I Possessed Iron Man Chapter 65

"I want all sentient beings to understand what I mean!"

"I want that America! Germany! All disappeared!"

"shua~ shua~ shua~ shua~ shua! ”

Ivan kept walking, the lightning whip in his hand hit Ye Qingyang five times in a row, if not for the flash, Ye Qingyang's Combat Armor is now riddled with holes.

"It turned out to be the legendary lightning five whips?" Ye Qingyang exclaimed

"It turns out that what Master Ma said is true, he didn't lie!"


"Ivan, I don't want to kill you, I hope you can use the juice!" Ye Qingyang flashed again, dodging Master Ivan's lightning whip.

"hmph, you don't need to be a good person! Tell you, I'm not kneading the dough, and at the last stroke, you have to use all your strength!" Ivan didn't appreciate it, the whip in his hand was like flamboyant.

Ye Qingyang's energy cannon didn't work on him at all.

Ivan has a toothpick in his mouth, face looks sinister.

"You die for me! Don't run away if you have the ability!"

"shua -- brush -- brush --"

Ivan's whip hit the railing , the iron railings were instantly blown.

The whip hit the concrete floor, and it instantly smashed a big black hole.

If you touch people, you will die if you touch them, and you will die if you touch them.

A steel pipe thrown by Ivan Master's whip fell from the sky, inserted into his chest, and nailed firmly to the ground.

The people behind didn't know what happened, and suddenly applauded.

Seeing the dead, Ye Qingyang didn't hold back any more. All kinds of cannonballs on the mecha were thrown at Ivan as if they didn't want money, and Ivan, who was holding double whips, also practiced three-nine in winter and summer in summer. He practiced dogfights, and he has also cultivated his skills in street fighting all the year round.

The water in the long whip dance in his hand can't be splashed, and the whole person is not retreating but advancing, making it clear that he wants to fight Ye Qingyang in close combat.

His suit was developed after watching Ye Qingyang's battle with Hulk and Abomination. It relies on the Arc Reactor, which is homologous to Ye Qingyang's Combat Armor, as the core. The material is more tenacious than titanium alloy. New elements, at this time he pressed step by step, not giving Ye Qingyang a chance to breathe.

Seeing that Ye Qingyang couldn't dodge in time, he simply blocked his right arm, but he didn't expect Ivan's whip to wrap Ye Qingyang's arm instantly, Ye Qingyang was suddenly pulled down from the air.

"Warning, warning, the energy has dropped sharply, the power is less than 19%!"

"It can still absorb the energy of mecha!" Ye Qingyang turned pale in fright, this Ivan As expected of the legacy of Anton Wan Nick's Legacy, he actually recharged and released the energy transformed by the lightning whip. If this is placed in the wuxia novel, the proper Great Star Absorption Art.

Ye Qingyang also launched a ruthless, no longer dodging, the same with both hands, grabbed the long whip, and then turned around and took the opportunity to approach Yinsen.

Hulk lineage and Golden Bell Cover launched at the same time, but Ye Qingyang was still not feeling well.

Golden Bell Cover is able to resist a knife and axe, but it can't resist the stimulation of electric current!

The feeling of being continuously stimulated by a small electric shocker with a lighter is too sour.

"You die for me!"

Ye Qingyang didn't care about Reward or not, and threw it hard. Hulk's huge energy threw Ivan directly from the ground to a dozen meters away in the stands!


Ivan slammed into the concrete steps of the stands fiercely,

“pu ——”

A mouthful of blood spewed out of Ivan's mouth, both arms slumped to the ground, apparently seriously injured.

Ye Qingyang walked over and took off the small Arc Reactor from his chest.

"It's over!" Ye Qingyang was about to crush it with force.


Arc Reactor suddenly exploded, blowing Ye Qingyang upside down.

"cough cough cough ――" Even with Hulk's fighting ability, Ye Qingyang couldn't help but feel a tightness in his chest.

Chapter 41 Love is a Light

"Stank, Tony!" Betty Ross hurried over and helped Ye Qingyang up.

At this time, Ye Qingyang was also extremely miserable, and the Combat Armor on his body was already tattered and sparks were scattered.

"Paul, release!"

Ye Qingyang gave the order.

A tattered Iron Man Armor fell.

Ye Qingyang buried his head in Betty's chest weakly, seeking comfort.

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