
As soon as he received the order, dozens of Moon Clan powerhouses, as well as soldiers, began to act, and Yue Zun’s eyes flashed, and in order to prevent it, he ordered to the soldiers on the side.

“In order to be afraid of just in case, you can go and send a message to inform that the fortresses of the main border cities, especially those close to the border of the Terrans, once you find these similar eight people, you must catch them, and this respect is rewarded!!”

This powerhouse known as Yuezun is very smart, it can think of almost everything, but it will never think that Hua Yi has the innate spirit treasure brought from the Flood Barren World, hundreds of billions of transformation beads.

Then it was in the border fortress hundreds of millions of miles away from Silver Moon City, Yuehui City.

With a flash of white light on the ancient teleportation array, Hua Yi and the others appeared on it.

And as soon as the people above the teleportation array appeared, countless Moon Clan soldiers immediately surrounded them with blades in hand.

“Stop, don’t move!!”


Upon hearing this, everyone’s faces froze, and the two Terran bigwigs were even ready to riot on the spot.

But at this moment, Hua Yi gave them a slightly stable look, turned his head, and said lightly with the face of a handsome man of the Moon Clan.

“What’s going on!?”

As soon as he saw the silver shining moonlight mark on Hua Yi’s forehead, the commander of the fortress instantly changed his complexion and hurriedly surrendered his hand.

“Repay this lord, Lord Yuezun has a life, all those who come to various fortresses through the teleportation array must undergo strict inspections, and I hope that all the lords will cooperate!”

There was a shining silver moon mark on his forehead, which was a symbol of status and represented the Moon Clan’s royal clan, which was told to him by the two Terran bigwigs.

The average Moon Clan only has an ordinary light-colored moon mark on their foreheads, which is difficult to see without looking closely.

And the more shining the moon on the forehead, the more noble the identity, and only the royal family in the moon family, their moonlight mark is silver.

This, upon hearing this, Hua Yi’s eyes flickered, and he did not show the slightest horse’s feet, but just said lightly.

“Speed, hurry!”


Hearing the consent of the Moon King Clan in front of him, the guard leader breathed a sigh of relief, and then raised his hand and waved.

“Come, check these adults!!”

Soon, dozens of Yue Clan soldiers gathered around, saying that it was an inspection, but in fact it was nothing.

The people of the Moon Clan are born with special talents, and many of them can see through the void.

Although this does not help their cultivation much, it can help them see through the false disguise.

Therefore, most of the Yue Clan Chen Sei Pass, next to the teleportation array, are all such soldiers.

On the foreheads of these Moon Clan soldiers, faint moon marks flashed with brilliance, and then soon after, these soldiers said expressionlessly towards each other’s leaders.

“Lord, they are fine!”

Upon hearing this, the guard leader became more respectful to the Hua Yi in front of him, and the soldier who had the talent to see through the void said that there was no problem, then these were the true Moon Royal Clan in front of him.

The commander of the guard immediately bent down and saluted: “It’s okay, honor your lords, now that the inspection has passed, there is no problem with you waiting, for the inconvenience just now, this commander apologizes on behalf of all the soldiers.” ”

“It’s okay, you guys worked hard!”

Looking at the bent forbidden army leading soldiers, Hua Yi spoke lightly, and then he turned around: “Let’s go!” ”

Hearing this, the two Terran bigwigs present, Sun Saint Son, Jian Wuchen, Gongsun Changhao, Changsun Wujian and Bai Lengxue all followed.

As soon as they left the teleportation array and surrounded by those soldiers, everyone present finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone walked on the streets full of foreign customs, compared to the prosperity and splendor of Silver Moon City, the Moonlight Fortress was more of an atmospheric vigor and barbarism.

“Two seniors, where should we return to the Terrans?”

“Go to the Eastern Fortress, which is closest to the Terran Frontier, as long as we are out of the Eastern Fortress of the Moon Clan, we can fly, and with the strength of our two cultivation, we can bring you back to the Terran territory in less than an hour and a half!”

Three million miles, placed on the earth, some people may have to walk for months or even years, but in the fantasy world, especially the two Terran bigwigs, it is at best half an hour.

The faster the crowd quickens their pace on the streets full of alien customs, in case the night grows and dreams more, so many of these neighborhoods are not available in the Terrans, and it is difficult to see the strange scenery, and there is no time to enjoy it.

Soon, everyone hurried down and finally arrived at the Eastern Fortress, which was not at the most border in the East.

And looking at the scene in front of him, everyone including Hua Yi was slightly shocked on the spot.

In front of him, it is not inferior to the Great Wall of the Terran Starry River, the magnificent Great Wall of the Moon Race.

A spiritual energy cannon equivalent to a king-level powerhouse with an all-out blow, full of barbarism and atmosphere, simple and vicissitudes.

Countless extraterritorial monster beasts and ferocious beasts struck like a tide, just like outside the Great Wall of the Stars.

However, these spiritual energy cannons did not need to be manipulated by the soldiers of the Moon Clan at all, and a Venerable automatically emitted powerful spirit stone beams, each beam was equivalent to the all-out blow of the King Realm powerhouse!

Outside the border pass area, a shocking mushroom cloud exploded, and countless demon beasts and desolate beasts died under these mushroom clouds.

On that towering border wall, countless soldiers of the Moon Clan, controlled by special metal moves, powerful war machines, each of which has the cultivation of the giant realm.

On both sides of the gate of the Eastern Fortress, there is a war mecha more than 50 meters high, and the combat power reaches the realm of the king!!

Looking at everything in front of them, everyone felt bitter in their hearts, sure enough, compared to the Terrans, the Moon Clan had a higher level of civilization and combat power.

But at this moment, looking at everything in front of him, Hua Yi’s eyes flashed, did not hesitate, and walked forward.

Everyone was flabbergasted.

“Little friend, where are you going!?”


“You guys wait here, I’ll go back!”

And Hua Yi just opened his mouth faintly and disappeared into the crowd.

“Ask, including the place where a lot of war machine data is stored, and where war machines are studied.”

“Lord Qiyu, Organ Tower!”

“Take it with you.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Not long after, through inquiries, and the leadership of the local soldiers stationed in the Moon Clan, Hua Yi soon arrived, this fortress stored a lot of border war machine materials, spirit stone cannons, and other important places of scientific research centers, organ towers!

Looking at the towering tower in front of him, Hua Yi’s eyes flickered, and then walked straight forward.

As soon as I entered the tower, it was more than three hours.

Then, in three hours, the door of the organ tower suddenly opened, and countless Yue Clan scientific research researchers all respectfully sent Hua Yi out and kept bowing.

And Hua Yi, expressionlessly, walked out with an ink-colored ring containing countless secrets.

Looking ahead, the corners of Hua Yi’s mouth rose slightly.

Immediately after, the two Terran bigwigs, the Sun Saint Son’s side.

(Early in today’s class, cats and cats give you more yards, this is the first chapter, see if you can code ten chapters today, cats and cats come on meow!) )

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