Endless Scientific Research Department.

Originally, the area of the scientific research department on the ship was not very large, but since leaving Europa, in order to meet Glassman’s requirements, Lin Ziyun has doubled the size here.

And because the scientific research department is close to the dormitory area, Lin Ziyun sacrificed a lot of dormitory space on the ship in order to expand it.

“Dr. Glassman, I heard that you have made a ‘new toy’ again, where, let me see.” As soon as he entered the gate of the scientific research department, Lin Ziyun asked.

“Please don’t learn Roland’s unorthodox AI, how can I compare the things I made with ‘toys’.” Glassman said dissatisfied.

“Okay, okay, I know, show me what it is first.”

“Hmph, please look at the captain.” Glassman clicked a few times on the PDA, and a glass chamber behind him slowly rose from the ground, and a large device 6~7 meters high was placed inside.

“What is it?” Lin Ziyun asked.

“This is a GN particle reverse conversion furnace.” Glassman pushed his glasses and continued to explain: “You should know, the Earth Federation MS is equipped with something called a GN particle converter. ”

“I naturally know this that this converter is called a GN-T solar furnace, which can convert energy into GN particles, but such GN particles are extremely harmful to the human body.”

“That’s right, of course that’s not what we’re talking about today. In fact, I have thought before, since the solar furnace can convert energy into GN particles, can GN particles be converted into energy in turn? Glassman continued:

“The answer is yes! After several years of research, I finally found a conversion method, and this machine is the first converter I made, as long as the solar furnace is installed in this groove, let it continuously produce GN particles, and then let this converter convert GN particles into the energy we need, such as tritium nuclear energy, then we are equivalent to getting an inexhaustible amount of energy! ”

“It’s a good thing.” Lin Ziyun nodded and said, UNSC’s warship, even if a destroyer can be used for more than twenty years when the energy is replenished, but twenty years will eventually pass.

If there is such a thing, the endless fleet will no longer have to worry about energy problems, and even the extremely energy-consuming outer shield can be turned on 24 hours a day.

“Can it be installed on the Hentai now?”

“Can’t.” Glassman didn’t think about it and directly denied, “This converter is too small, its conversion power is not even 1% of the energy required by Infinity, if you want to drive Infinity, you must have a larger, at least one-tenth of the size of Infinity, not to mention that even if there is such a large converter, Endless has no place to install it.” ”

“Then what’s the use of this!” Lin Ziyun was speechless, it turned out that he was happy just now.

“Who said it’s useless, although you can’t get on the Endless Ship, but you can install it on a small ship like a destroyer, in theory, five such conversion devices can drive a halberd, but theory is theory, you can’t believe it too much, so ask the captain to give me a destroyer, I need more data.”

“Okay, I’ll go find you one, but only if you don’t blow it up.” Lin Ziyun said.

“Even if I’m crazy, I can’t blow up a ship, and I’m not some ship bomber 117.” Glassman said dissatisfied.

“Eh… Ship Bomber 117… Where did you hear this nickname from. Lin Ziyun asked, it seems that this nickname was given to the Master Chief by netizens, why did even the UNSC insiders call it that?

“Didn’t you say that, once when I went to James Locke, that’s what he called Master Chief, and said that you called it that in the first place.”

Forehead… Well, Lin Ziyun did say the nickname Master Chief in front of James Rock and the four, but he didn’t expect it to be so spread now, even Glassman, who stayed in the scientific research department all day, knew it.

“Well, forget it, let’s stop here for this topic, do you have anything else, if not, I will go back first.”

“Wait Captain, one more thing.” Glassman stopped Lin Ziyun, who was about to leave, and spoke, “I heard that there is a man named Ian Westa among the original heavenly people. ”

Hearing this, Lin Ziyun touched his chin with one hand and pondered, “Ian Westa… Oh~ I remembered, isn’t he the person who used to be in charge of MS technology development in Tianren, what do you mention him for? ”

“Yes, yes, that’s right, I still don’t know much about the solar furnace, I heard that he has been working inside Tianren for 15 years, presumably his understanding of the sun surpasses me, so I want the captain to transfer him to work here.”

“Well… No problem, I remember that he seems to be working as a mecha repair job on the destroyer Captain Archangel now, and I will go to the Imperial Captain to ask for someone when I have time. ”


Suddenly, Roland’s voice sounded in the scientific research department: “Report captain, we have received an encrypted message, the content of the message is a little… Kindness… Shocking, trouble the captain to come to the bridge to see. ”

“Got it, I’ll come right over.” Lin Ziyun waved his hand at Glassman, “I’ll leave first if nothing else, bye.” ”

Ten minutes later, Lin Ziyun came to the bridge, and as soon as he started, he asked: “What kind of encrypted information, is it sent from other orbital platforms?” ”

“No, this message is sent from inside the earth, and it is not a receiving station, but this.” Roland turned on the holographic projection and pointed to the position above and said.

“Here… If I’m not mistaken, this seems to be the location of a military base somewhere in the Federation, are you sure you are not mistaken? ”

“There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, you know what I’m capable of.”

“I naturally believe in your ability, but since there is no mistake, how did the Federation send this encrypted information here.” Lin Ziyun said suspiciously.

“They used our dedicated UNSC channel to get that message across.”

Hearing this, Lin Ziyun was shocked, “What! Our dedicated UNSC channel is known only to our own people, how did they get it? ”

“I told them.” At this time, the bridge gate was opened, and Wang Liumei walked in, “The last time I returned to Earth, they found me, and I told them about the UNSC’s special channel line. ”

“Why did you do that?” Lin Ziyun asked.

“They said they wanted to negotiate a deal with you, and I felt that the ‘price’ they offered this time was absolutely attractive to you, so I agreed for you first.”

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