After understanding the situation, the women returned to the water to continue playing.

Lin Ziyun lay on the beach and looked at his watch, “It’s past eleven, shouldn’t you call them to find a place to eat together?” ”

Seeing them playing so hi, Lin Ziyun shook his head directly after thinking about it, forget it, let them have a good time, and bring them lunch by himself.

“Stella, I’ll go buy some lunch, you help look at the luggage ha.” After speaking, without waiting for her to reply, Lin Ziyun stood up and left.

More than half an hour later, Lin Ziyun returned to the beach with two large bags of bento, “En? What are they doing together, wait, what’s going on? ”

Seeing all the women gathered together, Lin Ziyun was puzzled in his heart, and when he saw Teresa kneeling on the sofa with a sad face and tears, he suddenly felt a pang of unease in his heart.

Lin Ziyun quickened his pace and ran over, “What’s wrong with you guys?” ”

“Ziyun?” Lax exclaimed joyfully when she saw her man, and then took his hand, “Teresa she… There is trouble, anyway, you hurry up and help her. ”

Hearing this, he frowned. Is Theresa in trouble? What trouble, could it be that the gangsters came up again?

Thinking of this, Lin Ziyun shook his head. Impossible, they knew they had guns, and they were giving them ten dares to come back here.

He put down the food in his hand, then crouched next to Teresa and asked, “What’s wrong, Teresa.” ”

“Ziyun, please save my subordinates… Woo~” Theresa wiped her tears, then grabbed his arm and said.

Seeing her crying so sadly, Lin Ziyun felt a pain in his heart, he stroked Teresa’s little head, gently wiped the tears on his cheeks, and comforted: “Don’t cry first, tell me, what happened?” What happened to your subordinates. ”

“Let me say it.” Melissa Mao spoke: “I just received news from the headquarters that TDD-1 entered the vicinity of the Yangtze River in China to carry out a mission and was ambushed, and all the combat personnel dispatched, except for Sosuke Sagara and Cruz who were captured, everyone else … All dead, and TDD-1 also lost contact, it is quite possible that it was killed … Sink! ”

Speaking of this, Melissa Mao clenched her fists, and the anger on her face was not concealed in the slightest.

So it is, no wonder Teresa is so sad, she regards TDD-1 as her home, and the subordinates above as her own family, now that the home is gone, the family dies, the arrested are caught, and now it is good that she can still stay awake.

“I know, don’t worry, I’ll help you.” Lin Ziyun patted Teresa on the shoulder, and then made a look at Lax, who took out Lin Ziyun’s special PDA from his luggage and began to contact Roland on the Hentai.

“Okay, okay, don’t cry, it’s not cute when you’re crying.” Lin Ziyun wiped her unstoppable tears and said.

“Don’t worry, I will help you get revenge.”

“Well…” Teresa stopped crying, she leaned her head on Lin Ziyun’s chest, now she was really tired of crying, she had to have a dependency, otherwise she was really likely to fall.

A few minutes later, a Pelican transport plane appeared in front of everyone’s eyes, it opened the hatch and waited for Lin Ziyun and others to enter.

The appearance of the pelican transport plane immediately attracted the attention of nearby people, and they immediately took out their mobile phones and began to shoot at the pelicans, and several people directly took out the high-definition cameras that were ready to secretly photograph beautiful women at the pelicans.

“Wow, what type of plane is this? How have you never seen it? And it’s so sci-fi! ”

“Yes, it looks so beautiful, which country made it?”

“I don’t know, but I’m sure it’s not from this country.”


Lin Ziyun and others did not pay attention to this group of melon eaters, they packed their luggage and directly entered the pelicans, of course, this scene was also seen by the group of melon eaters, and after the pelican transport plane left, it immediately caused a remark.

“I’ll go, is this super sci-fi flying machine here to pick up people? Are those people from some big family? ”

“Big family P, are you just blind? Didn’t you see that the aircraft also has several cannons installed, and there are still several heavily armed people in the hangar, which big family can use fighters and soldiers to pick up the young master and miss? ”

“Then you tell us, who are they?”

Seeing that everyone’s eyes were focused on themselves, the ‘Truth Emperor’ just now suddenly felt a sense of vanity in his heart, and he explained: “Those people must be people from the United Nations, just now I noticed that the side of the aircraft has the word ‘UNSC’, starting with UN, it must be inseparable from the United Nations.” ”

“Oh~! So it is…”


On the other side, Lin Ziyun, who had already boarded the Pelican transport plane, said to the pilot: “Return to the Endless Number.” ”

“Obey the captain.” In the next second, the Pelican transport plane, which had flown to an altitude of 10,000 meters, started the folding engine.

When everyone entered the Endless Ship, Lin Ziyun led them directly to the bridge without stopping.

“Roland, report the situation!” He believed that Roland must have been ready while he was still on the road, so as soon as he entered the bridge, he asked.

Roland really did not disappoint him, he immediately spoke: “According to intelligence, the opponent that Mithril met this time is their mortal rival amalgam people…”

“Amalgam? Deputy Captain Richard, they are obviously just going to rescue the hostages taken by the terrorists, how can it be amalgam? Before Roland finished speaking, Teresa asked excitedly.

“Believe it or not, our intelligence shows that it is the amalgam people, who pretend to be terrorists to take hostages, and they also think that someone will come to the rescue, so they have already laid traps.”

“Know their purpose?” Lin Ziyun said.

“Huh…,” Roland suddenly laughed, “It’s funny to say, their purpose seems to be us.” ”

Listening to Roland’s words, Lin Ziyun was a little confused for a while, when did the amalgam guys start paying attention to their UNSC, could it be that they seemed to come back to take revenge after the last time they hung Kowloon? But this has something to do with hostage kidnapping?

PS: “Full Metal Mania” I didn’t plan to write too long, originally planned to write a dozen or twenty chapters, but unconsciously wrote more, now I’m going to start speeding up the progress, if nothing else, the next world should be the early stage of the plot of “SC1”.

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