I Possessed Iron Man Chapter 106

"Uh, Mr. Stank, I heard that your chief assistant, Miss Pepper, was there that night, and also stopped Hans's industrial board member chief Hans' illegal behavior. No such thing!" The blond reporter with whom he had an affair held out the microphone.

Oh, well-informed, this America Police Department is also leaking.

Ye Qingyang took out a pair of glasses from his pocket and put it on.

"My assistant is dedicated to the people and works hard. She just wants to be an unsung hero. Please don't disturb her private life."

The blonde beauty is in hot pursuit. Reluctant to give up, she can remember the slut humiliated by Pepo that morning

"Then what is your relationship with Miss Virginia Pepo, according to the witnesses at the scene that you are driving an Iron Man Armor took her away."

"Uh, this seems to be a private matter, so it's inconvenient to disclose."

Ye Qingyang cleared his throat

"Is there nothing else to ask, such as the robot injury incident at Hans Industries?"

"Hello, I'm a reporter from Global Daily, and I'd like to ask if Miss Pepper will participate in the event. This year's Super Bowl party?"

Ye Qingyang looked bewildered, what bowl?

"No participation!"

Anything you don't know will be answered in the negative.

"I'm a reporter from BBB. Does Miss Pepper plan to enter Hollywood?"


She is an executive director of a company, going to be an actor?

Is your head okay?

Ye Qingyang smiles

"She won't go anywhere, she will still stay in this company she deeply loves."

"I'm a reporter for playboy daily, will she continue to be an executive at Stark Industries?"

This is bullshit!

"She will still carry out her duties as always!"

"Will she marry you?" asked a big brother with a camera.

Sure enough, gossip is the nature of all human beings!

"No comment!" Ye Qingyang couldn't hold back the smile.

"I heard that she was hospitalized some time ago, can you tell me which hospital it is?" an intern reporter asked.

Ye Qingyang's smile has froze, how long has it been since TM?

Are you a first day reporter?

"She doesn't cough anymore!"

Ye Qingyang waved her hand and ended today's question.

At the end of the press conference, Ye Qingyang sat in the back seat of Audi's Pikes Peak and drove Happy.

"This press conference is really not a human thing, it's more tiring than a fight!" Ye Qingyang pulled the tie around his neck, feeling that he was about to suffocate.

"Hey, Boss, this is the price of your celebrity. You have to be dignitaries in front of you, but you must suffer in the back!" Happy looked forward intently.

"Yo, Happy, you have a good mouth, and you talk a lot." Ye Qingyang took out his cellphone and looked at the news today.

"Isn't everyone who is close to Zhu is red, and those who are close to ink are black, how can I learn a sentence or two from a Boss with such culture and heritage as you every day."

"Happy, I feel that you are becoming more and more good at talking recently, is there anything you want me to do?" Ye Qingyang had been trained at the bottom, and he could hear the voiceover immediately.

"Uh, Boss, it's not a big deal, it's just that the new beauty from our company's legal department hasn't come to work these days?"

Happy pretending to be relaxed , but his fingers tapped the steering wheel unconsciously.

"Beauty from the Legal Department?" Ye Qingyang was taken aback for a moment. He is the board member of a large company and leads the overall situation. Who cares about personnel adjustments in specific departments.

Besides, the company is so big, and the legal department alone has a team of nearly 30 people. Except for the sect master, I have some impressions of the well-dressed old lady with gold wire glasses. Others No one has ever seen it.

"It's the one who attended the Hans Industrial Fair with Miss Pepper that night—" Happy reminded Boss when he didn't speak.

Fuck! Ye Qingyang suddenly came back to his senses, isn't this fat boy talking about Black Widow?

"Is the beauty you're talking about named Natasha Romanoff?"

"It seems to be called that, I wonder how our company recruited a beauty from Maoziguo, this is not Cross-border cooperation." Happy made a joke that wasn't funny.

Ye Qingyang laughed

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