At the airport of the capital of the Kingdom of Azadistan, a long red carpet, lined with a line of soldiers, can be seen from their epaulettes, these soldiers are not ordinary soldiers, but an honor guard composed of the country’s royal palace guards.

And in the center of the red carpet stood two women, one of whom was none other than the queen of the country, and the other was Jenny Babuzadi, the princess’s staff officer, or it could be said that she was the queen’s overseer.

It’s ridiculous to have overseers as a queen, but there’s no way around it, the country is on the verge of disintegration by conservatives and reformists, and the county lordship system has to be restored.

And the current queen is elected by the state, after all, she is just a commoner, and the country’s senior officials still don’t believe in her ability to some extent, so the figure of the queen’s overseer appears.

When pedestrians in the airport pass here, they can’t help but wonder, with such a lineup, is it the leaders or high-level officials of other countries who want to visit the Kingdom of Azadistan?

But it’s not right, they have never heard of any country’s leader coming to visit here, not to mention that this weak country and social turmoil does not seem to be worthy of any country’s leader to visit in person.

But soon they knew the answer, and saw that at the other end of the red carpet, a former man in a suit slowly walked up, and seeing the man appear, the queen of the kingdom of Azadistan took a step and came to the man.

“Welcome to the Kingdom of Azadistan, I am Queen of the Kingdom, Marina Ismail, and on behalf of the people of the whole country, I welcome you, Mr. Lin.” Marina said to the man very politely.

“Thank you, I didn’t expect the queen to come in person, Lin is really honored.” Lin Ziyun was a little surprised to see that the queen of the Kingdom of Azadistan actually came to receive him personally, but he did not expect that the head of a country would actually receive the owner of an energy company.

“No, your arrival is our honor and that of this country, and it is necessary for me to come in person.”

Although Lin Ziyun was a little surprised, but for Marina, this is normal, now the country has reached the brink of collapse because of the shortage of energy, and because of the lack of participation in the rail elevator project, unable to share the electric energy of the three major alliances, now there is an energy company willing to take the initiative to cooperate with her country, of course she will personally come to receive him.

“Please Mr. Lin move and return to the palace with me, we will discuss in detail about cooperation after we go to the palace.” Marina made a gesture of invitation, and then walked side by side with Lin Ziyun towards the extended special car that had been prepared long ago.


After coming to the harem, Lin Ziyun completely knew what was the difference between the federal system and the county lord system, and since he came in until now, he was all shocked by the breath of this local tyrant.

Look at the royal palace decoration law, using gold as the pillar, silver as the electric light, and even gemstones are common here, if the administrative center of the federal system is also decorated in this way, then it is estimated that this group of politicians will also be at the end.

When the maid served tea for the two, Marina said: “I heard that you Orientals like to drink tea, I specially prepared some black tea for you, I hope you like it.” ”

Lin Ziyun doesn’t like to drink that kind of tall tea, if you want to say what kind of tea you often drink, it must be iced tea, but since it is specially prepared by others, then the surface work still has to be given, “Thank you, this tea tastes good.” ”

“Then let’s talk about cooperation.” Putting the teacup down, Lin Ziyun entered the topic, “All the documents are in this, please take a look, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask, I will answer them for you one by one.” ”

Marina took the stack of papers in his hand and looked at it carefully.

A few minutes later, Lin Ziyun had already finished the black tea in the teacup, when Marina finally put down the document in her hand, “I have a few questions I want to figure out first.” ”

“Please say.”

Marina pointed to a certain article on the document, “We naturally agree to establish a receiving station in our country, and we also allow you to send troops to guard the security of the receiving station, but at least more than 10,000 troops will not be too much?” ”

“I don’t think so.” Lin Ziyun took a sip of the black tea she filled and said, “You know, the security problems in your country are not resolved now, and the mercenaries and terrorists in this vicinity are not in small numbers, I think 10,000 may be a little less.” ”

Lin Ziyun did not tell her that in the near future, after the appearance of the people, the world will become more chaotic, and then this small country in the Middle East will also be involved in the whirlpool of war.

Marina thought about it, and although she still felt inappropriate, she had to agree for the sake of energy, “Okay, I should do this, but you must ensure that your army cannot conduct any military operations in the country except to protect the safety of the receiving station.” ”

Lin Ziyun nodded and said, “This is natural.” ”

“The other.” Marina pointed to another, “You also know that our country’s land area is small, only a few hundred square kilometers, and this project is huge, covering an area of 5 square kilometers, it is impossible for our country to sell such a large area of land, do you see another way, such as concession land?” ”

Indeed, as she put it, the country is not only small, with a population of less than 400,000, but most of it is also a worker from abroad and mercenaries hired as an army, and the country’s real population is only about 180,000.

“Hehe, I naturally know this, just because I know that I came to you, not to find those real estate developers, you only need to give this land to us in the name of investment to build, and I let you buy 5% of the shares for free, so that this land is equivalent to yours, we just have a certain right to use, the real right is still in your hands, how?”

“Good! And one last question, this receiving station covers an area of 5 square kilometers, how do you plan to complete it in half a year? If so, can you guarantee its safety and quality? ”

“You don’t need to worry about this, I promise that it can be absolutely completed in half a year and officially start operation, and the quality and safety issues, I say nothing now, you will know when you use it.”

Not to mention the 5 square kilometers of the battlefield project, you must know that when the dock that could accommodate the Endless was built in Ob, the area alone was as high as 10 square kilometers, which was not completed in a year.

“Since you can guarantee it, then I have no problem.”

“In that case, then we have a good cooperation.” Lin Ziyun stood up and shook her hand, “Since it has been negotiated, then I won’t bother much, I just hope that you can find a suitable place to build as soon as possible, please contact me if you find it, and I will immediately send someone to start construction.” ”

“Whew~” When Lin Ziyun left, Marina said with a sigh of relief, “The country’s energy problem has been solved, it seems that we don’t need to go abroad for help.” ”

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