
After handcuffing Gates, Gabriel Thorne threw him directly off the AS, and the golden retriever’s fat body smashed to the ground with a loud noise.

“Oops… I… My nose, you fucking bastard! I swear I’m going to kill you! Gates said, covering his nosebleed.

That damn bastard has rudely thrown himself off the AS, although the AS has fallen by this time, but it is at least as tall as an adult, and most importantly, he just landed on the ground!

Gabriel Thorne jumped off the AS, saw that the dead fat man was still hard-mouthed, and kicked him directly in the stomach, which completely made Gates ‘cool’ faint.

Gabriel Thorne didn’t bird him either, and then grabbed his collar and dragged him down in front of Lin Ziyun and the others, “Captain, this is the last one.” ”

At this time, in front of Lin Ziyun, there were still kneeling Jiulong and Xia Yufang, and when they were caught, they were much more honest than Gates’ dead fat man, and they didn’t even dare to struggle, because they knew that it was easy for these people in strange armor to kill themselves.

Lin Ziyun said: “Look at them, if they are not honest, then shoot directly.” ”

After that, Lin Ziyun took Paul De Marcoro to the room where the hostages were held, the room was dark and nothing could be seen, he pressed the light button on the wall, and then the room lit up with a ‘click’.

Perhaps it was locked up here for too long, and everyone inside subconsciously closed their eyes, feeling very uncomfortable.

Lin Ziyun looked around for a week, and finally found Sousuke Sagara and Cruz who were still wearing Mithril AS driving suits in the corner of the crowd, but at this time they were slightly embarrassed, Cruz’s head had a trace of blood, and Sousuke Sagara’s shoulder had a hole, apparently a gunshot wound.

Lin Ziyun took off his helmet, and then walked in front of the two, “He~!” What’s going on with your injury? Bitten by a dog? ”

“Mr. Lin Ziyun?!” At this time, Cruz, who was slightly accustomed to the light, spoke: “Hehe, it was indeed bitten by a group of dogs, but it was not bad, at least the group of dogs knew how to let go.” ”

“Paolo DeMarcoro, go and untie them.” Lin Ziyun said to Paul Demarkoronu, and then continued to the two: “Your commander is waiting outside, she is worried about your death, remember to go out and report safety later.” ”

After speaking, Lin Ziyun also ignored them, and he came directly to another corner, where a beautiful girl who was also tied up knelt.

The beautiful girl was dressed in a white cheongsam, and a pair of pink leather shoes, and in the lower left corner of her left eye, there was a beauty mole, as a hostage, her face did not have a trace of unease, but appeared very calm, but Lin Ziyun did not feel strange, because this person was no one else, it was Xia Yufang’s sister Xia Yulan, a cold-blooded killer who was arranged to lurk in the hostages.

Lin Ziyun kept looking at her like this, until Paul De Marcoro loosened everyone, and then he spoke: “Paul De Marcoro, handcuff her and take her out.” ”

Paolo DeMarcoro was stunned, why did the captain handcuff this woman hostage? But soon he understood.

I saw Xia Yulan, who was still kneeling just now, suddenly burst out, and the rope tied to her hands did not know when it was loosened, she took out a machete from her clothes, and then cut towards Lin Ziyun in front of her.

Lin Ziyun stood there very indifferently when he saw the situation, and just when Xia Yulan was about to win, he finally moved.

He dodged the slash slightly sideways, and then stretched out his hand, grabbed Xia Yulan’s jade hand that had not yet had time to retract, and kicked her right foot to her calf, Xia Yulan suddenly lost her balance, and at this moment, Lin Ziyun seized the opportunity and directly fell over the shoulder, slamming her to the ground.

Lin Ziyun didn’t give her a chance to breathe, and when Xia Yulan just rolled over and was about to get up, a strong knee was already kneeling on her back, making her unable to move.

After Lin Ziyun subdued her, Paul De Marcoro immediately ran over and took out the handcuffs to handcuff her, and then Lin Ziyun got up with confidence.

After doing all this, Lin Ziyun clapped his hands, it seems that the training on the Endless is still a little useful, fortunately, he will find time to train himself in the past few years.

Soon, Lin Ziyun walked out of the room with Paolo DeMarcoro and Xia Yulan, who was handcuffed.

When Xia Yufang saw her sister Xia Yulan also wearing handcuffs, the expression on her face finally changed, she watched her sister walk over worriedly, and when Xia Yulan also knelt next to her, she stretched out her hand to hold her sister’s hand.

“Gee, waste.”

Jiulong next to him looked at Xia Yulan, and then scolded unpleasantly. Fortunately, he was just ready to pin all his hopes of escape on her, and it seems that he also has a time when he is old and dizzy.

“Ziyun, please take me to this location.” At this time, Teresa suddenly ran to Lin Ziyun, brought him a small note, and said.

Lin Ziyun looked at the coordinates on the small note and wondered, “Isn’t this location the South China Sea?” What to do there? ”

“Let me do it.” At this time, Sosuke Sagara, who had already bandaged his wounds, spoke: “This is where TDD-1 is now. ”

“Didn’t your headquarters say that TDD-1 has sunk?”

“It shouldn’t sink…”

Hearing this, Lin Ziyun was speechless: “Should it not sink? I’ll take a look, even you yourself don’t know if TDD-1 has sunk or not, how do you confirm that it must be at this coordinate? ”

“This was sent from TDD-1 while we were still fighting, and not long after sending us the coordinates, we lost contact with TDD-1.”

“That’s right.” Cruz covered the wound that had long ceased to bleed and said unwillingly: “It was because of the loss of contact with TDD-1 and the induction of the command that our mission failed.” ”

No, no, even if you hadn’t lost contact with the TDD-1, your ordinary AS alone would not have been able to defeat two ASs with the lambda-driver system.

“Well, anyway, let’s go and see first, but before that, let’s talk about how to deal with these prisoners.” Lin Ziyun looked at the four people and said.

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