Day by day, six months passed in the blink of an eye.

In these six months, several major events have occurred that shocked everyone.

The first thing was the kingdom of Azadistan from the Middle East, and outside the capital of the kingdom, a huge circular building with a battlefield area of 5 square kilometers and a height of 350 meters rose from the ground.

The building is the electrical power station, which was completed earlier than the power station because it was less engineering than the power station on the moon, which was completed two months ago, when the power station on the moon was still under construction.

This circular receiving station is nothing special from the side, except that there is a huge display on one of the sides, but if you look at it from the sky, it is different.

The shape of the top of the circular building is concave, and from the sky it looks like a huge pot, and there is a large hole with a diameter of 100 meters at the bottom of the pot.

And because it is black, since the establishment of this building, it has been called the big black pot of the Azadistan Kingdom by the outside world, and some people also mocked the Azadistan Kingdom for making such a large pot, is it used for stir-frying, even if it is stir-frying, then you have to block the hole at the bottom.

Queen Marina of the Kingdom of Azadistan did not offer any explanation for this.

The second thing is naturally the moon, a certain astronomer on the earth when looking at the moon with a space telescope at night, found that the moon had an extra building, this event quickly attracted the attention of countries around the world and major media.

And the major mainstream countries also admit that this building is not their own, and many people have begun to speculate who built this building on the moon, and some even think that it is the handiwork of aliens.

Although countries want to investigate, they have been troubled by some things recently, so no one cares.

The last thing is about the mysterious private armed ‘Tianren’, a few days ago it happened to be the tenth anniversary of the operation of the rail elevator of the Ren Ren Ren Ren, and the main countries within the Ren Revolution will hold a large celebration banquet at the elevator terminal, and most of the people attending are the senior leaders of these countries or the big families with heads and faces in the Ren Revolutionary Company.

Originally, this time was just an ordinary celebration, but I didn’t expect that the terrorists wanted to attack the elevator, and just when the terrorists were about to blow up the elevator, an organization claiming to be a heavenly person popped up out of nowhere to kill the group of terrorists, and also claimed to intervene in all the world’s disputes to stop the war.

Not only that, the AEU Alliance in Europe was also troubled by a Tianren MS, and the MS of several squadrons was killed by the mysterious MS.

For the appearance of Tianren, Lin Ziyun just smiled, and then stopped paying attention to them, after all, Tianren and their UNSC simply can’t beat a little, not to mention that they are just a group of poor insects who are used as guns by bald guys, what is there to pay attention to, it is better to pay attention to them and leave more energy to engage in research and black technology.

Although Lin Ziyun needs their GN solar furnace to do research, there is no need to run to Tianren to grab it now, anyway, it will not be long before the technology of the GN solar furnace will be announced, just wait quietly.

Today, Lin Ziyun believes that there will be another major event that will sensationalize the world.

Outside the receiving station of the kingdom of Azadistan, a makeshift square was full of people, including invited journalists, civilians who came to make fun for unknown reasons, and even guards who maintained law and order, and of course, the queen of the country, as well as Lin Ziyun and Wang Liumei.

One of the male reporters reported in front of the camera: “This building that has always been considered to be a big black cauldron, I heard that it will be officially operated today, but so far I don’t know what it sells, it should not be an iron pot, haha of course this is a joke, if you want to know the answer, please don’t walk away, because the answer will be revealed later.” ”

After the reporter finished speaking, the photographer pointed the camera at the center of the square, and saw that in the center of the square, a red ribbon was placed, Queen Marina and Wang Liumei, the eldest lady of the Wang family of the Chinese celebrity family, were standing on both sides of the streamer, while a young man in the middle was standing in the middle with a pair of scissors in his hand and was about to cut the ribbon.

“Today, I officially announce that the world’s fourth space power station is officially operational!” After Lin Ziyun finished speaking, he cut the streamer with scissors.

After listening to his words, this group of people and reporters who ran over to make a splash suddenly looked at him like a fool, just this big black pot and space power station, even if you brag, you have to build it in space to blow ah, so that someone will believe you.

Lin Ziyun ignored this group of melon seeds, took out a PDA directly from his pocket, and nodded on it, this long-completed building, silent for more than two months, finally began to start.

At the outermost perimeter of the recess at the top of the building, five minarets that slope inward up to 100 meters high slowly rise, enclosing the recess in a circle, like a palm with open fingers.

At this time, a very large structure far away on the lunar surface was also activated, consisting of four semicircular nuclear power plants in a zigzag shape.

In the middle of the field, there are two rectangular tower-like buildings with a length and width of 100 meters and a height of 1,000 meters, and the middle of the two towers is separated by 150 meters, because at the bottom of their middle there is a circular giant hole with a diameter of 150 meters.

From a distance, the whole building looks like a super-large magnetic acceleration gun, and the round hole at the bottom is like the exit of a projectile.

After the construction was started, the two towers shone with a clear electric current that could be seen with the naked eye, and as time passed, the more current increased, and the opening at the bottom became brighter.

A few seconds later, a very bright ball of energy plasma flew out of the hole and flew through the middle of the two towers at a speed of 1,000 kilometers per second, heading towards the inside of the earth.

When the plasma left, the twin towers current also disappeared, completely dimmed.

In the earth, Lin Ziyun and those UNSC personnel who were sent to work here silently took out a pair of sunglasses and stayed on their eyes, and others saw them like this and didn’t know what they were doing.

Even Wang Liumei next to them looked at them with mentally retarded eyes.

“Hey, look, there seems to be something in the sky!” At this time, in the crowd, someone suddenly pointed to the sky and said.

“There really is, and it’s shining.”

“Why do I feel like it’s getting bigger?”

Wang Liumei also looked at the glowing object in the sky, suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly shouted: “It’s not good, that thing is not getting bigger, it is flying towards us, get out of here!” ”

Unfortunately, they react too slowly, the speed of 1,000 kilometers per second is not a joke, in the time they spoke, this white light has come to the earth, as it gets closer and closer, the brightness is getting stronger and stronger, this brightness human eyes simply can’t adapt, everyone closes their eyes, at this time the dark night is brighter than the day.

A few seconds later, the plasma fell violently in the center of the giant building, and then the sky returned to the darkness it should have.

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