I Possessed Iron Man Chapter 366

The location of Ye Qingyang's secret villa is not a secret in SHIELD. As long as it is in the continent of America, there is no secret that can be hidden from SHIELD.

Steve Rogers has been staying in the old boxing gym since he returned from Caspian Camp, and only constant training can make him temporarily forget the painful memory of being frozen.

Hill found him and told him that Loki was taking a Mutants squad to Ye Qingyang's villa to snatch the Tesseract. Steve Rogers didn't say a word and put on the uniform that SHIELD prepared for him. Also brought a shield with a five-pointed star on its side.

This shield was made and presented to him by Howard Stank.

Captain's Shield is a smooth, disc-shaped round shield with perfect aerodynamics. It moves through the air with minimal wind resistance and ensures that the throwing line does not deviate. The shield is also super tough, which, combined with its natural concentric stiffness, makes it the perfect projectile, losing minimal angular momentum in contact with a solid object. After long-term training, the user can throw the shield to penetrate the target, or control the shield to return to the user's hand after multiple rebounds.

Its material is primordial Adamantium (P


tium), and its specific composition is Vibranium (Vib


ium), iron and a certain chemical composition, almost invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, resistant to extreme pressure, extreme temperature, radiation, electromagnetic spectrum and other attacks. A known way to disrupt it is through "molecular rearrangers" to tamper with how its molecules are connected.

The shield's exterior paint is similar to the American flag, consisting of red (symbolizing courage), white (symbolizing truth) and blue (symbolizing justice), with a white five-pointed star in the middle.

Looking at this brand-new shield, Steve Rogers only felt that the heroic spirit of the year had returned to himself. He solemnly took the shield and stroked the smooth surface of the shield cautiously. , From the cold touch of the shield, he seemed to hear the golden iron horse, the bloody battlefield, and remembered the glorious deeds of when he sneaked into Hydra's secret base by himself, and then rescued more than 1,000 America soldiers.

Steve Rogers didn't linger too much, he looked at Hill's delicate face and said

"Time, place, how many people are there, how many people are there in our squad?"

Hill was also stunned when he looked at the fully armed Steve. Anyone who saw the perfect western face of the American team, coupled with Kong Wu's powerful and well-proportioned muscles, would be fascinated by it.

Actually, what is so attractive about Captain America is his spirit on the one hand, and his physical charm on the other hand.

Chapter 280 Crossbones

If the US team's body is replaced by Zola's, it is estimated that not many people are willing to follow.

This point is universal, no matter ancient or modern, Chinese and foreign, such as Xiang Yu and Liu Bang of the ancient Han Dynasty, each of them is a natural phenomenon, also Liu Bei with his hands over his knees, the blue-eyed son Sun Quan, and even Hong Martial Sovereign Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang also had odd bones, wide and long chin, thick earlobes, phoenix eyes, and a quasi-hypertrophic nose.

It seems that if these people weren't grotesquely shaped, they wouldn't be emperors or major events.

"Agent Hill?"

Hearing Steve's voice, Hill woke up from the nympho, she secretly scolded herself for being led by the bad person Ye Qingyang, Think about men every day.

"This Quest is very simple, stop Loki from taking the space gem, if possible, better catch him, after all Chitauri's attack destination we don't know, if it can be interrogated from his mouth , then it's better."

Steve Rogers nods, he suddenly remembered that Zuola doctor is still in Ye Qingyang's hands, so he said"Then if you bring the Tesseract with you How about coming back?"

Hill hearing this, his eyes lit up, and said

"That's the best, Tesseract was tricked by that guy Tony Stank, This time is just a chance, and I'm sure Director Fury will agree."

Steve Rogers said with a smile

"just to my liking, I don't think that Tony Stank is a good guy anyway. , there are always some bizarre ideas, and I don't feel relieved that Tesseract is in the hands of such people."

Hill patted his hands and said

"In this case, It's not too late, let's get going."

Hearing that Hill was going, Steve Rogers frowned said

"Why, are you going too?"

He See Hill is slender, doesn't look like a trained person, this kind of beautiful woman can be a vase, but if it's on the battlefield, forget it, not everyone can not love red clothes like their Goddess Agent Carter armed.

Hill glanced at him and said

"didn't expect our Captain to be a straight man, tell you, I'm a Level 9 Agent of SHIELD, and I'll give it to you for this action. You go over, if you can't do anything, you should retreat earlier."

Steve Rogers gave her a surprised look, and did not continue to persuade. It's someone else's business if they don't listen. After all, I'm alone now, and I'm soft-spoken. Although everyone calls me Captain for their own sake, Rogers has self-awareness.

The times have changed, and the Qing Dynasty has perished. If you want to make a career in this era, you must form your own team!

On this point, the ideas of Steve Rogers and Ye Qingyang coincide.

Both of them are leaders, and both have strong individualism. As the so-called a real man is born between Heaven and Earth, how can he live in a melancholy manner for a long time!

Perhaps, this is the reason why Steve and Iron Man have been provoking conflicts and cannot coexist peacefully, as the saying goes one mountain can't be shared by two tigers, one team can't have two voices, just The so-called two tigers fight must be wounded, and it is not difficult to understand why there is the Sokovia Accords incident in Captain America 3.

Hill is driving the Aegis No. 1 Quinjet developed by SHIELD using the technology of Stark Group. Compared with the one of Ye Qingyang, this Aegis No. 1 has been improved in defense and manned. , thus giving up the comfort that Ye Qingyang pursued and some flashy things.

For example, home theaters, food cabinets, wine cabinets, and even Ye Qingyang is equipped with a foldable sofa bed. When Hill saw his design, what came to his mind was the guy Ye Qingyang estimated. Think of an air gun room.

This time, the quick reaction force led by Brock Rumlow is the most elite special force in SHIELD. It is specially used to deal with some more difficult and complicated cases. Nick Fury.

Steve Rogers came up to a few people and didn't say much, just to them nodded, men's army, punched with fists, no matter how famous you are, trying to convince them , let's fight first!

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