I Possessed Iron Man Chapter 120

"What's the matter, is there something dirty on my face?"

Annie saw Ye Qingyang staring intently at her face, thinking it was just a black Uncle Some disgusting liquid got on it when he pushed and shoved.

"I'm just thinking about a question, are girls who practice dancing so beautiful."

Chapter 76 Hill

Ye Qingyang and the girls After contacting for a long time, my mood has also improved.

No wonder those perverts love little loli, and there really is a way.

"Uncle, you are so good at talking, you must have deceived a lot of girls, right?"

Annie blinked her big eyes and stared at Ye Qingyang curiously.

No way, the whole America was covering this playboy, and before Ye Qingyang crossed over, Tony Stank was changing girlfriends faster than he was changing clothes.

Even the twins didn't last a week.

"Hehe, I'm not cheating, I'm just too charming, girl jumps up desperately when she sees me, if I don't give up my life to feed the tiger, I'm afraid I'll be cold, the whole America girl My heart."

Ye Qingyang looked distressed and shrugged.

“puchi ――”

Annie immediately knew that she had been defeated by Ye Qingyang's cheeky face.

But she didn't know that Ye Qingyang was telling the truth.

Everyone scolds Principal, but everyone wants to be Principal. The ultimate outcome of Dragon Slayer Warrior is to become a dragon.

It's not far from Brooklyn to Annie's house because the house is a suburban villa in Ye Qingyang.

The security system is very good.

"Sir, the total is 35USD." said the black driver.

Ye Qingyang took out a 100 USD Franklin and handed it to him, then stood quietly beside the car.

The black driver was also a little dumbfounded. He thought that someone like Ye Qingyang, who obviously seemed to be rich, would say something

"Don't look for it, the rest of the money will be a tip for you. ."

But Ye Qingyang still looked at him quietly

"What are you doing, hurry up to find money!"

In the end, the black driver looked resentful. Under his gaze, Ye Qingyang took over 65USD, including several steel Gs.

MD, just now you said that I haven't settled with you about my old age!

Although I, Ye Qingyang, have a great degree, who do I score with!

Black Uncle?


"Thank you, Mr. Stank." Annie stood at the door of the villa and sincerely thanked Ye Qingyang.

If Ye Qingyang hadn't appeared in time, what happened to him tonight would have been especially tragic.

"It's my honor." Ye Qingyang pulled up your hand and kissed it

"But I still want to remind you, don't go there at night in the future It's a remote place, not every time a Knight comes."

"I see, thank you Uncle."

Annie stood on tiptoe, wet lips on Ye Qingyang's face A light kiss.

"Good night."

"Good night."

Ye Qingyang watched Annie go home, but he did not go in to disturb Yinsen's wife.

In the middle of the night, a male and a female together alone is not always good.

Ye Qingyang put down the suitcase in his hand, and the Mark III mecha was dressed in an instant, and the flames flew into the sky.

Annie stood in her boudoir and watched Ye Qingyang leave through the window.

Ye Qingyang, who left, did not go home, because the home is no longer so warm.

"Paul, help me search for Pandya



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