At this moment, along with the dazzling immortal light, the jade card in the Huayi Space Ring began to flicker more and more, and then, in the blazing eyes of everyone, I thought that the Immortal Ancient Secret Realm that gave birth to immortal seeds was about to open!!!

At this moment, the green grassland was full of people, and countless creatures and Tianjiao were everywhere.

The blue sky and white clouds in the sky are a rare good weather, and the Tianjiao of all ethnic groups are in threes and twos, some in groups of four or five, seven or eight in piles, and a pair of sharp and handsome eyes are full of blazing.

Today is a very important day for all races in the world, all of them are here to obtain immortal seeds.

“Wow, there are so many creatures, more than the creatures who were tricked into the secret realm by us!”

In the green grassland, in the densely intertwined and very noisy group of creatures, Xi Yao flashed with two glowing eyes, bent over the little man’s waist, looked left and right, and was very curious on the phoenix face of the country.

Hua Yi, on the other hand, stood aside, his eyes flashing and expressionless.

However, this time, they were different from when they came just now, and they had completely changed their faces again, and although they were still Terrans, they had greatly reduced the attention around them.

“Sure enough, this time the Underworld and the Moon Wolf Clan are also here, just right, this time the calamity is triggered, let them cushion their backs!”

Looking at everything around, Hua Yi’s eyes flashed, and soon he saw the Underworld and the Moon Wolf Clan in the Tianjiao group, and why did he maintain another picture of the Terran race this time, everything was ready to lead to the scourge of these two races.

It is rare to have hundreds of billions of change beads, how can you not make a big deal, but of course, all this is an afterword.

And at this moment, looking at everything around, Hua Yi said lightly.

“But this time is different from the last time the True Phoenix Secret Realm was opened, because the red jade phoenix card was needed to enter, which indirectly raised the threshold and greatly reduced the number of Tianjiao of all races to enter, and at that time, the Avenue of Heaven and Earth had just changed, and many ancient races were the same as the Phoenix Clan, just awakened or not yet awakened!”

But now it is different, because of time, countless ancient races have awakened, the Tianjiao of all races has been greatly enhanced, and the overall quality has been greatly improved.

In addition to this extraterritorial immortal land can be full of danger, dead can really die, so do not count the number of times, regardless of the number of people, as long as you have the guts.

Therefore, at this moment, there were many Tianjiao of all races who came to participate in the secret realm, and it was also particularly risky.

After all, this is related to the immortal species, which is what the young powerhouses of all races hope to get, and when the time comes, all kinds of raids and robberies, killing each other, can be described as a very cruel experience!

With an immortal seed, you can cultivate a 100% immortal qi and lay down the supreme immortal foundation, so that a fool will not come!

“Okay, follow me, don’t get separated, this trip is full of danger!”

Hua Yi’s eyes flickered, and he instantly knew the risk of this extraterritorial immortal land, and he took Xi Yao through the group of creatures with an expressionless face.

The latter Xi Yao looked left and looked, surrounded by surging heads and a sea of people, but at this moment, suddenly several eyes contracted rapidly! ! !

“Holy Son, look at your Terrans! The Terrans are here too!! ”


At this meeting, among the countless living beings, the various Tianjiao of the Moon Wolf Clan saw Hua Yidu’s pupils shrink, especially the Moon Wolf Saint Son among them, and their faces showed endless hatred.

Its younger brother Wolf Shao was beaten to death by these people, and his body was roasted and eaten!

At this moment, not only Hua Yi saw the Moon Wolf Clan, but also the Moon Wolf Clan saw Hua Yi, and the two looked at each other, which was naked hatred.

But in the next second, Hua Yi looked away, as if he didn’t pay attention to it at all.


“These two abominable Terrans!!!”

Ignored by Hua Yi and Xi Yao, who had changed their appearance, these Moon Wolf Clan people were really angry, and the Moon Wolf Holy Son was even more gloomy.

The weak Terrans of the past dared to ignore them like this, although they lost the battle, but if it were not for the Terrans, why would their Moon Wolf Clan have fallen to such a point!!!

So looking at the figures of those two Terrans, all the Moon Wolf Clan Tianjiao’s eyes involuntarily turned red.

“Holy Son, I didn’t expect the Terrans to come!”

“These damn Terrans!!”

Dozens of Moon Wolf Clan Tianjiao, looking at the figures of Hua Yi and Xi Yao gradually moving away, all gritted their teeth, but did not dare to expose the killing intent against them.

After all, the Terran race is not what it used to be, seven quasi-emperors, tens of thousands of emperors, such a combat power, that is, to change to any kind of big race, that has to be weighed.

The Moon Wolf Clan is not stupid, although they hate, they are also extremely jealous, and this complex psychology of hatred but dare not make a move is really like a thousand cuts! Humiliating!!

However, at this moment, the Wolf Saint Son at the head of it suddenly looked at him!

“Hmph! Don’t think that the Terran race now has seven quasi-emperors, we don’t dare to make a move, don’t forget that once you enter the Immortal Ancient Secret Realm, then no information can be transmitted, and if you kill, you will kill, no one knows!! These Terran Tianjiao are all kings of the realm, and they must be the leaders among the young powerhouses of the Terran race, this time we will find an opportunity to kill them, let the Terrans feel distressed, and shed blood! ”

At this moment, just looking at Hua Yi, the Wolf Saint Son and they had already had killing intent, and they really flew into trouble.

But just when this group of Moon Wolf Clan people were calculating Huayi, Huayi was not calculating them.

“Hehe, interesting, if you are brave, come on!”

At this moment, feeling the secret gazes of several members of the Moon Wolf Clan, Hua Yi’s playful face narrowed slightly.

“Wow, Huayi, you have a smile on your face now, how evil!”

The beautiful Xi Yao tilted her head on the side and complained, and the two walked straight forward.

With the passage of time little by little, more and more Tianjiao came here, and soon the sun was rising, the sky was blue, the breeze was light, and today was a very good weather.

But right here, the entrance to the Extraterrestrial Immortal Land!

At this moment, next to the entrance of the Extraterritorial Immortal Land, the old people of the Cang tribe and countless peerless powerhouses of other foreign races, and the powerhouses of the older generation were gathered here.

The older generation of powerhouses of these races are all monitoring whether the Cang clan will do anything, and come to see the future combat power and heritage of other races.

After all, all kinds of intelligence can be collected in advance to prepare for a war that can break out at any time in the future.

At this moment, the old man of the Cang Clan was holding a jade tablet in his hand, but this piece was different from the one from Hua Yi, and it was a simple Cang Clan script on it, which was the entrance of the Cang Clan to break through the extraterritorial immortal land for a long time.

Just to break through this fairy realm, which has been placed for countless eras, in order to weaken this ninety percent of the entrance to the fairyland, the former Cang Clan has been used for millions of years.

It can be imagined that now that the fruits of victory cannot be swallowed alone, how much the Cang Clan is humiliated in their hearts.

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