“I can’t wait to study this cute alien, so I don’t have time to ask Roland for equipment, the equipment I want is written here, please help transport it when the time comes.”

After Glassman handed a PDA to Lin Ziyun, he followed the metal box into the Pelican transport plane and left the Infinity.

Lin Ziyun held the PDA and did not look at the contents inside, but looked at the pelican that had taken off, frowning and pondering.

I didn’t expect aliens to appear at this time, and it stands to reason that it should be at least a few years before ah, and I don’t know if their early appearance is related to themselves. ’

Lin Ziyun really guessed correctly, because he threw hundreds of watermelon-sized detectors into the wormhole and was discovered by the group of ELS, and ELS found the existence of the wormhole in advance according to the route of the detector.

“Well~ forget it, take one step at a time, come out and come out, there is nothing to worry about.” Lin Ziyun shook his head and took the PDA to the bridge.


The Taklamakan Desert, one of the eight deserts of Rengelian China, covers an area of 330,000 square kilometers, and was once considered a no-man’s land, but all this is a lie fabricated by the government to deceive the people.

Here, there is one of the largest army military bases in China and even the People’s Revolutionary Company, with an area of tens of thousands of square kilometers alone.

At this time, in the base, there are MS planes, manned ‘Iron Man’, AEU’s ‘Combat Style’, and Union’s ‘Battle Flag’, these mechs add up to more than four figures.

“Lieutenant Colonel Sachi Schmilov, look, they are coming.” A woman with long white hair said to the middle-aged man next to her.

Soma Piris, the name of this woman, she and Aliluya, who is training on the Endless, are both human reinforcements, but compared to Aliluya’s failure, this woman is obviously more successful.

“Well, I really didn’t expect that I would actually see the three major alliances join forces again in my lifetime.” The man, known as Lieutenant Colonel Saki Schmilov, said in a deep voice, “When was the last time you joined forces?” ”

“It was when the United Nations was still alive, Lieutenant Colonel.” Soma replied.

“Indeed, after the three major alliances became independent, they have never been united like they are today.” Saji Schmilov quipped, “It’s ironic that people are forced to join forces now.” ”

“Lieutenant Colonel, do you think they will appear, you see, we have gathered thousands of troops here, if they are not stupid, they should not appear.”

“This is the thing that should be considered above, let’s do our own thing, it doesn’t matter if it appears or not.” Saki Schmilov picked up his helmet and said, “Second Lieutenant Soma is also ready.” ”


Soma picked up his helmet and began to put on his combat uniform, and after a while the two left the dressing room together, and when Soma was about to enter her car, MS ‘Peach Iron Man’, Sachi Schmilov suddenly spoke.

“Ensign Soma Piris… This time, you don’t have to do your best, just do your best. After Saji Schmilov finished speaking, without waiting for her to reply, he went up to MS first.

As a lieutenant colonel who was reused, he still knew some internal information, he knew that this time the three major alliances did not intend to win this battle at all, and the people here, how many times they could go out, had long been decided by the people above.

Thinking of this, Saki Schmilov held the joystick tightly with both hands.

Two hours later, the ‘exercise’ began, but the imaginary heavenly man did not appear, causing the commanders of the three major alliances to be confused.

“What’s going on, why hasn’t the Celestial Man appeared yet?”

“We don’t know how strong the UNSC’s intelligence capabilities are, but they are certainly stronger than ours, and it is not impossible if our plans are known by the other side in advance.”

“What now? This ‘military exercise’ that we have spent a lot of money on is not about firing artillery in the desert. ”

“Report!” While the commanders of the three major alliances were discussing, an officer hurriedly walked in, “Gundam has appeared!” It’s three new models I’ve never seen before! ”

On the other side, in a villa in Union New York City, Alexandre Gaula held a goblet in one hand, drank the red wine inside, and asked the man behind him: “Is this really good?” Let the Tonedy squad strike or something. ”

“What’s bad, the three major alliances don’t really want Tianren to appear.”

“They hope that the group of guys who appear there at this time should be the original Tianren troops.” Alexandre Goner retorted.

“All the same, they just want to have an enemy named ‘Tianren’ so that they can justifiably carry out the ‘exercise’.”

“So you let the Tonedy squad pretend to be celestials? It has to be said that the effect is not bad, at least now the preliminary plans of the three major alliances have been completed. ”


12 hours later, the Taklamakan Desert military base

Bang!! In the dressing room of the base, there was a sudden loud noise, and I saw that one of Saki Schmilov had sunk deeply into the wardrobe, “Damn it! That’s a hundred names, how can they…”

“Lieutenant Colonel, please don’t be like this, although the capture of Gundam failed, their sacrifice at least exchanged for some useful intelligence, right?” Soma Piris thought of these three new Gundam and was unwilling for a while.

The most important thing is that the Tianren can actually place a large number of mines in the exercise ground without them knowing it, and a large number of missiles suddenly appear, which is not that they ambush the Tianren at all, but the Tianren ambush them.

“Ensign Soma Piris, you are wrong, you are wrong!” Saji Shimilov pulled out his hand and looked at her with bloodshot eyes, “You don’t think that those mines and missiles on the battlefield are all done by heaven and man, then it is our own people!” ”

“What! You… You mean…” Soma Piris looked at him in shock.

“That’s right, even if the heavenly people have great ability, they can’t move on our territory under our noses, not to mention that they know our travel route well, although they have long known that the people above will do this, but… But I didn’t expect that a thousand troops would come back with less than a hundred! ”

“They… Why do you want to do it! Soma Pirris also said angrily at this time.

Although she did not know 99% of these soldiers, they were all people who had fought shoulder to shoulder, and they had died at the hands of their own people, which made her extremely angry.

“You’ll find out soon.” Sagi Schmilov threw his helmet on the ground, did not even return his clothes, and dragged his tired body directly out of the dressing room.

“Is it really worth it for them to do this?” Leaving the dressing room, Saki Schmilov looked up at the ceiling and asked himself.

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