“Report! A high heat signal appeared ahead, yes, it was the cation city breaking cannon of the Lord Angel that was coming towards us! ”

“Avoidance!” Malleu shouted.

“Too late!”


At the same time, on the battlefield on the other side, a large number of MS and MA have been assembled near the Eternal and Grass Pheasant to fight together, and the Earth Warships far behind enemy lines still fire here from time to time. Of course, allies in their own rear, those UNSC warships will also give themselves some fire support.

Kajiali pilots the Red Gundam and several Murayu Gundam to the front line to fight several Zaft MS and Earth Army MAs.

“That Her Royal Highness Princess of Aube is really a wild girl, but I have to admit that her MS driving skills are first-class.” Andrew, the captain of the Eternal, drank coffee and looked at Kajiali, who was driving the Red Gundam into the crowd, and said.

“Little ones, actually a little girl is so desperate, we naturally can’t lag behind, and you also give me a good look at her, don’t let that girl make any mistakes, remember to provide her with some fire support at all times.”

“Yes! Captain! ”

“Well? Why did the opposing warships suddenly cease fire? Do they already leave us alone? Andrew wondered, a few minutes ago, the opponent’s fire suppression had not stopped, but now it had not even fired a shot.

In fact, it is not that the Earth Combined Fleet does not care about them, but now they can’t even take care of themselves, where is there still time to take care of others.

A few minutes ago, they had exchanged fire with UNSC destroyers and frigates, and since the world’s radar could not detect UNSC’s fleet signals, and the UNSC fleet obviously knew this, they took advantage of this weakness and quickly approached each other and engaged them in close combat.

When the combined fleet discovered this fleet that suddenly appeared, the other party was already very close to itself, and even the naked eye could see it very clearly.

But it was discovered too late, dozens of shooter missiles were fired from the Halberd-class destroyers and Paris-class frigates, and the ultra-maneuverable shooter missiles were simply not able to intercept by the defense means of these warships.

You must know that even the Star Moe warships are difficult to intercept such high-speed missiles, they can usually only be resisted with shields, and after the shields fail, they can only rely on armor to resist.

After the end of the missile, naturally there can be no less magnetic acceleration guns, a volley down, more than a dozen warships were shot through, on the other hand, the combined fleet, although equipped with seemingly tall beam weapons, but these weapons hit the UNSC battleship, even the shield could not penetrate, several Agamemnon-class main guns were not as high as the damage of a plasma cannon from the other Xingmeng.

It can be said that these UNSC warships that rushed into the combined fleet were simply in mass mode, leaving a wreckage everywhere they passed.


“What? Patrick that guy actually planned to use Genesis to attack our fleet on the front line? When he heard the news from Sigel Klein, Lin Ziyun’s first reaction was shock, but he didn’t expect that the old guy didn’t hit his moon to hit himself.

But if you think about it, you can understand the old guy’s thoughts to some extent, although he claims to attack the UNSC front-line fleet, in fact, he plans to fight with the Earth Combined Fleet.

If the large-scale damage weapon of Genesis really hits the UNSC front-line fleet, it is estimated that even the Earth Combined Fleet next to it will not be able to run.

“Hehe, it should be said that he is worthy of being an old fox, but it is a pity that it is not so simple to destroy my fleet.” Lin Ziyun sneered and gave Captain Kate a look, who nodded.

“Order the front-line fleet to immediately activate the folding engine to leave the battlefield and return to the endless fleet to stand by.”

The front line that received the order immediately turned on the folding engine, and when the Earth Combined Fleet next to it was curious why this mysterious fleet suddenly left, a dazzling red light flashed, and then they lost consciousness.

“One shot actually killed 32% of the warships of the combined fleet, I have to say that this is a very good weapon, but it is a pity that after the first shot, you must change to a reflective tower.” Lin Ziyun commented, “But no matter what, the information on this weapon still needs to be obtained, and it seems that the Osiris team has a mission again.” ”

“The Earth Army and Zaft have retreated, order the fleet to assemble.” Seeing the Earth Combined Fleet that had begun to retreat, Captain Kate ordered.

“Report to the captain, news has come from the broadsword fighter squad that went to reinforce the Archangel, claiming that the Archangel has lost its mobility.”

Lin Ziyun and Kate frowned when they heard this, there is only one opponent of the Archangel, that is, her sister ship master Angel, is there a broadsword team or is it hung by the other party, even if it is hung like the original, it will not be completely incapacitated, right?

“Send two Determination-class frigates to see what is going on, while notifying the Grass Pheasant and the Eternal to return to the fleet and prepare to leave.”

Soon after, when the Grass Pheasant and Eternal had just returned, the New Age aircraft carrier received an update from two Determined-class frigates heading to the location of the Archangel.

At this time, the Archangel can be described as embarrassed, due to Lin Ziyun’s butterfly effect, when the Lord Angel fired the cation city breaking cannon at the Archangel, Vlada was not nearby, that is, no one helped her block the shot.

But fortunately, although there was no one to block the gun, but this time it was not the bridge but the engine that was hit, and when the cation city breaker arrived, the Archangel happened to be facing the main angel sideways, and the cation city breaking gun hit the engine of the Archangel from the side, 6 engines were directly pierced 4, and now the power cannot even play 10%.

But in general it was not bad, although the motivation was gone, but at least there were no dead people.

As for the Lord Angel, it suddenly stopped moving after the cation city breaking cannon was fired, and when the Broadsword fighter approached the bridge, it found that there were only a few corpses in the bridge, presumably there was some contradiction between them.

When Lin Ziyun understood the situation, he was speechless for a while, saying that it was okay to have the aura of the protagonist? How do you feel that since I came, the aura of the protagonist of the Archangel has become much dimmer.

Speechless, busy still have to help, otherwise relying on her motivation of less than 10%, it is estimated that the war will be over when she returns.

So Lin Ziyun had to order the Endless to pick her up, and it was no problem for the huge hangar of the Endless to hold ten Firm Class, and it was naturally not a matter to install the Archangel.

PS: The picture is a drawing of the firing of a magnetic acceleration gun.

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