The Atlantic Ocean is close to the waters of the African continent, and there are three MS aircraft carriers sailing on the sea, each with a barb pattern on the side, which is exactly the Peugeot of A-Laws.

Since the members of the original Tianren were absorbed by Lin Ziyun a few years ago, the main enemies of the Federation have become a group of scattered anti-government forces.

Among these anti-government forces, the most powerful and representative is an organization called ‘Kadaru’, which is large and has a large number of discharged MS from the Federation, but also a lot of old-fashioned spaceships.

In fact, the appearance of Kadaru surprised Lin Ziyun, after all, now there is a UNSC in the Middle East, and the people’s living standards are no worse than those of the Federation, and it stands to reason that there should be no Kadaru as an original organization.

As a result, Lin Ziyun has investigated and found that it was not the original group of people who formed this Kadaru, but another group of federal people who saw the face of the government, but it happened to be called Kadaru and.

“Report to the commander, according to the intelligence provided by the regular army, Kadaru’s fleet should be in this sea area, but our radar has not reacted at all.” An A-Laws radar officer said to a woman sitting at the top.

The age of women does not seem to be too old, probably between 28~30 years old.

In the army, a woman who can sit in this position at such an age is either by her body or by ability, and apparently she is the latter.

After all, no one would show awe of a physical superior.

The woman’s name is Katy Manikin, a former AEU colonel, now the commander-in-chief of the A-Laws Atlantic Fleet of the Federation, and once a close friend and comrade-in-arms of Lisa Kujo (real name of Emperor Lee Loniga).

“Contact the regular army and tell them that we have not found Kadaru here.” Katy Manikin said unpleasantly.

This is the first time, are these Kadaru people all prophets, and every time they hurry over, Kadaru is not there.

Of course, she also wondered if the regular army was playing on her, but soon she dismissed the idea, after all, the regular army had no reason to play her.

Drip! Drip! Drip! An alarm suddenly sounded inside the ship.

“Report Commander! Thermal energy was detected 200 km above our fleet, the amount of fourteen! ”

“200 km? Is it a low-orbit missile? Launch missile decoys and intercept them! Katy Manikin said calmly.

14 missiles do not need to make a lot of trouble to make a sortie MS at all, missile decoys are enough to cope.

As soon as she finished speaking, three aircraft carriers fired dozens of missile decoys in all directions.

It’s a pity that these ‘missiles’ that fall from the sky do not seem to be interested in these decoy bombs, even if the decoy bombs pass next to it, there is no intention to change the trajectory.

“Damn, this isn’t a missile at all, show me a remote image on the screen, I’d rather see what it is.”


Two seconds later, when Katy Manikin saw the fourteen objects, she was completely shocked.

I saw that fourteen people dressed in strange power armor were displayed on the screen, swooping down at an extremely fast speed.

“Since this is… Person?! And also airborne from low-altitude orbits of several hundred kilometers, they are simply crazy! When the other crew members saw the fourteen Spartan warriors, they couldn’t help but wipe their eyes, afraid that they had seen it wrong.

“Activate close defense guns and anti-aircraft missiles! MS on deck standby! When Katy Manikin heard this, he reacted and began to order.

Bang bang bang!

The metal barrage began to scatter money into the sky without money, and there were more than a dozen anti-aircraft missiles sandwiched in the metal barrage.

The Spartans watched as countless bullets flying towards the sky below, and they quickly made evasive movements, cleverly dodging attacks each time.

“All units pay attention, the other side has begun to fight back, don’t be hit by them, otherwise you will lose our Spartan face.” James Rock said.

“Head, they drove the mecha out!” Edward Barker looked at MS who appeared on the deck and said to James Locke.

James Rock shouted in the squad channel: “Holly Tanaka! It’s up to you! ”

“Understood!” Holly Tanaka suddenly began to slow down, and her originally head-down body was also adjusted to her normal posture, she pulled out the snatch behind her back, and then took out a cylinder from her waist, inserted it on the muzzle of the gun and snatched at the A ship below.

A few seconds later, the cylinder device was firmly nailed to the deck of ship A, and in an instant an electromagnetic pulse dispersed around it, and in just a few seconds, the pulse wave covered the entire ship.

When the electromagnetic pulse ended, the anti-aircraft guns stopped, the anti-aircraft missiles were not being fired, and even the MS that had just come out of the hangar fell one by one on the deck with black smoke.

“The electromagnetic pulse worked, and everyone began to slow down!” James Rock reminded.

“Huh? Why slow down? Edward Barker asked.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Rumble~!

The next second, the four successfully landed on the ship A, but unlike the others, Edward Barker’s landing posture was a little different.

James Locke, who had just stood firm, quickly ran to where Edward Barker landed and shouted at the big hole in the deck: “Hey! Is Edward Barker all right?! ”

“It’s okay, it’s okay! Damn, is this ship a paper paste? A deck is so weak. Edward Barker complained.

“Who told you not to slow down just now, you hurry up and find a way to come up.”

“You guys go first, don’t wait for me, I’ll break in from the inside!” Edward Barker knocked on his somewhat dizzy head, “Damn, used to stepping on the ship of the St. Heli, since I didn’t react for a while.” ”

In the bridge of ship A, Katy Manikin saw the scene of Sparta’s landing from beginning to end, “I didn’t expect them to succeed!” ”

When Katy Manikin saw those wearing strange power armor walking in the direction of the hangar, she immediately turned to the officer next to her and asked, “How long will it take for the system to restart?” ”

“At least five more minutes!”

Katy Manikin was furious when she heard this, reached out and grabbed him by the collar, pulled him in front of him and said, “Five minutes? Do you want to wait to sing cool here? I’ll give you three minutes, after three minutes I have to see the rebooted system! Also, send someone to deal with these four intruders! ”

“Yes, yes!”

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