Al, as the home of the most intelligent life ‘Star Spirit’ in the Koplu Star Region, she is undoubtedly a beautiful planet, with pure oceans, dense jungles and many life on this planet.

In a huge shrine in one of the five main cities of the Star Spirit, a group of elderly Star Spirits dressed in ornate religious clothes were engaged in a heated discussion.

“There must be an advanced trial for what Tasada has done! He is no longer able to hold the position of executive! A star spirit standing on the floating platform said loudly, which immediately caused everyone below to make a speech.

“That’s right! He repeatedly disobeyed, causing the alien insects to spread everywhere now, and now that he is playing missing, he simply does not take the Supreme Council seriously! His rights and the fleet must be reclaimed! ”

“Tasada has done nothing wrong, he is just fulfilling our sacred dogma ‘DaeUhl’, it is our duty to help the weak and we should support him!”

“Support? Absurd! Those humans have been infected with evil worms, and the only way to save them is to purify them! ”

“Lord Bishop, tell me your opinion…” The star spirit who had just said that he supported Tasada was too lazy to argue with the other party, and he focused his eyes on the other star spirit.

The star spirit sat at the highest part of the temple, he was dressed in a golden robe, and the many wrinkled things on his face indicated his age.

The old man slowly opened his closed eyes, and a brilliant blue light flashed in his eyes, and then the old and majestic voice suddenly sounded throughout the temple:

“Executive Officer Tasada did not forget our sacred dogma in his mission, and his actions deserve our respect…”

“But… He disobeyed the orders of the Supreme Council several times, acted without permission, and engaged our soldiers with the swarm, which caused unnecessary casualties, which was his greatest fault! Therefore, from now on, Tasada will be removed from the post of executive and punished as a national sinner! ”

His words immediately aroused the discussion of the novels of the following star spirits.

The name of the national sinner is not a joke, although this crime does not lead to death, but it is no better, most of the star spirits who were pressed for this crime were exiled, and the better ones were imprisoned for life.


At this time, the door of the temple was suddenly pushed open by a star spirit, and from the golden heavy armor worn by this star spirit, it could be seen that he was a temple guard.

The guard knelt on the ground and hurriedly spoke, “Lord Bishop! A huge wormhole has appeared above Al’s orbit, and countless alien insects are flying out of the wormhole! ”


Suddenly, the star spirits present were shocked in their hearts, and the archbishop at the highest place directly used the teleportation system to teleport himself to the outside of the temple.

“Sarnagar is on top! This…… What the hell is this?! The old archbishop looked at the huge figure in the void and said tremblingly: “Quick… Gather all the fleets and be sure to stop the invasion of the insect! ”

He could clearly feel that there was a powerful energy in the giant creature’s body, which was enough to destroy the entire Al.


“My children, the home of the Star Spirit is at hand, and now I order you to destroy them at all costs!” In the void, the huge lord crouches on the backs of dozens of leviathans, directing the army of insects to attack.

This time the Lord didn’t get Kerrigan, but it wasn’t disappointed, because it believed that the person it was looking for would reappear, and the location was Al!


In front of the army of insect insects, golden warships suddenly appeared, which was the golden fleet that had been urgently recalled. (Note: This does not refer to the golden fleet formed by Atanis in the later period, but I really don’t know what the name of the fleet in the early stage of Star Spirit is, so I will call it that)

On one of the motherships of the Golden Fleet, Tasada’s brain-dead fan, Archbishop Atanis, the future star spirit, looked at the huge body that dominated the huge body and couldn’t help but sigh: “This… Is it the leader of the xenomorphs? ”

“Thrandis, lead your troops to our homeland and assist the fighters below to evacuate civilians, quickly!”

“But… I’m leaving, what do you do, mentor, you can’t stop these aliens alone. The female star spirit named Thrandis spoke.

“No…” Atanis shook his head, “You don’t understand, even if you stay, you can’t stop these alien insects, so you must go to El and block the ground forces of the alien insects.” ”

Now there are too few fleets that have been urgently recalled, only hundreds of warships of various types, and the army of hundreds of millions of alien insects in front of you is simply incomparable, and every bug spit can drown the entire fleet, not to mention that people are not here to spit on you.

“I see… Please tutor, you must be careful! Thrandis bowed deeply to him, then turned off communications, and then left the Golden Fleet with dozens of motherships.


Time: 24 hours after the invasion of Al.

In the space in Al’s high-altitude orbit, ripples appeared again, but this time it was not the army of xenomorphs, but the mixed fleet led by Tasada and Lin Ziyun.

After five and a half days of long-distance jumping, they finally came to Al, and during these five days, in addition to Lin Ziyun, an idler, Tasada and Zeratu were both busy and dizzy.

Tasada knew that he might be the last hope for Al and the Star Spirit, so as in the original book, he asked Zeratu for the cultivation method of ghostly energy, and in just five days, he had mastered this new power.

Subsequently, Tasada secretly contacted Lin Ziyun and arranged the aftermath for himself, which neither Zeratu nor Phoenix knew.

“Al… In the end, it fell… Can’t fate be changed after all! Tasada looked at the war-torn Al and covered his chest in pain and said.

“It’s all my fault…” Zeratu said deeply to himself, how he wished he had died at the hands of that human being.

“No, it’s not you who is wrong.” Tasada shook his head, “You did this for Al, for the sake of the race. ”

Tasada looked at him seriously, “If… I am dead, and I hope you will lead the remaining Duram to Sagulas. ”

“Don’t worry, you won’t die, I’ll go if you want to die.” Zeratu also knew the whole thing about the prophecy these days, and he knew what Tasada was going to do.

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