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Time passed day by day, and today was the second week after Sakimori Gakuen declared its independence, and the 77 module on the way to the moon had already traveled about three-quarters.

As time passed, the people in Sakimori Gakuen also discovered a huge problem, that is, their country could not live without leaders.

Because the 77 module has gradually approached the moon, it is natural that there can be no representative when negotiating with the moon, and the leader of the country, that is, the president, or the king, can naturally be the negotiator.

Although Lianfang Xiaolu saw that this student council president has been leading them these days, after all, he is not the real leader of the country, he is just the student council president elected by the students when he was a student.

Now that their student days are over, they naturally can’t listen to him all the time, so they must find someone who can be president.

And the first thing that everyone thought of was the female teacher of Nanami Riyin, after all, people are older than them, and they are also one of the few adults among them, and naturally no one opposes being president.

It is a pity that Nanami Riyin vetoed himself for reasons that he was incompetent.

In the end, there was no way, and many students could only vote again, just like the previous election of student council presidents, after all, this is also fair.


“It’s really noisy outside, what are so many of them doing in the playground?” Louis was lying on the window with a bored face, just in time to see the group of students huddled together to prepare for the election campaign.

“I heard that it was electing the president.” Lin Ziyun lay on the sofa, resting his head on Lax’s soft thigh, holding a PDA in his hand and replied with concern.

“But then again, Xiaojing, didn’t your brother also participate in this presidential election? Aren’t you going to canvass for him? Lin Ziyun’s words immediately focused the eyes of the other women in the room on Lianfang Xiaolujing.

Since Lianfang Xiaolujing came down from the Endless Number, she did not go back, but stayed with Lin Ziyun’s family, and the other women were also very welcome to this newcomer.

“Huh? Is it, since your brother is going to be president, if you do, then aren’t you the first sister of this country? “Chidori wants.

“The country’s first sister? Sounds good. Louis leaned over and couldn’t help but say.

For everyone’s enthusiasm, Lianfang Xiaolujing was a little unaccustomed, after all, in the past few years, she had never talked to so many people at once.

She said shyly: “I, I don’t go to canvass for him, it doesn’t matter to me whether he can be a candidate or not.” ”

“Well~ In fact, even if you go to canvass for your brother, your brother will definitely lose this time.” Lin Ziyun affirmed, no way, he is a person who has watched the anime, although most of the plot, but he has not forgotten, in the end it was the guide Shoko who became the president.

Lin Ziyun put down the PDA in his hand, and then sat up, “Anyway, everyone is idle and bored, why don’t we go out and take a look?” ”

“Wow, wow, wow, it’s quite interesting.” Louis, who had been idle for a long time, immediately spoke.

“I’m not going, it’s almost noon, I still have to cook, and I’ll go to Nanami Riyin’s teacher to pick up Lin Yue later.” Lax shook his head, yes, at this time, Nanami Liyin had become Lin Yue’s new teacher.

A few days ago, Lin Ziyun saw that Qi Hai Liyin had nothing to do recently, so he took the initiative to find her, and then asked her to teach Lin Yue, although she is a teacher of physical education, but in the end, she is still a teacher, and there is still a set of methods for teaching people.

And after Qi Hai Liyin saw Lin Yue, she also liked Lin Yue, so she agreed to Lin Ziyun’s request.

“I’m not going either, I’m also going to stay and help Sister Lax prepare lunch.” Teresa also shook her head and said.

Since she officially became Lin Ziyun’s wife that day, Teresa began to slowly transform into a housewife and began to learn cooking.

(PS: What happened between Teresa and Lin Ziyun is in chapter 166, but unfortunately that chapter I don’t know how it can’t be sent, here to add to you, by the way, chapter 166 I gave up.) )

In the end, only Stella, Louis and Chidori came out with Lin Ziyun, and even Fang Xiaolujing refused, because there were too many people there and it was too lively, and she didn’t like that atmosphere.

By the time the four arrived at the playground, the election had reached the highest part, the final stage.

After layers of elimination, in the end, only the two most popular stood on the podium, they were Guide Shoko and Lianfang Korimi.

The next election did not directly let students vote, but two people engaged in speech canvassing.

To put it bluntly, it is better than a mouth cannon, and whoever has a strong mouth cannon can become president.

Lin Ziyun led the three to the back lawn of the playground and randomly found a relatively clean place to sit.

At this time, the first person to take the stage was naturally to see the student union president in Lianfang Road, only to see him tidy up his clothes, and then walk straight to the podium, holding a thick speech script in his hand.

After taking the stage, Lianfang Xiaolu Limi began his own speech, the content of which was naturally about those old-fashioned nonsense of democracy, freedom, and common progress, in short, some words that often appeared in politics, and Lin Ziyun was stunned when he listened.

The manuscript in this guy’s hand won’t be copied casually from some ancient civilization on the earth, right? Why does it sound so familiar?

Of course, his kind of political words entered the ears of these underage students, it was like listening to a book from heaven, and all the students’ faces were confused.

Ten minutes later, Lianfang Xiaolu finally finished speaking, and the people below began to whisper, and most people still did not understand what he was saying.

And Lianfang Xiaolu on the stage thought that his speech had played a role, with a confident smile on his face, and then he left the stage with an expression of a successful person.

“Hahaha, that fool, it’s not good to copy whom, I have to copy the speech of that ancient civilization, who in the world doesn’t know that the language of that country is the most complex and the most changeable, hahaha is really funny.” Louis smiled while holding his lower abdomen.

Due to the different languages, translating Mandarin into island Chinese, and then speaking it, completely changes the taste, and the meaning is very different.

Even Lin Ziyun next to him couldn’t help but smile, it was really hard to imagine that since this ‘talent’ of him was the brother of the genius Lianfang Xiaolujing. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,

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