Yes, Miss.”

Lin Ziyun, who was sitting on the sofa, took out the communicator and pressed one of the buttons on it, and soon, Wei’er, who had been waiting upstairs, came to the staircase on the second floor, “Captain, are you looking for me?” ”

“That’s right, you go and contact the Hentai, ask them to send someone to escort a Harak over, and then order the Marathon class to wait in the port first, don’t set sail so quickly for the time being, and tonight you have a mission, get ready.” Lin Ziyun tilted her head slightly and looked at Wei’er at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor.

Harak, a non-human species on the Hentai, although they seem to look like organic life, they are actually semi-organic mechanical bodies made by the Precursor, so Harak was not destroyed by the halo when the Precursor activated the aura.

In the position of the forerunners, they belong to engineers, they have a high manufacturing talent, and they can even use scrapped items to make advanced weapons, and they are usually concentrated in the precursor ruins, helping those disappearing forerunners and continuing to maintain those facilities.

And Harak is also full of curiosity and affection for ‘recyclers’ (that is, humans), and is also willing to help these ‘recyclers’, so as soon as humans find Harak in the Forerunner ruins, they will take them away and make them their engineers.

On the Infinity, it happened that there was Halak ‘serving’ on the ship, but there were only a small number, and this time, Lin Ziyun called it over for a simple reason, that is, to let it learn to build Gundams.

That’s right, let it learn how to build Gundams, of course, not to let it build the kind of cannon fodder in this world, but to build the Gundam that the endless fleet can use in the future, and the fastest way to learn is to take a Gundam and give it a Gundam, let it dismantle it, and then it will definitely be able to use more advanced technology to create a better Gundam.

“Yes!” Violet nodded, went back to her room, and began contacting the Hentai.

“Tonight, you’re going to do something again?” Lax took his hand and looked at him speechlessly, since becoming his fiancée, he gradually learned some of his secrets.

For example, the ‘theft of core data’ incident that caused the entire Zaft top management a few months ago to jump was carried out by him and his subordinates.

“It’s still my wife who knows me.” Lin Ziyun scratched her cute little nose and said with a smile, “Didn’t Zaft secretly get a few Gundam over there, tonight I asked them to borrow one and come back for my engineers to take a look at.” ”

“I’m afraid I haven’t paid back this loan.”

“Who said that, how can you doubt your own husband’s character like this, am I such a person, I promise, as long as my engineer finishes reading it, he will definitely return it.” Lin Ziyun said with a straight face, but it is difficult to say whether it was complete when he went back.

Lax smiled gently, she naturally knew clearly what kind of person her lover was, anyway, she definitely didn’t believe that what he said was true.


It was night, on the periphery of the Zaft R&D Center, four figures moved quickly, cleverly avoiding the dense patrols, and after a while, the four figures entered the building.

Edward ran forward with his teammates while looking at the PDA he was holding in his hand, “I didn’t expect that the map provided by those friends of the Klein faction was really detailed, the map showed that our target this time was two hundred meters underground ahead, and it was not easy to cross without killing anyone.” ”

“This time the captain didn’t say that you can’t kill, just said don’t let people know that we did it, and did you see this.” James pointed to the Earth Army Alliance badge on his shoulder, “You can throw the pot at the Earth Army when necessary.” ”

“Then this is easy to do, hurry up and finish this ticket and go back to sleep well.”


Everyone was speechless for a while, feeling that he was talking as if he and others were bandits who robbed banks, but then again, what he and others are doing now is really not much different from the bandits who robbed banks.

“There is a situation! There was a group of people in front, numbering three, and it seemed that they were not dressed like patrols, but like officers, and while they did not notice us, quickly kill them. ”

Bang bang~!

With three gunshots, three officers dressed in Zaft white fell in turn, “Done.” ”

After a few more minutes, the four finally came to the place where the Gundam was parked, looking at the three Gundam (Freedom, Justice, and Divine Providence) parked in the warehouse, Edward was a little puzzled, “Should we steal that?” Do you want to take it all away? ”

“We don’t have that much time, now that the Zaft army has released us, it is coming towards us, we will cover for you, you can choose any one now, hurry up.” After James finished speaking, he raised his gun and shot at the Zaft guards running in the distance.

“No problem, Captain.” With that, Edward came to the Gundam (Divine Will) with the disc on his back and opened the cockpit.

Edward, who was sitting in the cockpit, quickly tapped on the keyboard, “Hehe, driving a mecha is a man’s romance, that is, the equipment is too backward, I don’t know if I can get one next time as a collectible.” ”

Below, the two sides have begun to exchange fire, although Zaft has the advantage in numbers, but it is a pity that the accuracy of their weapons is too low to hit the Spartan warriors, and even if they hit, they will be blocked by shields, and on the Spartan side, everyone is a gunshot in the head.

“Aren’t you okay? Is it so hard to unlock a lock? James said as he shot.

“Don’t rush, and the last lock… Get! The Divine Will Gundam finally activated, bent down and spread out his palms, “Come up quickly, see how brother takes you to fly!” ”

When the other three were caught by the Divine Will Gundam, Edward used the weapon in the Divine Will Gundam to open several snatches overhead, and the powerful beam instantly pierced the isolation door, and the isolation door was broken, causing the air here to be instantly sucked away.

“Go~!” Edward pushed the stick hard, turned the thruster output to the maximum, and flew towards the gap in his Divine Will Gundam.

PS: Let’s show you how long Arden’s Spear is, 74 km!

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