Đọc tại sangtacviet.tk

“Xiaojing is indeed a rare genius.” Lin Ziyun, lying on the sofa, used his PDA to browse the donation webpage.

Now less than 24 hours after Lianfang Xiaolujing was borrowed, the numerical value above has exceeded a staggering billion units, and it is still counted in $.

Although I don’t know much about what happened, I heard that Lianfang Xiaolujing hacked into all the PCs and mobile phones in the world before, and then the link to this webpage suddenly increased by more than 4 billion hits, and this 100 million $ appeared at that time.

Of course, it is naturally impossible for a single link to attract so many people to donate, and the reason why there is so much is only because of the videos attached to the page.

When they posted the link, they also made changes to the page, such as adding videos to the page, most of which are about the daily lives of students.

There are also a few videos of Shi Yiqing driving Valvrave One performing, while the rest are videos about UNSC, which are also the most eye-catching videos.

Several military officers at the school were fascinated by UNSC’s equipment and almost whenever they had time, they went to the rear of the school to shoot.

And several times they risked their lives to go outside the 77 module in order to shoot the fleet outside the universe.

And the result did not disappoint them, they successfully filmed the endless fleet at close range, but this matter was directly imprisoned by the guide Shoko after knowing it, as for the video, it was naturally requisitioned by Nan Xiangzi and others and posted on the Internet.

As soon as the video screen came out, it immediately shocked the world, the melon-eating crowd began to watch the excitement on a daily basis, military fans began to analyze the endless fleet through the video screen, and the governments of various countries even copied videos and photos and put them into the national information database.

For the behavior of Guide Xiangzi and others, Lin Ziyun didn’t say anything, anyway, it’s just some insignificant small video screens, and it’s not that no one has filmed it, and his fleet was watched by many media some time ago.

However, what Lin Ziyun and others don’t know is that it is because of these videos that some people with ghosts in their hearts have moved their brains.

Somewhere on Earth, a group of ‘people’ in strange costumes gather around a huge virtual panel and watch the video playing on it.

“It can already be confirmed that they are human beings, not other civilizations from the alien domain.” When the video ended, one of them slowly spoke.

Since the military men filmed the video, they not only filmed the equipment, but also the people in UNSC uniforms, so they knew at a glance whether they were human beings.

“We don’t need you to say this, we also know, let’s discuss how to deal with them first, you must know that they are an extremely unstable factor, this factor is enough to affect our plan, and we should eliminate it as soon as possible.”

Another man also spoke: “Since they are humans, there is no need to worry too much, I believe that those warships should be all their combat strength, we can form a large army, launch a march on them, and win by human sea tactics.” ”

“I agree with the proposal.”

As the saying goes, it’s hard to have two fists, even if the UNSC battleships are powerful, they don’t believe that hundreds of battleships can’t get them.

Moreover, if they win, even if they lose all the warships, they may be able to get the jump engine technology from it.

The most important thing is that with the construction capacity of the current era, it will be possible to re-assemble a fleet of the same size in just a few years, so those warships they have lost.

Then they won’t have to huddle in the solar system all the time.

“Just in case, we can join forces with ARUS, so that the chances of beating them are greater.” Another voice sounded.

“Work with them? I don’t think it’s necessary, and whoever sits again doesn’t know what kind of people ARUS is, maybe one day they will stab us in the back. Someone objected.

“Well~ We have been fighting with them for more than ten years, and we are afraid that they will not succeed? Besides, having them can also reduce our casualties. ”

Of course, he is not really worried about those subordinates, for them, it doesn’t matter how many human beings die, it’s just that those battleships that have been painstakingly assembled are better alive or alive.

“In that case, then vote, please raise your hand if you agree to join forces with ARUS…” shouted a man who knew it was the leader at first glance.

As soon as his words fell, more than half of the people raised their hands, and then the man spoke again: “The minority obeys the majority, and tomorrow I will send someone to negotiate with ARUS, and strive to assemble a fleet as soon as possible and take down that fleet and the 77 module!” ”

As the discussion of that group of ‘people’ ended, 77 mods, which finally won a short peace, were shrouded in a dark cloud of war.

And at this time, Lin Ziyun did not know that there was a force secretly fighting his own idea, but even if he knew, Lin Ziyun would not care too much, after all, the strength of the endless fleet was there.

Hours later.


A loud noise suddenly spread throughout Sakimori Academy, startling Lin Ziyun, who was lying on the sofa, and the PDA in his hand fell to the ground.

“Enemy attack? No, this sound… From the lab? Lin Ziyun also ignored the PDA on the ground. ran directly to the window, and sure enough, he saw a burst of black smoke wafting from the other side of the test site.

Seeing this, the expression on Lin Ziyun’s face changed from nervous to helpless, “What is that Glassman guy doing again.” ”

Since moving the laboratory site here, Glassman’s guy is no longer afraid to blow up the laboratory every three or five, but this explosion seems to be a little powerful, and I don’t know what he is doing.

“I hope there are no casualties.” Having said that, Lin Ziyun was not too worried, because now the shield technology of the Endless Fleet was fully mature, and almost everyone had one.

Among them, the shields of scientific researchers and front-line combatants, who are very dangerous in these positions, are the strongest, and it is estimated that an explosion of this magnitude will not break their shields.

Even if it is broken, it is not afraid, with the medical technology of the current endless fleet, only people are not dead, put them in the medical warehouse to lie for a while, and a few hours later they are alive and jumping around. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,

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