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The planet Antiga, finally ended a war in the first half of the month, ushered in a long-lost peace, but did not expect that this peace was so short, with the arrival of the Federation fleet, here was once again involved in the whirlpool of war.

At the command center of the front-line base set up by the son of Keha on the planet Antiga, Reno watched the disappearing friendly signals and the slowly shrinking defense line sinking, he knew that if the alien worm had not been attracted here, then his life would end here.

Although Reynolds was not afraid of death, he did not want these brethren who fought to the death here to die in vain.

Renault turned off the holographic platform, picked up the C-14 electromagnetic assault rifle next to him and walked out, he made up his mind that even if he died this time, he would die with his brothers.

However, just as he arrived at the frontline combat zone, in the high orbit of the planet, a huge insect unit jumped out of hyperspace, and then small xenomorph units began to fly out of its mouth.

This giant creature is none other than Behimus used by the alien worm to boast about the galaxy’s transport unit.

This Behimos’ body is more than three thousand meters long, and it drags such a huge body that it was discovered by the radar of the Federation fleet when it just left hyperspace, of course, it was not only the Federation that found it, but the radar of the flagship Hyperion, Mengsk, far outside the war zone, also found this monster.

(Note: Here I popularize the little knowledge, Behimos is a life unit, not like human starships have a fixed size, the larger Behimos has more than three thousand meters, the smaller may only be about a thousand meters, and Behimos does not have the ability to attack like Leviathan, it is just an unarmed ‘armored transport’.) )

Mengsk sat lazily in a chair on the bridge, “Is it finally here, it’s time for the Federation to pay a heavy price.” ”

“Report sir! We discover another fleet in high-altitude orbit on the planet! It’s alien! ”

“Huh! All the actors were already in place, and the liaison officer told Kerrigan and Renault to evacuate where they were now. ”


“What?! Aliens are also coming? Renault said after hitting a magazine and crouching down and hiding under cover.

Kerrigan’s voice sounded in his helmet: “That’s right, Mengsk ordered us to quickly take people out of here, according to the past alien practices, it won’t be long before the entire planet Antiga may be bombed by the alien fleet!” ”

“Damn, what about the civilians in the rear? There are still hundreds of thousands of civilians behind us who have not yet been evacuated! ”

“I know, but there is no time, you quickly make a decision, whether to stay here and be blown up by aliens or escape with your brothers.” Kerrigan said lightly.

After a few seconds of silence, Renault finally returned the retreat with the remaining brothers, after all, he was also a person and selfish, he could not look at all of his brothers

The defense line that lost its firepower was instantly crushed, but the state army that broke through the defense line was a group of alien insects that did not know when they reached the ground.

In space.

On the flagship of the Star Spirit fleet, the Gan Cui Suo (translation: Star Shuttle), Tasada is fully directing the fleet to begin intercepting the landing force of the Xenomorphs.

“Lord Tasada, we can’t stop the Insect Force from invading the planet, order orbital bombing.” Phoenix, who was standing next to him, said slowly.

“No, there are countless humans below, we can’t kill them mercilessly, order the warriors to prepare for landing.” Tasada didn’t even think about it, and directly vetoed.

“Are you going to let our warriors enter that planet to help humanity evacuate? But… Those lower creatures are not worth our efforts! “Phoenix is completely incomprehensible to his approach, in order to save this group of low-level creatures, since he wants the warriors to enter the sea of insects to fight, isn’t this asking the soldiers to die?

Tasada looked at him deeply, “Phoenix, you have to understand that the zerg swarm is the common enemy of all civilizations in the entire galaxy, and we can’t see humanity from death, not to mention don’t you think it’s strange?” In the past few decades, the insect swarm has been moving towards the territory of humans, and it is the first time to assimilate all the humans they see, and everything they do must have some purpose, no matter what the purpose, we must stop them. ”

A word woke up the dreamer, listening to Tasada’s words, Phoenixton also felt a little strange.

Star Spirit discovered these alien insects a few years ago and studied them in depth.

When these alien insects move forward in the universe, they often assimilate all the creatures they see, absorbing the excellent essence of other organisms to make up for their own genetic deficiencies.

But for decades, they have been moving in a straight route, never changing the route, even if they find excellent essence carriers nearby during the march, they only send small troops to carry out assimilation tasks, while the large forces continue to advance.

However, after meeting the humans, these large forces began to disperse and began to invade human territory on a large scale, which is really strange.

“Thank you Lord Tasada for waking up, if Lord Tasada didn’t say it, I might never have thought of this for the rest of my life.” Phoenix lowered his head and said respectfully.

Tasada waved his hand and said, “Raise your head friend, at least what you know is not too late now, I…”

“Lord Tasada! On the right side of the fleet appears a fleet of unknown origin! Before Tasada could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a Templar.

When Tasada heard this, he immediately walked to the right side of the bridge, and through the glass window made of crystal, he just saw white ripples in the space not far from the right side of the fleet.

And huge warships flew out of the ripples, and one of them was even more huge, nearly half the size of Behimus in the distance.

When he saw that these battleships were printed with the word ‘UNSC’ printed on the side, Tasada frowned, and his heart was extremely shocked: “This is a human ship? When did humanity have such huge warships ?! ”

Since humans entered the Koplu Star Region hundreds of years ago, Star Spirit has been secretly observing every move of humans, and Tasada doesn’t understand, how did they avoid Star Spirit’s observation and build such a large warship?

You must know that in the records of the Star Spirit literature, even the four ships that originally carried humans here were not so big.

PS: Today Mid-Autumn Festival suddenly something went out, just came back, today is this chapter… I’m sorry. _

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